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IoT Platform:Connect an MQTT gateway device by using X.509 certificate-based two-way verification

Last Updated:May 17, 2023

When you connect a device to IoT Platform by using a Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) gateway, you can enable two-way verification between the device and IoT Platform to verify the identity of the device. This topic describes how to connect a device to IoT Platform by using X.509 certificate-based two-way verification. In this example, an MQTT gateway whose Authentication Type parameter is set to One-party Verification and Enable X.509 certificate-based Device Verification parameter is set to Yes is created and sample Java code is provided.


  • An Exclusive Enterprise Edition instance is purchased. In this example, an Exclusive Enterprise Edition instance is purchased in the China (Shanghai) region. For more information, see Purchase an Enterprise Edition instance.

  • Certificates that are required to perform two-way verification are prepared.

    In this example, the following certificate files are used: root-ca.crt root certificate file, server.key server-side private key file, server.crt server-side certificate file, client.key device-side private key file, and client.crt device certificate file.

Background information

IoT Platform provides MQTT gateways and allows you to use X.509 certificates and custom certificates to verify and connect devices to IoT Platform for communication. This helps IoT Platform meet the requirements of various IoT business scenarios.

For more information about verification and communication between MQTT gateways and devices, see MQTT gateways.


In this example, Java is used to develop a program. A Java development environment that meets the following requirements is prepared:

Create a gateway and add a device

  1. Create an MQTT gateway: In the Add Gateway dialog box, set the Server Certificate parameter to the content of the server.crt file, the Private Key of Server Certificate parameter to the content of the server.key file, and the Device Root Certificate parameter to the content of the root-ca.crt file. Then, configure other parameters, as shown in the following figure.

  2. On the Gateway page, copy the URL in the Gateway URL column of the gateway.

  3. Add a device to the MQTT gateway product. In this example, a device whose MQTT Username parameter is set to device01 and whose MQTT Password parameter is set to hello456 is added.

Develop a device program

  1. Download the aiot-java-dual-auth-demo code package and decompress the code package.

  2. Open IntelliJ IDEA and import the aiot-java-demo sample project from the code package.

    • Add Maven dependencies to the pom.xml file. In this example, the following dependencies are used:

    • The /src/main/java/com/aliyun/iot directory of the project contains the following program files that are required to perform two-way verification:

      • reads device certificates.

      • connects devices to IoT Platform.

  3. In the pom.xml file of the project, click Load Maven Changes to download dependency packages.

  4. In the /src/main directory of the project, create a folder named resources.

  5. In the /src/main/resources directory of the project, import the following certificate files: root-ca.crt that contains the root certificate, client.key that contains the device-side private key, and client.crt that contains the device certificate.

  6. In the /src/main/java/com/aliyun/iot/ file of the project, modify the key that is used to generate a certificate.


    The value 123456 that is specified for the clientKs.setKeyEntry() function indicates a key that is used to generate a certificate. Change the value based on your business scenario.

          // Replace 123456 with an actual key value.
          clientKs.setKeyEntry("private-key", key.getPrivate(), "123456".toCharArray(), new[]{clientCertificate});
  7. Open the /src/main/java/com/aliyun/iot/ file of the project and modify the device connection parameters.

            // MQTT connection parameters
            String userName = "device01";
            String password = "hello456";
            String clientId = "test01_client1";
            // The path in which the root directory is stored.
            String caCertPath = "src/main/resources/root-ca.crt";
            // The path in which the device certificate is stored.
            String clientCertPath= "src/main/resources/client.crt";
            // The path in which the device-side private key is stored.
            String clientKeyPath="src/main/resources/client.key";
            // The URL of the MQTT gateway.
            String broker = "ssl://iot-*******";






    The value of the MQTT Username parameter of the added device.



    The value of the MQTT Password parameter of the added device.



    (Optional) The ID of the client. The client ID must be 1 to 64 characters in length. We recommend that you use the MAC address or serial number (SN) of the device as the client ID.



    The project path in which the root-ca.crt device root certificate file is stored.



    The project path in which the client.crt device certificate file is stored.



    The project path where the client.key device-side private key file is stored.



    The endpoint of the MQTT gateway to which you want to connect the device. Format: ssl://${Gateway endpoint}:${Port number}.

    Replace ${Gateway endpoint} and ${Port number} with the endpoint of the custom port number of the gateway URL that you saved.

  8. Run the program file to perform two-way verification between the device and IoT Platform.


    In this example, Thread.sleep(20000); is added to the file. The Thread.sleep(20000); code terminates the program and disconnects the device from IoT Platform 20 seconds after the program runs. In actual scenarios, you can write custom code to connect or disconnect devices.

    The following figure shows the result. After the device passes verification, the device is connected to IoT Platform.
