This topic explains how to use the findSingleKey command to verify the existence of a key on HSM.
Feature description
The findSingleKey command is used to authenticate the presence of a key on HSM.
Ensure you have initiated the key_mgmt_tool and logged on to HSM with a CU identity before executing this command.
Enter parameters as per the following syntax. For details on the parameters, refer to Parameters.
findSingleKey -k <key-handle>
Parameters must be entered in the sequence specified by the syntax.
The following example demonstrates how to find a key with a key handle of 6.
Command: findSingleKey -k 6
Cfm3FindSingleKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Cluster Status:
Node id 0 status: 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Parameter Name |
Description |
Is Required |
Valid Values |
-k |
Indicates the key handle of a key in HSM. |
Yes |
Use findKey to locate the key handle. |