This topic describes the methods that are provided by Push SDK for Flutter.
Background information
For more information about the methods, see LIBRARIES.
Basic classes
Class | Dart file | Description |
AlivcBase | live_base.dart | The basic class for stream ingest. |
AlivcLivePusherConfig | live_push_config.dart | The class for stream ingest configurations. |
AlivcLivePusher | live_pusher.dart | The class used to configure the stream ingest engine. |
AlivcPusherPreview | live_pusher_preview.dart | The class used to control the preview view. |
- | live_push_def.dart | The class used to define stream ingest parameters. |
Basic stream ingest methods
Method | Description |
init | Creates an AlivcBase instance. |
getSdkVersion | Obtains the version number of the SDK. |
setObserver | Sets the listener for callbacks. |
setLogLevel | Sets the log level. |
setConsoleEnable | Specifies whether to enable log printing in the console. |
setLogPath | Sets the log path. |
registerSDK | Registers the SDK. |
setOnLicenceCheck | Configures the callback for license verification. The callback is returned by setObserver. |
Stream ingest configuration methods
Method | Description |
init | Creates an AlivcLivePusherConfig instance. |
setResolution | Sets the resolution. |
getResolution | Queries the resolution. |
setEnableAutoBitrate | Specifies whether to enable adaptive bitrate streaming. |
getEnableAutoBitrate | Queries whether adaptive bitrate streaming is enabled. |
setEnableAutoResolution | Specifies whether to enable adaptive resolution. |
getEnableAutoResolution | Queries whether adaptive resolution is enabled. |
setQualityMode | Sets a bitrate control mode. |
getQualityMode | Queries the bitrate control mode. |
setTargetVideoBitrate | Sets the target bitrate of the video. |
getTargetVideoBitrate | Queries the target bitrate of the video. |
setMinVideoBitrate | Sets the minimum bitrate of the video. |
getMinVideoBitrate | Queries the minimum bitrate of the video. |
setInitialVideoBitrate | Sets the initial bitrate of the video. |
getInitialVideoBitrate | Queries the initial bitrate of the video. |
setAudioBitrate | Sets the audio bitrate. |
getAudioBitrate | Queries the audio bitrate. |
setAudioSampleRate | Sets the audio sampling rate. |
getAudioSampleRate | Queries the audio sampling rate. |
setFps | Sets the frame rate. |
getFps | Queries the frame rate. |
setMinFps | Sets the minimum frame rate. |
getMinFps | Queries the minimum frame rate. |
setVideoEncodeGop | Sets the group of pictures (GOP) size. |
getVideoEncodeGop | Queries the GOP size. |
setAudioEncoderProfile | Sets the audio encoding format. |
getAudioEncoderProfile | Queries the audio encoding format. |
setAudioChannel | Sets the number of audio channels. |
getAudioChannel | Queries the number of audio channels. |
setAudioOnly | Specifies whether the ingested stream is an audio-only stream. |
getAudioOnly | Queries whether the ingested stream is an audio-only stream. |
setVideoOnly | Specifies whether the ingested stream is a video-only stream. |
getVideoOnly | Queries whether the ingested stream is a video-only stream. |
setAudioEncoderMode | Sets the audio encoding mode. |
getAudioEncoderMode | Queries the audio encoding mode. |
setVideoEncoderMode | Sets the video encoding mode. |
getVideoEncoderMode | Queries the video encoding mode. |
setVideoHardEncoderCodec | Sets the video codec for hardware encoding. |
getVideoHardEncoderCodec | Queries the video codec for hardware encoding. |
setOpenBFrame | Sets whether to enable B-frames in hardware encoding mode. |
getOpenBFrame | Queries whether B-frames are enabled in hardware encoding mode. |
setOrientation | Sets the orientation for stream ingest. |
getOrientation | Queries the orientation for stream ingest. |
setPreviewDisplayMode | Sets the preview mode. |
getPreviewDisplayMode | Queries the preview mode. |
setConnectRetryInterval | Sets the reconnection interval. |
getConnectRetryInterval | Queries the reconnection interval. |
setConnectRetryCount | Sets the number of reconnection attempts. |
getConnectRetryCount | Queries the number of reconnection attempts. |
setPushMirror | Specifies whether to enable the mirroring mode for stream ingest. |
getPushMirror | Queries whether the mirroring mode is enabled for stream ingest. |
setPreviewMirror | Specifies whether to enable the mirroring mode for preview. |
getPreviewMirror | Queries whether the mirroring mode is enabled for preview. |
setCameraType | Sets the camera type. |
getCameraType | Queries the camera type. |
setAutoFocus | Specifies whether to enable autofocus. |
getAutoFocus | Queries whether autofocus is enabled. |
setPauseImg | Specifies the image that is displayed if stream ingest is paused. |
setNetworkPoorImg | Specifies the image that is displayed in case of a low bitrate. |
setExternAudioFormat | Sets external custom audio data. |
getExternAudioFormat | Queries external custom audio data. |
setExternVideoFormat | Sets external custom video data. |
getExternVideoFormat | Queries external custom video data. |
setAudioScene | Sets the audio scenario. |
getAudioScene | Queries the audio scenario. |
setExternMainStream | Specifies whether to use external custom data for stream ingest. |
getExternMainStream | Queries whether external custom data is used for stream ingest. |
Stream ingest engine configuration methods
Method | Description |
init | Creates an AlivcLivePusher instance. |
createConfig | Create a Config object to associate AlivcLivePusherConfig with AlivcLivePusher. |
initLivePusher | Creates a stream ingest engine. |
setErrorDelegate | Configures the callback for stream ingest errors. |
setInfoDelegate | Configures the callback for the stream ingest status. |
setNetworkDelegate | Configures the callback for the network status during stream ingest. |
setBGMDelegate | Configures the callback for background music. |
startPreview | Starts preview. This is a synchronous method. |
startPreviewAsync | Starts preview. This is an asynchronous method. |
startPushWithURL | Starts stream ingest. This is a synchronous method. |
startPushWithURLAsync | Starts stream ingest. This is an asynchronous method. |
stopPreview | Stops preview. |
stopPush | Stops ingesting the stream. |
restartPush | Restarts stream ingest. This is a synchronous method. |
restartPushAsync | Restarts stream ingest. This is an asynchronous method. |
pause | Pauses stream ingest from the camera. |
resume | Resumes stream ingest from the camera. |
resumeAsync | Resumes stream ingest. This is an asynchronous method. |
switchCamera | Switches between the front and rear cameras. |
reconnectPushAsync | Reconnects. This is an asynchronous method. |
reconnectPushAsyncWithPushURL | Reconnects the ingest URL. This is an asynchronous method. |
destroy | Destroys the stream ingest engine. |
destroyConfigForIOS | Resets the Config object on iOS. You can use this method to clear the settings that are configured by the Config object when AlivcLivePusherConfig is not used on iOS. |
setAutoFocus | Specifies whether to enable autofocus. |
focusCameraAtAdjustedPoint | Configures focus. |
setZoom | Configures zoom. |
getMaxZoom | Queries the maximum zoom value that is supported. |
getCurrentZoom | Queries the current zoom value. |
setFlash | Specifies whether to turn on the flash. |
setExposure | Sets the exposure level. |
getCurrentExposure | Queries the current exposure level. |
getSupportedMinExposure | Queries the minimum exposure level that is supported. |
getSupportedMaxExposure | Queries the maximum exposure level that is supported. |
setPushMirror | Specifies whether to enable the mirroring mode for stream ingest. |
setPreviewMirror | Specifies whether to enable the mirroring mode for preview. |
setMute | Mutes the ingested stream. |
setQualityMode | Sets the stream ingest mode. |
setTargetVideoBitrate | Sets the target bitrate. |
setMinVideoBitrate | Sets the minimum bitrate. |
setPreviewDisplayMode | Sets the preview mode. |
setResolution | Sets the resolution of the ingested stream. This method takes effect only in preview mode and cannot be called during stream ingest. |
startBGMWithMusicPathAsync | Plays background music. |
stopBGMAsync | Stops the playback of background music. |
pauseBGM | Pauses the playback of background music. |
resumeBGM | Resumes the playback of background music. |
setBGMLoop | Specifies whether to enable loop playback for background music. |
setBGMEarsBack | Specifies whether to enable in-ear monitoring for background music. |
setAudioDenoise | Specifies whether to enable noise reduction. |
setAudioEffectVoiceChangeMode | Sets the voice change mode. |
setAudioEffectReverbMode | Sets the reverberation mode. |
setBGMVolume | Sets the volume of music in mixed audio. |
setCaptureVolume | Sets the volume of vocal in mixed audio. |
sendMessage | Sets a custom supplemental enhancement information (SEI) message. |
isPushing | Queries whether the stream is being ingested. |
getPushURL | Queries the ingest URL. |
getLiveStatus | Queries the stream ingest status. |
addWatermark | Adds watermarks. |
setWatermarkVisible | Specifies whether to show or hide watermarks. |
addDynamicWaterMarkImageData | Adds an animated sticker. |
removeDynamicWaterMark | Removes an animated sticker. |
snapshot | Configures snapshot settings. |
setSnapshotDelegate | Configures the callback for snapshot capture. You can call this method only after you call snapshot. |
sendVideoData | Sends custom video data. |
sendPCMData | Sends custom audio data. |
setOnSDKError | Configures the callback for SDK errors. The callback is returned by setErrorDelegate. |
setOnSystemError | Configures the callback for system errors. The callback is returned by setErrorDelegate. |
setOnPreviewStarted | Configures the callback for preview start. The callback is returned by setInfoDelegate. |
setOnPreviewStoped | Configures the callback for preview stop. The callback is returned by setInfoDelegate. |
setOnFirstFramePreviewed | Configures the callback for first frame rendering. The callback is returned by setInfoDelegate. |
setOnPushStarted | Configures the callback for start of stream ingest. The callback is returned by setInfoDelegate. |
setOnPushPaused | Configures the callback for pause of stream ingest from the camera. The callback is returned by setInfoDelegate. |
setOnPushResumed | Configures the callback for resume of stream ingest from the camera. The callback is returned by setInfoDelegate. |
setOnPushRestart | Configures the callback for restart of stream ingest. The callback is returned by setInfoDelegate. |
setOnPushStoped | Configures the callback for end of stream ingest. The callback is returned by setInfoDelegate. |
setOnConnectFail | Configures the callback for failed stream ingest. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate. |
setOnConnectRecovery | Configures the callback for network recovery. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate. |
setOnConnectionLost | Configures the callback for disconnected stream ingest. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate. |
setOnNetworkPoor | Configures the callback for poor network conditions. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate. |
setOnReconnectError | Configures the callback for failed reconnections. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate. |
setOnReconnectStart | Configures the callback for reconnection attempts. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate. |
setOnReconnectSuccess | Configures the callback for successful reconnections. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate callback. |
setOnSendDataTimeout | Configures the callback for data transmission timeout. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate. |
setOnSendSeiMessage | Configures the callback for prompt to send an SEI message. The callback is returned by setNetworkDelegate. |
setOnBGMCompleted | Configures the callback for complete playback of background music. The callback is returned by setBGMDelegate. |
setOnBGMDownloadTimeout | Configures the callback for timeout of the download of background music. The callback is returned by setBGMDelegate. |
setOnBGMOpenFailed | Configures the callback for failed playback of background music. The callback is returned by setBGMDelegate. |
setOnBGMPaused | Configures the callback for paused playback of background music. The callback is returned by setBGMDelegate. |
setOnBGMProgress | Configures the callback for playback progress. The callback is returned by setBGMDelegate. |
setOnBGMResumed | Configures the callback for resumed playback of background music. The callback is returned by setBGMDelegate. |
setOnBGMStarted | Configures the callback for start of playback of background music. The callback is returned by setBGMDelegate. |
setOnBGMStoped | Configures the callback for stop of playback of background music. The callback is returned by setBGMDelegate. |
setOnSnapshot | Configures the callback for snapshot capture. The callback is returned by setSnapshotDelegate. |