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ApsaraVideo Live:CreateRtcMPUEventSub

Last Updated:Dec 12, 2024

Creates a subscription to mixed-stream relay events.

Operation description

You can call this operation to create a subscription to mixed-stream relay events. You can configure parameters such as the callback URL, application to which you want to subscribe, and channel information when you create a subscription.

QPS limit

You can call this operation up to 50 times per second per account. Requests that exceed this limit are dropped and you will experience service interruptions. We recommend that you take note of this limit when you call this operation.


You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The ID of the application.

Note The ID can be up to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens (-).

The ID of the channel to which you want to send mixed-stream relay event callbacks. Separate multiple channel IDs with commas (,).

  • If you leave this parameter empty, you are subscribed to mixed-stream relay events of all channels in the application.

  • You cannot specify duplicate channel IDs. You can specify up to 20 channel IDs in each call.

  • The ID can be up to 64 characters in length and contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).


The callback URL.

Note The callback URL can be up to 2,083 characters in length. You can use headers such as HTTP and HTTPS in callback URLs. The URL can contain letters, digits, and the following special characters: - _ ? % = # . / +

Sample callback

Callbacks are sent to your application server as HTTP or HTTPS POST requests. The request is encoded in UTF-8 and the request body is a JSON struct. The callback request is successful if the HTTP status code 200 is returned. Sample code:

Note We recommend that you check both the callback information and the active stream status provided by your CDN vendor to determine whether the mixed-stream relay task is normal.

	"EventType": 1,
	"MsgId": "42bba8b5-94ab-468c-9dae-9b501dd****",
	"AppId": "rtcdev",
	"SubId": "Sub-9799B2C45009799B2*****",
	"TaskId": "mpucallbacktest",
	"CallbackTs": 1712656430476,
	"Payload": {
		"DstUrl": "rtmp://domain/app/stream?auth",
		"EventTs": 1712656430384,
		"EventCode": 1,
		"ErrorCode": 0,
		"ErrorMessage": ""

Callback information

The following table describes the fields that are included in the callback header.

Content-TypeThe data type. Set the value to application/json.
Ali-Rtc-TimestampThe timestamp.
Ali-Rtc-SignatureThe signature value.

The following table describes the fields that are included in the callback message.

EventTypeIntegerThe type of the callback event. 1 is returned for mixed-stream relay event callbacks.1
MsgIdStringThe unique ID of the callback.*****973C-4529-A334*****
AppIdStringThe ID of the application.yourAppId
SubIdStringThe ID of the subscription.Sub-******9799B2C4500******
TaskIdStringThe ID of the stream relay task.yourTaskId
CallbackTsIntegerThe time when the callback request was initiated. The value must be a timestamp in milliseconds.1712656430476
PayloadJSON ObjectThe information about the callback event.-
  • The following table describes the fields in Payload.
DstUrlStringThe destination URL.rtmp://domain/app/stream?auth
EventTsIntegerThe time when the callback event occurred. The value must be a timestamp in milliseconds.1712656430384
EventCodeIntegerThe callback event code.1
ErrorCodeIntegerThe error code.10001
ErrorMessageStringThe error message.rtmp server init failed

Callback event codes

FieldValueDescriptionCallback interval
MPU_STATE_PREPARING0The stream relay task is created.Only one callback is fired.
MPU_STATE_ESTABLISHING1The stream relay task is being connected.Every 5 seconds
MPU_STATE_RUNNING2The stream relay task is in progress.Only one callback is fired.
MPU_STATE_RECOVERING3The stream relay task is interrupted and being recovered.Every 5 seconds
MPU_STATE_TERMINATED4The stream relay task ends. You can differentiate whether the task is completed, failed to start, or unexpectedly exited based on ErrorCode and ErrorMessage.Only one callback is fired.

The following flowchart describes the lifecycle of a callback event: Note:

  1. Callback information may be sent to your business server out of order. You can sort events by using EventTs in Payload. This allows you to ignore callbacks of expired events and helps you obtain the latest callback information.
  2. If you create a mixed-stream relay task by calling the StartLiveMPUTask (new) operation, the task automatically stops when all users in the room leave for a specific period of time. The MPU_STATE_TERMINATED callback is fired when the task stops.
  3. Callback configurations affect only incremental tasks. The following rules apply:

a. No callback is fired for tasks that are created before the callback configurations are set.

b. Callbacks are fired for tasks that are created after the callback configurations are set.

c. Callbacks are fired for tasks that are created before the callback configurations are deleted.

d. No callback is fired for tasks that are created before after the callback configurations are deleted.

Callback error codes

When a stream relay task ends, you can check the cause based on ErrorCode and ErrorMessage.

Error codeError messageDescription
0The task is completed.
10001rtmp server init failedThe connection failed to be established.
10002rtmp server internal errorAn internal error occurred and the task failed.

Callback authentication

By default, callback authentication is enabled. The following authentication logic applies:

  • When ApsaraVideo Live initiates a callback request, it includes the Ali-Rtc-Timestamp and Ali-Rtc-Signature headers in the HTTP or HTTPS request so that the callback message receiving server can authenticate the signature. The value of the Ali-Rtc-Signature header is calculated by using the following formula: Ali-Rtc-Signature = MD5SUM(MD5CONTENT). In the formula, MD5CONTENT is a string in the following format: Callback domain name|Ali-Rtc-Timestamp value|Authentication key. The callback domain name is the domain name in the callback URL. The authentication key is the AppKey of the application.
  • After receiving a callback message, the callback message receiving server concatenates the callback domain name, value of the Ali-Rtc-Timestamp header, and authentication key in the preceding format. The server calculates the MD5 value of the string to obtain an encrypted string. Then, the server compares the encrypted string with the value of the Ali-Rtc-Signature header in the HTTP or HTTPS request initiated by Real-Time Communication (RTC). If the two values are different, the request is invalid.

Callback retry

After Alibaba Cloud initiates a callback request, the callback is considered successful only if the HTTP status code 200 is returned by your business server. If a callback fails, ApsaraVideo Live resends the callback request 7 times at intervals of 1 second, 2 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 60 seconds, 120 seconds, and 300 seconds. A callback record is generated each time a callback request is resent.

Response parameters


The ID of the request.


The ID of the subscription.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "******3B-0E1A-586A-AC29-742247******",
  "SubId": "Sub-******9799B2C4500******"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError message
403OperationDeniedYour account has not enabled the Live service

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-07-04The Error code has changedView Change Details