List of operations by function

Updated at: 2025-02-17 06:09
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Quota Management

ListQuotasListQuotasQueries quotas.
GetQuotaGetQuotaObtains the information about a specified level-1 quota.
Compute QuotaCompute Quota
CreateComputeQuotaPlanCreateComputeQuotaPlanCreates a quota plan.
UpdateComputeSubQuotaUpdateComputeSubQuotaUpdates the basic configuration of a quota. For example, you can call this operation to add or delete a level-2 quota, modify the basic attributes of a level-2 quota, and modify the configuration of compute units (CUs) for a quota plan that is in effect.
GetComputeQuotaPlanGetComputeQuotaPlanQueries the details of a quota plan.
ListComputeQuotaPlanListComputeQuotaPlanQueries a list of quota plans.
UpdateComputeQuotaPlanUpdateComputeQuotaPlanUpdates the information about a quota plan.
DeleteComputeQuotaPlanDeleteComputeQuotaPlanDeletes a MaxCompute quota plan.
ApplyComputeQuotaPlanApplyComputeQuotaPlanApplies a quota plan.
GetComputeQuotaScheduleGetComputeQuotaScheduleQueries the information about a time plan for a computing quota.
UpdateComputeQuotaScheduleUpdateComputeQuotaScheduleUpdate the time-based plan for computing quota.
GetComputeEffectivePlanGetComputeEffectivePlanQueries the details of the quota plan that is in effect.
Tunnel QuotaTunnel Quota
ListTunnelQuotaTimerListTunnelQuotaTimerDisplays the time-specific configuration of an exclusive resource group for Tunnel (referred to as Tunnel quota).
UpdateTunnelQuotaTimerUpdateTunnelQuotaTimerUpdates the time-specific configuration of an exclusive resource group for Tunnel (referred to as Tunnel quota).
Compute Quota(Old version, not recommended)Compute Quota(Old version, not recommended)
CreateQuotaPlanCreateQuotaPlanCreates a quota plan.
GetQuotaPlanGetQuotaPlanObtains the information of a quota plan.
UpdateQuotaPlanUpdateQuotaPlanUpdates a quota plan.
ListQuotasPlansListQuotasPlansObtains quota plans.
DeleteQuotaPlanDeleteQuotaPlanDeletes a quota plan.
UpdateQuotaScheduleUpdateQuotaScheduleUpdates the scheduling plan for a quota plan.
GetQuotaScheduleGetQuotaScheduleObtains the scheduling plan for a quota plan.

Project Management

Basic Management (Project)Basic Management (Project)
CreateProjectCreateProjectCreates a MaxCompute project.
ListProjectsListProjectsQueries a list of MaxCompute projects.
GetProjectGetProjectQueries the information about a MaxCompute project.
UpdateProjectBasicMetaUpdateProjectBasicMetaModifies the basic information about a project.
UpdateProjectDefaultQuotaUpdateProjectDefaultQuotaUpdates the default computing quota of a project.
UpdateProjectIpWhiteListUpdateProjectIpWhiteListModifies the IP address whitelist of a MaxCompute project.
GetTrustedProjectsGetTrustedProjectsObtains the trusted projects of the current project.
Role PermissionsRole Permissions
ListProjectUsersListProjectUsersQueries a list of users in a project.
CreateRoleCreateRoleCreates a role at the MaxCompute project level.
ListRolesListRolesObtains MaxCompute project-level roles.
GetRoleAclGetRoleAclObtains the ACL-based permissions that is granted to a project-level role.
GetRoleAclOnObjectGetRoleAclOnObjectObtains ACL-based permissions on an object that are granted to a project-level role.
GetRolePolicyGetRolePolicyObtains the policy that is attached to a project-level role.
ListUsersByRoleListUsersByRoleObtains information about the users who are assigned a project-level role.
ListPackagesListPackagesQueries the packages in a MaxCompute project.
UpdatePackageUpdatePackageUpdates the objects in a package and projects in which the package can be installed.
CreatePackageCreatePackageCreates a package.
GetPackageGetPackageObtains the information about a package.
ListTablesListTablesObtains tables in a MaxCompute project.
GetTableInfoGetTableInfoViews the information about MaxCompute internal tables, views, external tables, clustered tables, or transactional tables.
ListFunctionsListFunctionsObtains functions in a MaxCompute project.
ListResourcesListResourcesObtains resources in a MaxCompute project.

Tenant Management

ListUsersListUsersObtains users in a MaxCompute project.

Resource Observation

GetQuotaUsageGetQuotaUsageQueries quota resource consumption information.
ListJobMetricListJobMetricQueries a performance metric of the job that is complete.
ListStorageTablesInfoListStorageTablesInfoQueries the table storage details of a MaxCompute project.
ListStoragePartitionsInfoListStoragePartitionsInfoQueries the storage details of a specific partition in a partitioned table in a MaxCompute project.

Job Management

ListJobInfosListJobInfosViews a list of jobs.
ListJobSnapshotInfosListJobSnapshotInfosQueries a list of job snapshots generated at a specific point in time.
GetRunningJobsGetRunningJobsObtains the running state data of jobs that are in the running state in a specified period of time.
KillJobsKillJobsTerminates a running job.
GetJobResourceUsageGetJobResourceUsagePerforms statistics on all jobs that are complete on a specified day and obtains the total resource usage of each job executor on a daily basis.

Cost Analysis

ListComputeMetricsByInstanceListComputeMetricsByInstanceQueries a list of computing resources used by a pay-as-you-go job.
  • On this page (1)
  • Quota Management
  • Project Management
  • Tenant Management
  • Resource Observation
  • Job Management
  • Cost Analysis