Encrypts plaintext by using a symmetric key.
Usage notes
This API can be called through either a shared gateway or a dedicated gateway. For more information, see Alibaba Cloud SDK.
Shared gateway: Accesses KMS through public network or VPC domain names, using one of the following formats:
Public network domain names:
.VPC domain names:
This method requires enabling public network access. For instructions, see Access KMS instance keys over the Internet.
Dedicated gateway: Access KMS through the KMS private network domain names, following the format:
QPS Limits
When calling this API through a shared gateway: The API is rate-limited to 1000 queries per second (QPS) per Alibaba Cloud account. Exceeding this limit will result in throttling, which may impact your service. We recommend that you take note of the limit when you call this operation.
When calling this API through a dedicated gateway: The API's QPS limit per Alibaba Cloud account is determined by the compute performance specifications of your KMS instances. For more information on the compute performance specifications, see Performance quota.
KMS uses the primary version of a specified key to encrypt data.
Only data of 6 KB or less can be encrypted. For example, you can call this operation to encrypt Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) keys, database passwords, or other sensitive information.
If you want to migrate encrypted data between regions, you can call the Encrypt operation to encrypt the data key plaintext that is transferred from the source region in the destination region. In this case, the data key ciphertext is generated in the destination region. You can also call the Decrypt operation to decrypt the data key ciphertext in the destination region.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | Encrypt | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to Encrypt. |
KeyId | String | Yes | key-hzz630494463ejqjx**** | The ID, alias, or Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the key. For more information, see Manage a key alias. Note When you access a key within another Alibaba Cloud account, you must enter the ARN of the key. The ARN of the key is in the |
Plaintext | String | Yes | SGVsbG8gd29y**** | The plaintext that you want to encrypt. The plaintext must be Base64 encoded. |
EncryptionContext | Map | No | {"Example":"Example"} | The JSON string that consists of key-value pairs. If you configure this parameter, you must specify the same value for this parameter when you call the Decrypt operation. For more information, see EncryptionContext. |
DryRun | String | No | false | Specifies whether to perform a dry run. Valid values:
A dry run is used for testing in API calls. You can perform a dry run to check whether you have the permissions to access the resources that you want to manage and whether the request parameters are correctly configured. If you set DryRun to true in the request, KMS always returns an error code that indicates the cause of the error. KMS may return the following error codes:
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
KeyVersionId | String | 86a9efd9-3d16-4894-bd4f-1fc43f3f**** | The version ID of the key that is used to encrypt the plaintext. The primary version of the key is returned. |
KeyId | String | key-hzz630494463ejqjx**** | The ID of the key. If KeyId is set to the alias or ARN of the key, the ID of the key is returned. |
CiphertextBlob | String | DZhOWVmZDktM2QxNi00ODk0LWJkNGYtMWZjNDNmM2YyYWJmaaSl+TztSIMe43nbTH/Z1Wr4XfLftKhAciUmDQXuMRl4WTvKhxjMThjK**** | The ciphertext of the data that is encrypted by using the primary version of the key. |
RequestId | String | 475f1620-b9d3-4d35-b5c6-3fbdd941423d | The request ID. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"KeyVersionId" : "86a9efd9-3d16-4894-bd4f-1fc43f3f****",
"KeyId" : "key-hzz630494463ejqjx****",
"CiphertextBlob" : "DZhOWVmZDktM2QxNi00ODk0LWJkNGYtMWZjNDNmM2YyYWJmaaSl+TztSIMe43nbTH/Z1Wr4XfLftKhAciUmDQXuMRl4WTvKhxjMThjK****",
"RequestId" : "475f1620-b9d3-4d35-b5c6-3fbdd941423d"
Error codes
HttpCode | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter is invalid. | The specified parameter is invalid. |
404 | Forbidden.KeyNotFound | The specified Key is not found. | The specified key does not exist. |
404 | Forbidden.AliasNotFound | The specified Alias is not found. | The specified alias is not found. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.