Queries a secret value by using a KMS Instance gateway.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
SecretName | string | Yes | secret001 | The secret name. |
VersionStage | String | No | ACSCurrent | The stage label that marks the secret version. If you specify this parameter, KMS returns the secret value of the version that is marked with the specified stage label. Default value: ACSCurrent. Note
VersionId | String | No | 00000000000000000000000000000001 | The version ID. If you configure this parameter, KMS returns the secret value of the specified version. Note
FetchExtendedConfig | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to obtain the extended configuration of the secret.
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
SecretName | String | secret001 | The secret name. |
SecretType | String | Generic | The type of the secret. Valid values:
SecretData | String | testdata1 | The secret value. KMS decrypts the ciphertext of the secret value and returns the plaintext of the secret value for this parameter. |
SecretDataType | String | binary | The type of the secret value. Valid values:
VersionId | String | 00000000000000000000000000000001 | The version number of the secret value. |
VersionStages | List | [ "ACSCurrent" ] | The stage label that marks the secret version. |
CreateTime | String | 2020-02-21T15:39:26Z | The time when the secret is created. |
RequestId | String | 6a3e9c36-1150-4881-84d3-eb8672fcafad | The ID of the request, which is used to locate and troubleshoot issues. |
LastRotationDate | String | 2020-07-05T08:22:03Z | The time when the last rotation is performed. |
NextRotationDate | String | 2020-07-06T18:22:03Z | The time when the next rotation is performed. |
ExtendedConfig | String | {\"SecretSubType\":\"SingleUser\",\"DBInstanceId\":\"rm-uf667446pc955****\",\"CustomData\":{}} | The extended configuration of the secret. |
AutomaticRotation | String | Enabled | Indicates whether automatic rotation is enabled. Valid values:
RotationInterval | String | 604800s | The interval for automatic rotation. The value must be in the
For example, if the rotation period is 7 days, this parameter is set to 604800s. |
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
404 | Forbidden.ResourceNotFound | The resource does not exist in the system. | The secret does not exist. |
409 | Rejected.Disabled | The request was rejected because the key state is Disabled. | The key that is used to encrypt secrets is disabled. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.