ApsaraVideo Live allows you to view callback records for stream ingest and recording-in-OSS events in the console.
Callbacks for stream ingest and recording-in-OSS events are configured. For more information, see Stream ingest callbacks and Recording callbacks.
Stream ingest and recording-in-OSS events have occurred.
Stream ingest callback records are available for only ingest domains. Recording-in-OSS callback records are available for only streaming domains.
If you configure callback settings for the first time or update the callback settings, the configuration or update requires up to 5 minutes to take effect. After it takes effect, callbacks can be triggered and you can view callback records.
You can query up to 1,000 callback records in the last 7 days.
- Log on to the ApsaraVideo Live console.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose Feature Management > Callbacks. The Callbacks page appears.
Select the ingest domain or streaming domain for which you want to view callback records.
Click the Callback Records tab. Click Stream Ingest Callbacks or Recording-in-OSS Callbacks.
Specify the time range to query, enter an application name and a stream name, and then click Search. The information about the callback events in the specified time range is displayed.