Permission-related command set

Updated at: 2024-04-02 07:05

This topic describes a set of permission-related commands in MaxCompute projects, including commands for user management, role management, role authorization, user authorization, and permission query.

Commands for role management

  • Create a project-level role

    • Syntax

      create role <role_name> [privilegeproperties("type"="admin|resource")];
    • Example

      • Create a resource role named Worker. Sample statement:

        create role Worker;
      • Create an administrator role named sale_admin. Sample statement:

         create role sale_admin privilegeproperties("type"="admin");
  • Query project-level roles

    list roles;
  • Drop a project-level role

    • Syntax

      drop role <role_name>;
    • Example

      drop role Worker;

Commands for user management

Commands for role authorization

  • Grant the operation permissions on an object to a role

    • Grant permissions on a specified project to a role

      • Syntax

        • ACL-based access control

          grant Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All 
                on project <project_name> 
                to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
        • Policy-based access control by using the ACL syntax

          grant Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All 
                on project <project_name> 
                to ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}"[, "conditions"= "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>"]);
      • Example

        -- Perform ACL-based access control. 
        grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a to ROLE Worker;
        -- Perform policy-based access control. 
        grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List 
              on project test_project_a  
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • Grant permissions on a specified table to a role

      • Syntax

        • ACL-based access control

          grant Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All 
                on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] 
                to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
        • Policy-based access control by using the ACL syntax

          grant Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All 
                on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] 
                to ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}"[, "conditions"= "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>"]);
      • Example

        -- Perform ACL-based access control. 
        grant Describe, Select on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
        -- Perform policy-based access control. 
        grant Describe, Select  
              on table sale_detail   
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • Grant permissions on a specified resource to a role

      • Syntax

        • ACL-based access control

          grant Read|Write|Delete|All 
                on resource <resource_name> 
                to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
        • Policy-based access control by using the ACL syntax

          grant Read|Write|Delete|All 
                on resource <resource_name> 
                to ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}"[, "conditions"= "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>"]);
      • Example

        -- Perform ACL-based access control. 
        grant Read, Write on resource udtf.jar to ROLE Worker;
        -- Perform policy-based access control. 
        grant Read, Write   
              on resource udtf.jar  
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • Grant permissions on a specified function to a role

      • Syntax

        grant Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All 
              on function <function_name> 
              to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
      • Example

        -- Perform ACL-based access control. 
        grant Read, Write on function udf_test to ROLE Worker;
        -- Perform policy-based access control. 
        grant Read, Write   
              on function udf_test  
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • Grant permissions on a specified instance to a role

      • Syntax

        • ACL-based access control

          grant Read|Write|All 
                on instance <instance_id> 
                to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
        • Policy-based access control by using the ACL syntax

          grant Read|Write|All  
                on instance <instance_id>   
                to ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}"[, "conditions"= "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>"]);
      • Example

        -- Perform ACL-based access control. 
        grant All on instance 202112300224**** to ROLE Worker;
        -- Perform policy-based access control. 
        grant All    
              on instance 202112300224****   
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
  • Revoke the operation permissions on an object from a role

    • Revoke permissions on a specified project from a role

      • Syntax

        • Revoke the operation permissions that are granted by using the ACL-based access control method from a role

          revoke Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All 
                on project <project_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name>;
        • Revoke the operation permissions that are granted by using the policy-based access control method from a role

          revoke Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All 
                on project <project_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • Example

        -- Revoke ACL-based access control. 
        revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a from ROLE Worker;
        -- Revoke policy-based access control. 
        revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List 
              on project test_project_a  
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • Revoke permissions on a specified table from a role

      • Syntax

        • Revoke the operation permissions that are granted by using the ACL-based access control method from a role

          revoke Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All 
                on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] 
                from ROLE <role_name>;
        • Revoke the operation permissions that are granted by using the policy-based access control method from a role

          revoke Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All 
                on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] 
                from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • Example

        -- Revoke ACL-based access control. 
        revoke Describe, Select on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
        -- Revoke policy-based access control. 
        revoke Describe, Select  
              on table sale_detail   
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • Revoke permissions on a specified resource from a role

      • Syntax

        • Revoke the operation permissions that are granted by using the ACL-based access control method from a role

          revoke Read|Write|Delete|All 
                on resource <resource_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name>;
        • Revoke the operation permissions that are granted by using the policy-based access control method from a role

          revoke Read|Write|Delete|All 
                on resource <resource_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • Example

        -- Revoke ACL-based access control. 
        revoke Read, Write on resource udtf.jar from ROLE Worker;
        -- Revoke policy-based access control. 
        revoke Read, Write   
              on resource udtf.jar  
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • Revoke permissions on a specified function from a role

      • Syntax

        • Revoke the operation permissions that are granted by using the ACL-based access control method from a role

          revoke Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All 
                on function <function_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name>;
        • Revoke the operation permissions that are granted by using the policy-based access control method from a role

          revoke Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All 
                on function <function_name>  
                from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • Example

        -- Revoke ACL-based access control. 
        revoke Read, Write on function udf_test from ROLE Worker;
        -- Revoke policy-based access control. 
        revoke Read, Write   
              on function udf_test  
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • Revoke permissions on a specified instance from a role

      • Syntax

        revoke Read|Write|All  
              on instance <instance_id>   
              from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • Example

        -- Revoke ACL-based access control. 
        revoke All on instance 202112300224**** from ROLE Worker;
        -- Revoke policy-based access control. 
        revoke All    
              on instance 202112300224****   
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
  • Grant the Download permission to a role

    • Syntax

      grant Download on {Table|Resource|Function|Instance} <object_name> to ROLE <role_name>;
    • Example

      grant download on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
  • Revoke the Download permission from a role

    • Syntax

      revoke Download on {Table|Resource|Function|Instance} <object_name> from ROLE <role_name>;
    • Example

      revoke download on table sale_detail from ROLE Worker;
  • Grant the access permissions on data that has a high sensitivity level to a role

    • Syntax

      grant Label <number> on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] to ROLE <role_name> [with exp <days>];
    • Example

      grant Label 4 on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
  • Revoke the access permissions on data that has a high sensitivity level from a role

    • Syntax

      revoke Label on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] from ROLE <role_name>;
    • Example

      revoke Label on table sale_detail from ROLE Worker;
  • Assign a role to a user

    • Syntax

      grant <role_name> to <user_name>;
    • Example

      grant Worker to ALIYUN$;
      grant Worker to RAM$;
  • Revoke a role from a user

    • Syntax

      revoke <role_name> from <user_name>;
    • Example

      revoke Worker from ALIYUN$;
      revoke Worker from RAM$;

Commands for user authorization

  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Grant permissions on a specified project to a user

      • Syntax

        grant Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All
              on project <project_name>
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>",
      • Example

        grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a to user RAM$;
    • Grant permissions on a specified table to a user

      • Syntax

        grant Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All
              on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)]
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>"
      • Example

        grant Describe, Select on table sale_detail to USER RAM$;
    • Grant permissions on a specified resource to a user

      • Syntax

        grant Read|Write|Delete|All
              on resource <resource_name>
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>",
      • Example

        grant Read, Write on resource udtf.jar to USER RAM$;
    • Grant permissions on a specified function to a user

      • Syntax

        grant Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All
              on function <function_name>
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>"
      • Example

        grant Read, Write on function udf_test to USER RAM$;
    • Grant permissions on a specified instance to a user

      • Syntax

        grant Read|Write|All
              on instance <instance_id>
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>"
      • Example

        grant All on instance 202112300224**** to USER RAM$;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Revoke permissions on a specified project from a user

      • Syntax

        revoke Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All
              on project <project_name>
              from USER <user_name>;
      • Example

        revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a from user RAM$;
    • Revoke permissions on a specified table from a user

      • Syntax

        revoke Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All
              on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)]
              from USER <user_name>;
      • Example

        revoke Describe, Select on table sale_detail from USER RAM$;
    • Revoke permissions on a specified resource from a user

      • Syntax

        revoke Read|Write|Delete|All
              on resource <resource_name>
              from USER <user_name>;
      • Example

        revoke Read, Write on resource udtf.jar from USER RAM$;
    • Revoke permissions on a specified function from a user

      • Syntax

        revoke Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All
              on function <function_name>
              from USER <user_name>;
      • Example

        revoke Read, Write on function udf_test from USER RAM$;
    • Revoke permissions on a specified instance from a user

      • Syntax

        revoke Read|Write|All
              on instance <instance_id>
              from USER <user_name>;
      • Example

        revoke All on instance 202112300224**** from USER RAM$;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Syntax

      For more information, see Grant permissions on an object to a role and Assign a role to a user.

    • Example

      -- Grant permissions to the Worker role. 
         -- Perform ACL-based access control. 
      grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a to ROLE Worker;
         -- Perform policy-based access control. 
      grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List 
            on project test_project_a  
            to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
      -- Assign the Worker role to specified users. 
      grant Worker to RAM$;
      grant Worker to RAM$;
      grant Worker to RAM$;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Syntax

      For more information, see Revoke permissions on a specified object from a role or Revoke a role from a user.

    • Example

      -- Revoke the permissions from the Worker role. 
         -- Revoke ACL-based access control. 
      revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a from ROLE Worker;
         -- Revoke policy-based access control. 
      revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List 
            on project test_project_a  
            from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
      -- Or
      -- Revoke the Worker role that is assigned to a specified user. 
      revoke Worker from RAM$;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Syntax

      grant Download on {Table|Resource|Function|Instance} <object_name> to USER <user_name>;
    • Example

      grant Download on table sale_detail to USER RAM$;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Syntax

      revoke Download on {Table|Resource|Function|Instance} <object_name> from USER <user_name>;
    • Example

      revoke Download on table sale_detail from USER RAM$;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Syntax

      For more information, see Grant the Download permission to a role and Assign a role to a user.

    • Example

      -- Create a role named Worker in the project. 
      create role Worker;
      -- Grant permissions to the Worker role. 
      grant download on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
      -- Assign the Worker role to specified users. 
      grant Worker to RAM$;
      grant Worker to RAM$;
      grant Worker to RAM$;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Syntax

      grant Label <number> on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] to USER <user_name> [with exp <days>];
    • Example

      grant Label 4 on table sale_detail to USER RAM$;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

    • Syntax

      revoke Label on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] from USER <user_name>;
    • Example

      revoke Label on table sale_detail from ROLE Worker;
  • Manage user permissions by using commands

  • Manage user permissions by using commands

  • Completely delete the residual permission information about a removed user

    • Syntax

      purge privs from user <user_name>;
    • Example

      purge privs from user RAM$;

Commands for querying permission information

Query the permissions of a specified role and information about the users that are assigned the role

For more information, see Query the permissions of a specified role and information about the users that are assigned the role.

  • Syntax

    describe role <role_name>;
  • Example

    describe role Worker;

Query the permission information of a user

Query the ACL-based permissions on an object

For more information, see Query the ACL-based permissions on a specified object.

  • Syntax

    show acl for <object_name> [on type <object_type>];
  • Example

    show acl for test_project_a on type project;

Query label-related permission information

Commands for querying package authorization information

  • Query the permissions on a specified package

    • Syntax

      show acl for <project_name>.<package_name> on type package;
    • Example

      show acl for test_project_b.datashare on type package;
  • Query the permissions on an object in a specified package

    • Syntax

      show grants on <object_type> <object_name> privilegeproperties ("refobject"="true", "refproject"="<project_name>", "package"="<package
    • Example

      show grants on Table sale_detail privilegeproperties ("refobject"="true", "refproject"="test_project_a", "package"="datashare");
  • Query the label-based permissions on a table in a specified package

    • Syntax

      show label grants on table <table_name> privilegeproperties ("refobject"="true", "refproject"="<project_name>", "package"="<package_name>");
    • Example

      show label grants on table sale_detail privilegeproperties ("refobject"="true", "refproject"="test_project_a", "package"="datashare");

Commands for viewing security configurations of a project

  • Check the setting of project data protection

    • Enable or disable project data protection

      set ProjectProtection=true|false;
    • View the security configurations of a project

      show SecurityConfiguration;

      If the returned result contains ProjectProtection=true, project data protection is enabled for the project. If the returned result contains ProjectProtection=false, project data protection is disabled for the project.

  • View trusted projects that have been added

    list trustedprojects;
  • Check the setting of label-based access control

    • Enable or disable label-based access control

      set LabelSecurity=true|false;
    • View the security configurations of a project

      show SecurityConfiguration;

      If the returned result contains LabelSecurity=true, label-based access control is enabled for the project. If the returned result contains LabelSecurity=false, label-based access control is disabled for the project.

  • View the download control feature

    • Enable or disable the download control feature

    • View the properties of a project


      If the returned result contains, the download control feature is enabled for the project. If the returned result contains, the download control feature is disabled for the project.

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Commands for role management
  • Commands for user management
  • Commands for role authorization
  • Commands for user authorization
  • Commands for querying permission information
  • Query the permissions of a specified role and information about the users that are assigned the role
  • Query the permission information of a user
  • Query the ACL-based permissions on an object
  • Query label-related permission information
  • Commands for querying package authorization information
  • Commands for viewing security configurations of a project