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Global Accelerator:Overdue payments

Last Updated:Dec 03, 2024

This topic describes the expiration and overdue payment policies of Global Accelerator. Services are suspended when your GA instances expire or payments for the instances become overdue. To avoid service interruptions, we recommend that you renew your instances at the earliest opportunity or make sure that your Alibaba Cloud account has sufficient balance.

Overdue payments of GA instances

Instance billing method

Bandwidth metering method

Expiration and overdue payments

Renewal and top-up



If you purchase a subscription Global Accelerator instance whose bandwidth metering method is pay-by-bandwidth, the Global Accelerator instance may be in one of the following states:

  • Normal: The GA instance is in the Normal state. After you create a Global Accelerator instance, the Global Accelerator instance remains in the Normal state until the instance expires.

    In this state, the Global Accelerator instance works as expected as long as the associated basic bandwidth plan is in the Normal state.

  • FinancialLocked: The Global Accelerator instance is locked due to overdue payments. A Global Accelerator instance remains in this state within seven days after the instance expires.

    In this state, you cannot perform operations on the Global Accelerator instance.

    If you do not renew the instance within seven days after expiration or if the renewal fails, the instance is released. After the instance is released, the configurations and data of the instance are deleted and cannot be restored.

You can renew the GA instance before the expiration date or within seven days after the expiration date.



If your Alibaba Cloud account has overdue payments and bills for data transfer fees are not settled, you are notified by text message and email.

  • The Global Accelerator instance provides services within 15 days after the payments are overdue.

  • If you do not complete the overdue payments within 15 days, the Global Accelerator instance enters the FinancialLocked state.

    The billing stops when the instance is locked.

  • If you do not complete the overdue payments within 15 days after your Global Accelerator instance is locked, the instance is released.

    You are notified by email one day before the instance is released. The configurations and related data are deleted and cannot be restored after the instance is released.

If your Alibaba Cloud account has overdue payments, we recommend that you top up your account in a timely manner.

  • If you top up your account within 15 days after the payments become overdue, your business is not affected.

  • If you top up your Alibaba Cloud account within 30 days after the payment becomes overdue, the instance immediately recovers to provide services.

Overdue payments for bandwidth plans

Billing method


Renewal policy


A subscription basic bandwidth plan may be in one of the following states:

  • Normal: The bandwidth plan remains in the Normal state until it expires.

    A basic bandwidth plan that is in the Normal state provides regular acceleration services.

  • FinancialLocked: A basic bandwidth plan is locked within seven days after it expires.

    In this case, the configurations of the basic bandwidth plan are retained. However, you cannot perform operations on the basic bandwidth plan, such as replacing the basic bandwidth plan.

    If you do not renew the basic bandwidth plan within seven days after expiration or if the renewal fails, the basic bandwidth plan is released. After the basic bandwidth plan is released, the configurations and data of the basic bandwidth plan are deleted and cannot be restored.

You can renew the basic bandwidth plan before the expiration date or within seven days after the expiration date.

View overdue amounts

  1. Log on to the Expenses and Costs console.

  2. On the Account Overview page, you can view overdue payments.