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Hologres:Export data to OSS

Last Updated:Sep 11, 2024

Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a secure, cost-effective, and reliable cloud storage service. This topic describes how to execute the COPY TO and hg_dump_to_oss statements to export query results from Hologres to OSS.


  • Hologres instances allow only users who are granted the pg_execute_server_program permission and superusers to execute the hg_dump_to_oss statement to export data from Hologres to a specific OSS bucket. Superusers can execute one of the following statements to grant the pg_execute_server_program permission to users:

    -- If the current database uses the simple permission model (SPM), execute the following statement:
    CALL spm_grant('pg_execute_server_program','Alibaba Cloud account ID, Alibaba Mail address, or RAM user account');
    -- If the current database uses the standard PostgreSQL authorization model, execute the following statement:
    GRANT pg_execute_server_program TO Alibaba Cloud account ID, Alibaba Mail address, or RAM user;
  • The data that you export from Hologres to OSS at a time cannot exceed 5 GB.

Statement description

  • COPY statements: COPY statements are used to transmit data between PostgreSQL tables and standard file systems. Hologres supports COPY statements. In Hologres, you can execute the COPY TO statement to copy the query results of a SELECT statement to an output medium, such as a file. You can execute the COPY FROM statement to copy data from a file to a table.

  • hg_dump_to_oss statement: You can execute this statement to dump query results from Hologres to a specific OSS bucket.

COPY statements

This section describes the syntax and parameters of the COPY TO statement.

  • Syntax

    COPY ( query ) TO { PROGRAM 'command' | STDOUT }
        [ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...] ) ]

    option in the preceding syntax can be one of the following parameters:

    FORMAT [format_name]
    DELIMITER 'delimiter_character'
    NULL 'null_string'
    QUOTE 'quote_character'
    ESCAPE 'escape_character'
    ENCODING 'encoding_name'
  • Parameters




    The query statement. The parentheses () before and after the query statement must be retained.


    A command that you want to run. The data that you want to export is written to the standard input of the command.


    The output of the command. The output is synchronized to the application on the client.


    The format of the data after the export. Valid values: TEXT, CSV, and BINARY. Default value: TEXT.


    The delimiter that you want to use to separate fields in each row in the file that you want to generate. The specified delimiter must be a single-byte character. Specify this parameter based on data formats:

    • If the data format is TEXT, the default delimiter is a tab character (\t).

    • If the data format is CSV, the default delimiter is a comma (,).

    • If the data format is BINARY, do not specify this parameter.


    The string that is used to represent a NULL value. Specify this parameter based on data formats:

    • If the data format is TEXT, the default string is \N.

    • If the data format is CSV, the default string is an unquoted empty string.

    • If the data format is BINARY, do not specify this parameter.


    Specifies whether the file that you want to generate contains a header row. Values in the row are fields in the Hologres query results that you want to export. Specify this parameter only when the data format is CSV.


    The character that appears before a character that is the same as the value of the quote parameter. The specified character must be a single-byte character. The default character is the same as the value of the quote parameter. Specify this parameter only when the data format is CSV.


    The encoding method that you want to use for the file. If you do not specify this parameter, the file is generated based on the encoding method that is used by the current client.

hg_dump_to_oss statement

This section describes the syntax and parameters of the hg_dump_to_oss statement. In Hologres, the hg_dump_to_oss statement is used together with the COPY TO statement.

  • Syntax

    COPY (query) TO PROGRAM 'hg_dump_to_oss --AccessKeyId <accessid> --AccessKeySecret <accesskey> --Endpoint <ossendpoint> --BucketName <bucketname> --DirName <dirname> --FileName <filename> --BatchSize <xxx> ' (DELIMITER ',', HEADER true, FORMAT CSV);

    The value of the DirName parameter cannot start with a character such as a forward slash (/) or a backslash (\).

  • Parameters





    The query statement.

    select * from dual;


    Set this parameter to the AccessKey ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.

    You can obtain the AccessKey ID from the AccessKey Pair page.



    Set this parameter to the AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account.



    The classic network endpoint of the OSS bucket.

    You can view the classic network endpoint on the details page of the bucket. To go to the details page of the bucket, log on to the OSS console and click the bucket name on the Buckets page.


    The name of the OSS bucket.



    The OSS directory to which data is exported.



    Optional. The name of the file in the OSS bucket.



    The number of rows that are processed by the hg_dump_to_oss statement at a time. Default value: 1000.



    The delimiter that you want to use to separate fields in the exported file. The default delimiter is a tab character (\t).



The following examples show how to execute the hg_dump_to_oss and COPY TO statements in Hologres.

-- Dump data from a Hologres internal table to a specific OSS bucket.
COPY (SELECT * FROM holo_test LIMIT 2) TO PROGRAM 'hg_dump_to_oss --AccessKeyId <access id> --AccessKeySecret <access key> --Endpoint --BucketName hologres-demo --DirName holotest/ --FileName file_name --BatchSize 3000' DELIMITER ',';

-- Dump data from a Hologres foreign table to a specific OSS bucket.
COPY (SELECT * FROM foreign_holo_test LIMIT 20) TO PROGRAM 'hg_dump_to_oss --AccessKeyId <access id> --AccessKeySecret <access key> --Endpoint --BucketName hologres-demo --DirName holotest/ --FileName file_name --BatchSize 3000' (DELIMITER ',', HEADER true);

-- Dump data from a Hologres table to a specific OSS bucket in another region.
COPY (SELECT * FROM holo_test_1 LIMIT 20) TO PROGRAM 'hg_dump_to_oss --AccessKeyId <access id> --AccessKeySecret <access key> --Endpoint --BucketName hologres-demo --DirName holotest/ --FileName file_name --BatchSize 3000' (DELIMITER ',', HEADER true, FORMAT CSV);

You can export data from Hologres to an OSS bucket in another region. For example, you can export data that is queried from a Hologres instance in the China (Hangzhou) region to an OSS bucket in the China (Beijing) region.


The following items describe common errors and solutions.

  • ERROR: syntax error at or near ")"LINE 1: COPY (select 1,2,3 from ) TO PROGRAM 'hg_dump_to_oss2 --Acce...

    This error message is reported because the query statement is invalid. Check and correct the query statement.

  • DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 255

    This error message is reported because the network type that is specified for the OSS bucket is invalid. If you access the OSS bucket over the Alibaba Cloud public cloud, use the classic network endpoint of the OSS bucket.

  • DETAIL: command not found

    This error message is reported because the PROGRAM parameter in the DUMP TO OSS statement is not set to hg_dump_to_oss.

  • ERROR: program "hg_dump_to_oss ..." failed DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 101

    This error message is reported because the value of the AccessKeyId parameter is invalid. Use the AccessKey ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.

  • ERROR: program "hg_dump_to_oss ..." failed DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 102

    This error message is reported because the value of the AccessKeySecret parameter is invalid. Use the AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account.

  • ERROR: program "hg_dump_to_oss ..." failed DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 103

    This error message is reported because the value of the Endpoint parameter is invalid. Use the classic network endpoint of the OSS bucket.

  • ERROR: program "hg_dump_to_oss ..." failed DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 104

    This error message is reported because the value of the BucketName parameter is invalid. Use the valid bucket name.

  • ERROR: program "hg_dump_to_oss ..." failed DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 105

    This error message is reported because a required parameter is missing. Check whether all required parameters are correctly set.

  • ERROR: program "hg_dump_to_oss ..." failed DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 255

    This error message is reported because the server on which your Hologres instance resides cannot connect to the network on which the specified OSS bucket resides. Change the specified endpoint of the OSS bucket. For example, you can use the classic network endpoint of the OSS bucket. For more information about endpoints of OSS buckets, see Regions and endpoints.