This topic describes how to configure Spark 1.x dependencies and provides some examples.

Configure dependencies for Spark 1.x

If you want to submit your Spark 1.x application by using Spark on MaxCompute, you must add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file.
In the preceding code, set the scope parameter based on the following instructions:
  • Set it to provided for all packages that are released in the Apache Spark community, such as spark-core and spark-sql.
  • Set it to compile for the odps-spark-datasource module.

WordCount example (Scala)

  • Sample code


  • How to commit
    cd /path/to/MaxCompute-Spark/spark-1.x
    mvn clean package
    # For more information about how to configure the environment variables in the spark-defaults.conf file, see Set up a Spark on MaxCompute development environment. 
    cd $SPARK_HOME
    bin/spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --class com.aliyun.odps.spark.examples.WordCount \

Example of reading data from or writing data to a MaxCompute table (Scala)

  • Sample code


  • How to commit
    cd /path/to/MaxCompute-Spark/spark-1.x
    mvn clean package
    # For more information about how to configure the environment variables in the spark-defaults.conf file, see Set up a Spark on MaxCompute development environment. 
    cd $SPARK_HOME
    bin/spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --class com.aliyun.odps.spark.examples.sparksql.SparkSQL \

Example of reading data from or writing data to a MaxCompute table (Python)

For more information about the Python sample code for reading data from or writing data to a MaxCompute table, see

Example of reading data from or writing data to a MaxCompute table (Java)

For more information about the Java sample code for reading data from or writing data to a MaxCompute table, see