Deletes an existing function. You can call the delete_function() method of a MaxCompute entry object to delete a user-defined function (UDF). You can also use a function object to call the drop() method to delete a UDF.
function.drop() # Call the drop() method if the function exists.
Related statements
- FUNCTION: If you do not need to store SQL functions in the metadata system of MaxCompute, you can create temporary SQL functions. These functions apply only to the current SQL script.
- CREATE FUNCTION: Creates a function. You can call the create_function() method of a MaxCompute entry object to create a UDF.
- DROP FUNCTION: Drops an existing UDF from a MaxCompute project.
- DESC FUNCTION: Views the information of a specified UDF in a MaxCompute project. The information includes the name, owner, creation time, class name, and resource list of the UDF.
- LIST FUNCTIONS: Views the information of all UDFs in a MaxCompute project.
- UPDATE FUNCTION: Updates a function. You can call the update() method of MaxCompute to update a UDF.