This topic explains the process of importing a private key into HSM using the importPrivateKey command.
Feature description
The importPrivateKey command enables the importation of an asymmetric private key from a file into HSM.
HSM requires encryption of keys before import; thus, the private key must be encrypted with AES and then decrypted within HSM.
To facilitate the exportPrivateKey and importPrivateKey commands, you can manage the backup or transfer of private keys.
Ensure you have started the key_mgmt_tool and logged on to HSM as a CU before executing this command.
Enter the parameters as per the following syntax. For descriptions of the parameters, refer to Parameters.
importPrivateKey -l <label>
-f <key-file>
-w <wrapping-key-handle>
[-id <key-id>]
[-m_value <0...8>]
[min_srv <minimum-number-of-servers>]
[-timeout <number-of-seconds>]
[-u <user-ids>]
[-wk <wrapping-key-file>]
It is crucial to input the parameters in the sequence outlined by the syntax.
The following example demonstrates importing a private key from the keypair.pem file and assigning it the label rsa2048-imported. The AES key handle used for encryption is 6, and the output indicates that the private key handle in HSM is 17.
Command: importPrivateKey -f keypair.pem -l rsa2048-imported -w 6
BER encoded key length is 1218
Cfm3ImportWrapKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Cfm3CreateUnwrapTemplate2 returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Cfm3ImportUnWrapKey: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Private Key Imported. Key Handle: 17
Cluster Status:
Node id 0 status: 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Parameter Name | Description | Required | Valid Values |
-f | Indicates the file name containing the key to be imported. | Yes | None |
-w | Specifies the AES key handle used to encrypt the private key. | Yes | None |
-l | Defines the label for the imported key. | Yes | None |
-id | Assigns an ID to the imported key. | No | None |
-sess | Marks the imported key as a session key. | No | None |
-nex | Sets the key as non-exportable. | No | None |
-u | Lists user IDs that have access to the imported key, separated by commas if multiple. | No | None |
-m_value | Determines the maximum number of users who can utilize the imported key. | No | 0 to 8 |
-attest | Conducts a firmware response integrity check. | No | None |
-min_srv |
| No | None |
-timeout |
| No | None |