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Lindorm:Write data in an efficient manner

Last Updated:Aug 24, 2022

This topic describes how to write data to LindormTSDB based on Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).

Develop applications to perform efficient data write operations based on JDBC

If you use JDBC to develop applications, we recommend that you use a PreparedStatement object in JDBC. This way, you can insert multiple records into a database at a time. Perform the following operations:

  1. Use JDBC to create a connection object.

    For information about how to use JDBC to connect to a database, see Use Lindorm JDBC Driver to connect to and use Lindorm TSDB (recommended).

  2. Create a PreparedStatement object and specify an INSERT statement that contains the required parameters.

    The following sample code provides an example on how to create a PreparedStatement object based on the air test data provided in the Design a time series table topic:

        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.append("INSERT INTO aqm (city, district, id, time, pm2_5, pm10, so2, no2) ");
        builder.append("VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = connection.prepareStatement(builder.toString());
  3. Bind input parameters to the PreparedStatement object and execute the INSERT statement to write data specified by the input parameters to the database.

    The following sample code provides an example on how to bind input parameters in the INSERT statement in the previous step to the PreparedStatement object:

        for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
            // Bind the parameters to the object in the order in which the column parameters are specified in the INSERT statement.
            // The parameters such as city, district, id, ts, and pm25 in the following code are local variables that are used to bind parameters:
            preparedStmt.setString(1, city);
            preparedStmt.setString(2, district);
            preparedStmt.setString(3, id);
            preparedStmt.setTimestamp(4, ts);
            preparedStmt.setDouble(5, pm25);
            preparedStmt.setDouble(6, pm10);
            preparedStmt.setDouble(7, so2);
            preparedStmt.setDouble(8, no2);
            // Add the parameters to a batch.
        // Write data specified in the batch to the database.
        int[] results = preparedStmt.executeBatch();
        // Query the number of written data records from results. The remaining code is skipped.

  • When you use JDBC in LindormTSDB, you can use a PreparedStatement object to configure parameters only by using the question mark (?) placeholder. When you call the API operations that are provided by PreparedStatement to bind parameters, make sure that a value that corresponds to a parameter index specified for setXXX() is consistent with a column parameter that corresponds to a placeholder.

  • If the input parameters are bound in batches before the executeBatch() method is called for the PreparedStatement object, a larger number of batches does not indicate better database performance. The database performance varies based on the definition of the table into which data is inserted. If the table contains only one field column and up to five tag columns and the batchSize variable in the PreparedStatement object is set to 5000, the database provides optimal write performance.