Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
object | The request parameters. | ||
OwnerId | string | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. | 102321002467**** |
ProjectName | string | The name of the project. You can obtain the name of the project from the response of the CreateProject operation. | test-project |
DatasetName | string | The name of the dataset. You can obtain the name of the dataset from the response of the CreateDataset operation. | test-dataset |
ObjectType | string | The type of the object. Set the value to file. | file |
ObjectId | string | The unique ID of the object. | 75d5de2c50754e3dadd5c35dbca5f9949369e37eb342a73821f690c94c36c7f7 |
UpdateTime | string | The timestamp when the metadata is modified. Specify the value in the RFC3339Nano format. | 2021-06-29T14:50:13.011643661+08:00 |
CreateTime | string | The timestamp when the metadata is created. Specify the value in the RFC3339Nano format. | 2021-06-29T14:50:13.011643661+08:00 |
URI | string | The address of the file. If the file is stored in Object Storage Service (OSS), specify the value in the oss://${Bucket}/${Object} format. If the file is stored in Photo and Drive Service (PDS), specify the URI in the pds://domains/${domain}/drives/${drive}/files/${file}/revisions/${revision} format. | oss://examplebucket/sampleobject.jpg |
OSSURI | string | The URI of the OSS bucket in which the file is stored. If URI specifies a PDS address, you can specify this parameter. | oss://examplebucket/sampleobject.jpg |
Filename | string | The name of the object. For an OSS object, the value of this parameter is the same as the value of ObjectKey. | sampleobject.jpg |
MediaType | string | The media type of the file. Valid values:
| image |
ContentType | string | The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type of the file. | image/jpeg |
Size | long | The size of the file. Unit: bytes. | 1000 |
FileHash | string | The hash value of the file. | 1d9c280a7c4f67f7ef873e28449dbe17 |
FileModifiedTime | string | The timestamp when the file is last modified. Specify the value in the RFC3339Nano format. | 2021-06-29T14:50:13.011643661+08:00 |
FileCreateTime | string | The timestamp when the file is created. Specify the value in the RFC3339Nano format. | 2021-06-29T14:50:13.011643661+08:00 |
FileAccessTime | string | The timestamp when the file is accessed. Specify the value in the RFC3339Nano format. | 2021-06-29T14:50:13.011643661+08:00 |
ProduceTime | string | The time when the image is taken. | 2021-06-29T14:50:13.011643661+08:00 |
LatLong | string | The latitude and longitude. | 30.134390,120.074997 |
Timezone | string | The time zone. This parameter is reserved but cannot be used. | |
Addresses | array | The addresses. | |
Address | The address. | ||
TravelClusterId | string | The ID of the travel group. This parameter is reserved but cannot be used. | - |
Orientation | long | The image rotation angle. You can obtain the value from the metadata of the exchangeable image file format (EXIF). If the EXIF metadata does not contain the image rotation angle, this parameter is not returned in the response. | 0 |
Figures | array | The figures. You can use AI models to automatically detect figures. | |
Figures | Figure | The figure. | |
FigureCount | long | The number of figures. | 10 |
Labels | array | The labels of the file. You can use AI models to automatically detect labels. | |
Labels | Label | The label of the file. | |
Title | string | The title of the file. | test |
ImageWidth | long | The width of the image. Unit: pixels. | 270 |
ImageHeight | long | The height of the image. Unit: pixels. | 500 |
EXIF | string | The original EXIF information of the image. The EXIF information is stored in the serialized JSON format. For more information, see Obtain image information from OSS. | {"Compression":{"value":"6"},"DateTime":{"value":"2020:08:19 17:11:11"}} |
ImageScore | ImageScore | The score of the image. You can use AI models to automatically detect the image score. | |
CroppingSuggestions | array | The cropping suggestions for the image. This parameter is reserved but cannot be used. | |
CroppingSuggestions | CroppingSuggestion | The cropping suggestion for the image. | |
OCRContents | array | The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) results. This parameter is reserved but cannot be used. | |
OCRContents | The OCR result. | ||
VideoWidth | long | The width of the video image. Unit: pixel. | 1080 |
VideoHeight | long | The height of the video image. Unit: pixel. | 1920 |
VideoStreams | array | The video streams. | |
VideoStreams | VideoStream | The video stream. | |
Subtitles | array | The subtitle streams. | |
Subtitles | SubtitleStream | The subtitle stream. | |
AudioStreams | array | The audio streams. | |
AudioStreams | AudioStream | The audio stream. | |
Artist | string | The artist. | Jane |
AlbumArtist | string | The singer. | Jane |
AudioCovers | array | The audio covers. | |
AudioCovers | Image | The audio cover. | |
Composer | string | The composer. | Jane |
Performer | string | The player. | Jane |
Language | string | The language. Specify the value in the BCP 47 format. | eng |
Album | string | The album. | FirstAlbum |
PageCount | long | The page number. This parameter is reserved but cannot be used. | 5 |
ETag | string | The ETag of the object. ETags are used to identify the content of objects. | "1D9C280A7C4F67F7EF873E28449****" |
CacheControl | string | The caching behavior of the web page when the object is downloaded. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the following HTTP attribute for the OSS bucket: Cache-Control. For more information, see Manage object metadata. | no-cache |
ContentDisposition | string | The name of the object during the download. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the following HTTP attribute for the OSS bucket: Content-Disposition. For more information, see Manage object metadata. | attachment; filename =test.jpg |
ContentEncoding | string | The content encoding format of the object when the object is downloaded. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the following HTTP attribute for the OSS bucket: Content-Encoding. For more information, see Manage object metadata. | UTF-8 |
ContentLanguage | string | The language of the object content. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the following HTTP attribute for the OSS bucket: Content-Language. For more information, see Manage object metadata. | zh-CN |
AccessControlAllowOrigin | string | The origin that can be included in the cross-origin request. | |
AccessControlRequestMethod | string | The method that can be included in the cross-origin request. | PUT |
ServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm | string | The algorithm that can be used to encrypt the files on the server side. | SM4 |
ServerSideEncryption | string | The encryption method on the server side. If you want to specify this parameter, you must enable OSS bucket server encryption. For more information, see Server-side encryption. | AES256 |
ServerSideDataEncryption | string | The encryption method of the object. If you want to specify this parameter, you must enable OSS bucket server encryption. For more information, see Server-side encryption. | SM4 |
ServerSideEncryptionKeyId | string | The ID of the customer master key (CMK) managed by Key Management Service (KMS). If you want to specify this parameter, you must enable OSS bucket server encryption. For more information, see Server-side encryption. | 9468da86-3509-4f8d-a61e-6eab1eac**** |
OSSStorageClass | string | The storage class of the OSS bucket. | Standard |
OSSCRC64 | string | The CRC64 value. | 559890638950338001 |
ObjectACL | string | The access control list (ACL) of the OSS object. | default |
ContentMd5 | string | The MD5 value. | HZwoCnxPZ/fvhz4oRJ2+Fw== |
OSSUserMeta | object | The custom metadata of the OSS object. If you want to specify this parameter, you must specify User Meta for the OSS object. For more information, see Manage object metadata. | {"key": "val"} |
OSSTaggingCount | long | The number of OSS object tags. If you want to specify this parameter, you must specify OSSTagging. For more information, see Manage object tags. | 2 |
OSSTagging | object | The tag of the OSS object. For more information about tags, see Manage object tags. | {"key": "val"} |
OSSExpiration | string | The expiration time of the OSS object. If you want to specify this parameter, you must specify the following HTTP attribute for the OSS bucket: Expires. For more information, see Manage object tags. | 2120-01-01T12:00:00.000Z |
OSSVersionId | string | The version of the OSS object. If you want to specify this parameter, you must enable versioning for the OSS bucket. For more information, see Overview . | CAEQNhiBgMDJgZCA0BYiIDc4MGZjZGI2OTBjOTRmNTE5NmU5NmFhZjhjYmY0**** |
OSSDeleteMarker | string | The delete marker of the OSS object. | CAEQMhiBgIDXiaaB0BYiIGQzYmRkZGUxMTM1ZDRjOTZhNjk4YjRjMTAyZjhl**** |
OSSObjectType | string | The type of the OSS object. Set the value to | Normal |
CustomId | string | The custom ID of the file. After you create an index for a file and add the index to a dataset, the index is stored as a part of metadata and is used to associate with your business system. You can specify this parameter based on your business requirements. For example, you can associate a URI with an ID in your business system. We recommend that you set this parameter to a value that is globally unique. | member-image-id-0001 |
CustomLabels | object | The custom labels of the file. This parameter is optional. A custom label stores custom key names and key-value pairs that you can use to search for information during queries. | { "MemberName": "Tim", "Enabled": "True", "ItemCount": "10" } |
StreamCount | long | The number of media streams in the media container. | 1 |
ProgramCount | long | The number of programs in the media container. | 1 |
FormatName | string | The name of the media format. | mov |
FormatLongName | string | The full name of the media format. | QuickTime / MOV |
StartTime | double | The duration of the first frame. Unit: seconds. | 0.000000 |
Bitrate | long | The bitrate. Unit: bit/s. | 13091201 |
Duration | double | The total duration of the video. Unit: seconds. | 15.263000 |
SemanticTypes | array | The reasons for which the current file is retrieved in the search results when you call the SemanticQuery operation for semantic search. | |
string | The reason for which the current file is retrieved in the search results when you call the SemanticQuery operation for semantic search. Valid values:
| content | |
Elements | array | The document elements that match the current query content when you call the SemanticQuery operation for semantic search. | |
Element | The document element that matches the current query content. | ||
SceneElements | array | The video clips, which are scene fragments that you can extract from the video by using an AI model. | |
SceneElement | The video clip. | ||
OCRTexts | string | The text detected in the image. | Alibaba Cloud IMM |
Reason | string | The reason why the file failed to run the index. | [InternalError] The request has been failed due to some unknown error. status: 500, requestId: CC5ACFBD-BB7A-496D-A9D6-**** |
ObjectStatus | string | The status of the file. | Indexed |