This topic describes how to install the basic platform IntelliJ IDEA of MaxCompute
Studio. MaxCompute Studio is a plug-in that runs on IntelliJ IDEA.
IntelliJ IDEA can be installed on the Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
For more information about requirements on hardware and operating systems, see
Requirements for IntelliJ IDEA.
- Click IntelliJ IDEA to download IntelliJ IDEA based on your operating system, such as Windows, macOS,
or Linux. The Windows operating system is used in the following example, and supports
IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 or later.
Note IntelliJ IDEA includes PyCharm Edition, Ultimate Edition, and free Community Edition.
- After IntelliJ IDEA is downloaded, double-click the installer to start the setup
wizard, and click Next.
- Specify the destination folder and click Next.
- Select your operating system and click Next.
- Click Install.
- After IntelliJ IDEA is installed, click Finish.
What to do next
Install MaxCompute Studio. For more information, see Installation procedure.