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Last Updated:Jan 22, 2024

If you want to convert a string into a map for query and report generation, you can use the STR_TO_MAP function of MaxCompute. This function splits a string into key-value pairs by using delimiter1 and then separates keys from values in the key-value pairs by using delimiter2. This topic describes how to use the STR_TO_MAP function to convert a string into a map in MaxCompute.


str_to_map([string <mapDupKeyPolicy>,] <text> [, <delimiter1> [, <delimiter2>]])


  • mapDupKeyPolicy: optional. A value of the STRING type. This parameter specifies the method that is used to process duplicate keys. Valid values:

    • exception: An error is returned.

    • last_win: The latter key overwrites the former key.


    The behavior implementation of MaxCompute is determined based on mapDupKeyPolicy. If you do not specify mapDupKeyPolicy, the value of is used.

  • text: required. This parameter specifies the string that you want to split, which is of the STRING type.

  • delimiter1: optional. This parameter specifies a delimiter of the STRING type. If no value is specified for this parameter, a comma (,) is used.

  • delimiter2: optional. This parameter specifies a delimiter of the STRING type. If no value is specified for this parameter, an equal sign (=) is used.


    If the delimiter is a regular expression or special character, you must add two backslashes (\) before the delimiter for escaping. The following special characters can be used as a delimiter: . ? + * :

Return value

A value of the MAP<STRING, STRING> type is returned. The return value indicates that the string specified by text is split by using delimiter1 and delimiter2.


-- The return value is {test1:1, test2:2}. 
SELECT str_to_map('test1&1-test2&2','-','&');

-- The return value is {test1:1, test2:2}. 
SELECT str_to_map("test1.1,test2.2", ",", "\\.");

-- The return value is {test1:1, test2:3}. 
SELECT str_to_map("test1.1,test2.2,test2.3", ",", "\\.");

Related functions

For more information, see Other functions.