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Key Management Service:genECCKeyPair

Last Updated:Nov 11, 2024

This topic explains how to generate an ECC key pair on HSM using the genECCKeyPair command.

Feature description

The genECCKeyPair command enables the creation of an Elliptic Curve (ECC) key pair on HSM.


Ensure you have started the key_mgmt_tool and logged on to the HSM with a CU identity before executing this command.


Enter the parameters as outlined in the syntax below. For descriptions of each parameter, refer to Parameters.

genECCKeyPair -i <EC curve id> 
              -l <label> 
              [-id <key ID>]
              [-min_srv <minimum number of servers>]
              [-m_value <0..8>]
              [-timeout <number of seconds> ]
              [-u <user-ids>]

It is essential to input the parameters in the sequence specified by the syntax.


For illustration, this topic uses the NID_secp384r1 curve to generate a key pair labeled 'ecc'. The output indicates the public key handle as 12 and the private key handle as 13.

Command:   genECCKeyPair -i 14 -l ecc

       	Cfm3GenerateKeyPair returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

       	Cfm3GenerateKeyPair:    public key handle: 12    private key handle: 13

       	Cluster Status:
       	Node id 0 status: 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS


Parameter name



Valid values


Indicates the curve ID.


  • 1: NID_X9_62_prime192v1

  • 2: NID_X9_62_prime256v1

  • 3: NID_sect163k1

  • 4: NID_sect163r2

  • 5: NID_sect233k1

  • 6: NID_sect233r1

  • 7: NID_sect283k1

  • 8: NID_sect283r1

  • 9: NID_sect409k1

  • 10: NID_sect409r1

  • 11: NID_sect571k1

  • 12: NID_sect571r1

  • 13: NID_secp224r1

  • 14: NID_secp384r1

  • 15: NID_secp521r1

  • 16: NID_secp256k1


Defines the key label.


No specific requirements


Assigns an ID to the generated key.


No specific requirements


Marks the generated key as a session key.


No specific requirements


Sets the key as non-exportable.


No specific requirements


Lists user IDs authorized to share the key, separated by commas.


No specific requirements


Defines the maximum number of users that can utilize the private key within the generated ECC key pair.


0 to 8


Conducts a firmware response integrity verification.


No specific requirements


  • Specifies the minimum number of servers required for key synchronization within the allocated time (see -timeout).

  • If the key fails to synchronize to the specified number of servers within the allocated time, it will not be created.


No specific requirements


  • Allocates time (in seconds) for the key to synchronize to the specified number of servers (see -min_srv).

  • This parameter is effective only when used in conjunction with the -min_srv parameter.

  • Default setting: No timeout, the command waits indefinitely until the key is synchronized to the minimum number of servers.


No specific requirements