This topic describes how to manage application access points (AAPs), permission policies, network access rules, and client keys.
Manage an AAP
View the details of an AAP
Log on to the KMS console. In the top navigation bar, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
On the Application Access tab, search for your AAP by Instance ID or AAP name.
Click the name of the AAP to view details.
Policy: For more information, see Overview of AAPs.
Client Key: You can view information about a client key, including Key ID, Algorithm, Validity Period, and Creation Date. You cannot view the content of the client key.
Change the permission policies that are associated with an AAP
On the Application Access tab, find the required AAP.
Click the name of the AAP to go to the details page. On the Policy tab, click Configure Permission Policy.
In the Update AAP panel, select a different value for the Policy parameter. You can select up to three permission policies.
If existing permission policies do not meet your requirements, you can create a permission policy.
Delete an AAP
The deletion of an AAP immediately takes effect. If a client key in your AAP is used as an access credential, make sure that the client key is no longer in use before you delete the AAP. Otherwise, your application cannot access KMS. You can view the logs within the previous 180 days on the Simple Log Service for KMS page. You can view logs to check whether your client key is in use. To do this, enter the ID of a client key in the search box below kms_audit_log to implement a full-text search. If the value of the access_key_id
field in the search result is the ID of a client key, the client key is in use. For more information, see Use Simple Log Service for KMS
On the Application Access tab, find the AAP that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.
Complete security verification. Then, KMS deletes the AAP.
Manage a permission policy
Create a permission policy
Log on to the KMS console. In the top navigation bar, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
On the Policy tab, click Create Policy. In the Create Permission Policy panel, configure the parameters and click OK.
Policy Name
The name of the permission policy.
If you set the Network Type parameter to Private when you create the network access rule, select the specified KMS instance. If you set the Network Type parameter to Public or VPC, select Shared KMS Gateway.
RBAC Permissions
If you set the Scope parameter to a specific KMS instance, you can set this parameter to one of the following values:
CryptoServiceKeyUser: allows for the use of keys in the KMS instance. For more information about the cryptographic operations of Instance API, see Key-related operations.
CryptoServiceSecretUser: allows for the use of secrets in the KMS instance. For more information about the secret-related operations of Instance API, see Secret-related operations.
If you set the Scope parameter to Shared KMS Gateway, you can set this parameter to the following value:
SecretUser: allows for the use of all secrets within the current account. The GetSecretValue operation of API is supported.
Accessible Resources
The keys and secrets that your application needs to access.
ImportantWhen you select multiple secrets, if the name length of all secrets exceeds the limit, an "The specified parameter is not valid." error message is returned. In this case, you can use wildcards to configure secrets that are needed. For example, the secret
including a wildcard indicates all secrets with the prefixrds-ibm
can be accessed.Network Access Rules
The network access rule that you created.
NoteIf you do not need to control access based on source IP addresses, you do not need to select network access rules. For security purposes, we recommend that you configure network access rules.
The description for the permission policy.
After the permission policy is created, you must associate the permission policy with your AAP.
Modify a permission policy
If you modify a permission policy, all AAPs that are associated with the permission policy are affected. Proceed with caution.
Scenario 1: Modify a permission policy based on the name of the permission policy
On the Policy tab, find the permission policy that you want to modify and click Edit in the Actions column.
In the Modify Permission Policy panel, change the value of the RBAC Permissions, Accessible Resources, or Network Access Rules parameter. Then, click OK.
Scenario 2: Modify a permission policy based on the name of the AAP with which the permission policy is associated
On the Application Access tab, find the required AAP.
Click the name of the AAP to go to the details page. On the Policy tab, find the permission policy that you want to modify.
Click Edit in the Actions column. In the Modify Permission Policy panel, change the value of the RBAC Permissions, Accessible Resources, or Network Access Rules parameter, and then click OK.
Delete a permission policy
Before you delete a permission policy, make sure that the permission policy is not associated with AAPs. Otherwise, related applications cannot access KMS.
On the Policy tab, find the permission policy that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.
In the Confirm message, click OK.
Manage a network access rule
Create a network access rule
Log on to the KMS console. In the top navigation bar, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
Click the Network Access Rules tab. Then, click Create Network Access Rule.
In the Create Network Access Rule panel, configure the parameters and click OK.
Rule Name
The name of the network access rule. You can specify a custom value.
Network Type
Private: If your application needs to access keys and secrets by using a KMS instance endpoint, select this option.
Public: If your application needs to access secrets by using a KMS public endpoint, select this option.
VPC: If your application needs to access secrets by using a KMS VPC endpoint, select this option. This option is supported only when your KMS instance is in the China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Shenzhen), and China (Zhangjiakou) regions.
NoteCryptographic operations: You can perform cryptographic operations only when you use KMS Instance SDK and a KMS instance endpoint to access KMS. When you create your AAP, set the Network Type parameter to Private.
Secret value retrieval: You can retrieve a secret value by using KMS Instance SDK or a secret SDK. We recommend that you use a secret SDK and set the Network Type parameter to Private when you create your AAP. This helps achieve high queries per second (QPS) and high security.
KMS Instance SDK: If you use KMS Instance SDK, set the Network Type parameter to Private and the Allowed Source IP Addresses parameter to IP addresses in the virtual private clouds (VPCs) that are associated with your KMS instance for your AAP.
Secret SDK: If you use a secret SDK, set the Network Type parameter to Private, Public, or VPC for your AAP.
Allowed Source IP Addresses
The IP addresses from which access to your KMS instance is allowed. Specify the value based on the network type of your application server. If you use a proxy server, enter the IP address of the proxy server.
If the Network Type parameter is set to Private, enter the IP addresses in the VPCs that are associated with your KMS instance.
If the Network Type parameter is set to Public, enter public IP addresses.
If the Network Type parameter is set to VPC, enter the IDs of the required VPCs and IP addresses in the VPCs.
The description for the network access rule.
After the network access rule is created, you must associate the rule with your permission policy.
Modify a network access rule
If you modify a network access rule, all AAPs that are associated with the network access rule are affected. Proceed with caution.
On the Network Access Rules tab, find the network access rule that you want to modify and click Edit in the Actions column.
In the Modify Network Access Rule panel, change the value of the Allowed Source IP Addresses parameter and click OK.
Delete a network access rule
Before you delete a network access rule, make sure that the network access rule is not associated with AAPs. Otherwise, related applications cannot access KMS.
On the Network Access Rules tab, find the network access rule that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.
In the Confirm message, click OK.
Manage a client key
Create a client key
Log on to the KMS console. In the top navigation bar, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
Click the Application Access tab. Then, search for the required application access point (AAP) by Instance ID or AAP name.
Click the name of the AAP. On the details page, click the Client Key tab and then click Create Client Key.
In the Create Client Key panel, configure the Encryption Password and Validity Period parameters.
Encryption Password: The password must be 8 to 64 characters in length and can contain digits, letters, and the following special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ? _ -
.Validity Period: The default value is five years. We recommend that you set the validity period to one year to reduce the risks of client key leaks.
Click OK. The browser automatically downloads the client key that is created.
The client key contains Application Access Secret(ClientKeyContent) and Password. By default, Application Access Secret(ClientKeyContent) is saved in a file whose name is in the
format. By default, Password is saved in a file whose name is in theclientKey_****_Password.txt
Delete a client key
The deletion of a client key immediately takes effect. Before you delete a client key, make sure that the client key is no longer in use. Otherwise, related applications cannot access KMS.
On the Application Access tab, find the required AAP.
Click the name of the AAP to go to the details page. On the Client Key tab, find the client key that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.
In the Confirm message, click OK.
Complete security verification. Then, KMS deletes the client key.