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Last Updated:Jul 24, 2023

Returns all values in Map a as an array.


array<V> map_values(map<K, V> <a>)


a: required. This parameter specifies a map. K and V in map<K, V> specify the keys and values of a map.

Return value

A value of the ARRAY type is returned. If the input map is null, null is returned.


Return all keys in a map based on the data in the t_table_map table that contains the c1 (BIGINT) and t_map (MAP<STRING,BIGINT>) columns. Data in the table:

| c1         | t_map |
| 1000       | {k11:86, k21:15} |
| 1001       | {k12:97, k22:2} |
| 1002       | {k13:99, k23:1} |

Sample statement:

-- Return values in the t_map column as an array. 
select c1,map_values(t_map) from t_table_map;
-- The following result is returned: 
| c1         | _c1  |
| 1000       | [86, 15] |
| 1001       | [97, 2] |
| 1002       | [99, 1] |

Related functions

MAP_VALUES is a complex type function. For more information about the functions that are used to process data of complex data types, such as ARRAY, MAP, STRUCT, and JSON, see Complex type functions.