This topic describes how to create software-defined DNS (SDNS) rules to implement custom domain name resolution.
A function is created and published in the Function Compute console. For more information, see Configure Function Compute resources.
The service-linked role of HTTPDNS is granted access to Function Compute resources. For more information, see Grant permissions to the service-linked role.
Log on to the Enterprise Mobile Application Studio (EMAS) console.
Go to the HTTPDNS console. The Overview page appears by default.
In the left-side navigation pane, click SDNS.
Click Add Domain Name for Custom Resolution. In the Add Domain Name for Custom Resolution panel, select the domain name for which you want to configure SDNS.
Set Region, Service, and Service Version/Alias based on configurations of your Function Compute service, and specify the custom resolution functions.
Click Test. After the test succeeds, click OK. Then, the added domain name appears in the SDNS rule list.
Enable SDNS for the domain name.
When the Function Compute service is in the Normal state, you can turn on or off the switch for custom resolution to enable or disable custom resolution for the domain name.
NoteWhen you enable or disable custom resolution, a verification code is sent to your mobile phone to secure your account.
What to do next
View Configuration: Click View Configuration in the Actions column corresponding to a domain name to view its SDNS configuration.
Modify Configuration: Click Modify Configuration in the Actions column corresponding to a domain name to modify the region, service, service version, and custom resolution functions. After the test succeeds, click OK to make the configuration take effect.
If you modify the configuration while SDNS is enabled for the domain name, a verification code is sent to your mobile phone to secure your account.
Delete Configuration: Click Delete Configuration in the Actions column corresponding to a domain name to delete the SDNS configuration of the domain name. Then, a verification code is sent to your mobile phone to secure your account.