Disassociates an additional certificate from an HTTPS listener.
Operation description
DissociateAdditionalCertificatesFromListener is an asynchronous operation. After you send a request, the system returns a request ID, but this operation is still being performed in the system background. You can call the DescribeListener operation to query the state of an HTTPS listener.
- If the listener is in the updating state, it indicates that the additional certificate is being dissociated from the listener. In this case, you can perform only query operations.
- If the listener is in the active state, it indicates that the additional certificate is dissociated from the listener.
The DissociateAdditionalCertificatesFromListener operation cannot be repeatedly called for the same Global Accelerator (GA) instance with a specific period of time.
Authorization information
The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action
policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:
- Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
- Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
- Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
- The required resource types are displayed in bold characters.
- If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level,
All Resources
is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
- Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
- Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
Operation | Access level | Resource type | Condition key | Associated operation |
ga:DissociateAdditionalCertificatesFromListener | update |
| none |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
RegionId | string | Yes | The ID of the region where the GA instance is deployed. Set the value to cn-hangzhou. | cn-hangzhou |
ClientToken | string | No | The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the value, but you must make sure that it is unique among all requests. ClientToken can contain only ASCII characters. Note
If you do not set this parameter, ClientToken is set to the value of RequestId. The value of RequestId may be different for each API request.
| 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 |
AcceleratorId | string | Yes | The ID of the GA instance. | ga-bp1odcab8tmno0hdq**** |
ListenerId | string | Yes | The ID of the listener. | lsr-bp1bpn0kn908w4nbw**** |
Domains | array | Yes | The domain name associated with the additional certificate. You can specify up to 10 domain names in each request. | |
string | Yes | The domain name associated with the additional certificate. You can specify up to 10 domain names in each request. | example.com |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"RequestId": "6FEA0CF3-D3B9-43E5-A304-D217037876A8"
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | AlreadyInBandwidthPackage.Accelerator | The accelerated instance is already in the bandwidth package. | The accelerated instance is already in the bandwidth package. |
400 | BandwidthIllegal.BandwidthPackage | The bandwidth of the basic bandwidth package must be lower than or equal to the bandwidth of the cross-domain bandwidth package. | The bandwidth of the basic bandwidth package must be lower than or equal to the bandwidth of the cross-domain bandwidth package. |
400 | BindExist.Accelerator | The accelerated instance is already bound to a bandwidth package. | The GA instance is already associated with a bandwidth plan. |
400 | BindExist.BandwidthPackage | The bandwidth package is already bound. | The bandwidth plan is already associated. |
400 | BindExist.EndPointGroup | The endpoint group %s contains binding. | The endpoint group contains binding. |
400 | EndPointGroupTypeIllegal.EndpointGroup | The endpoint group type is illegal. | The endpoint group type is illegal. |
400 | EndPointRequestProtocolIllegal.EndpointGroup | The endpoint group request protocol is illegal. | The endpoint group request protocol is illegal. |
400 | Exist.EndpointGroup | The endpoint group already exists. | The endpoint group already exists. |
400 | Exist.ForwardingRule | The forwarding rule already exists. | The forwarding rule already exists. |
400 | Exist.IpSet | The IpSet already exists. | The acceleration region already exists. |
400 | Exist.Listener | The listener already exists. | The listener already exists. |
400 | Exist.VirtualEndpointGroup | A virtual endpoint group already exists. | A virtual endpoint group already exists. |
400 | GaSpecExceeded.IpSet | The number of IpSet exceeds the specification of the GA instance. | The number of accelerated IP addresses has reached the upper limit supported by the GA instance. |
400 | GreaterThanGa.IpSetBandwidth | The total bandwidth for IpSet exceeds the total bandwidth of the GA instance. | The total bandwidth for IpSet exceeds the total bandwidth of the GA instance. |
400 | IllegalBandwidth.IpSet | The bandwidth of IpSet is invalid. | The bandwidth of IpSet is invalid. |
400 | IllegalParameter.BandwidthType | The parameter BandwidthType is illegal. | The GA instance bound to the basic bandwidth plan has non-EIP type endpoints. You cannot set the bandwidth type to standard acceleration bandwidth. |
400 | IllegalParameter.Spec | The specified Spec is invalid. | The specified Spec is invalid. |
400 | IllegalParameter.Type | The specified Type is invalid. | The specified Type is invalid. |
400 | MissingParameter.BandwidthType | You must specify BandwidthType. | You must specify BandwidthType. |
400 | NoPermission.EnableHealthCheck | You do not have permission to enable health check. | The current account does not have the permissions to enable health checks. |
400 | NoPermission.GaDdosRoleSession | You are not authorized to perform the operation. | The user does not have permissions to create service linked roles. Contact the Alibaba Cloud account owner or the permission administrator to grant the current user AliyunGlobalAccelerationFullAccess or create custom permission policies for service linked role. The following content describes the detailed information about custom permission policies: ServiceName: ddos.ga.aliyuncs.com. Service linked role name: AliyunServiceRoleForGaAntiDDos. Permission: ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole. |
400 | NoPermission.VpcEndpoint | You are not authorized to perform the operation. | The user does not have permissions to create service linked roles. Contact the Alibaba Cloud account owner or the permission administrator to grant the current user AliyunGlobalAccelerationFullAccess or create custom permission policies for service linked role. The following content describes the detailed information about custom permission policies: ServiceName: vpcendpoint.ga.aliyuncs.com. Service linked role name: AliyunServiceRoleForGaVpc. Endpoint Permission: ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole. |
400 | NotActive.IpSet | The state of IpSet is not active. | The accelerated IP address is in an unstable state. |
400 | NotActive.Listener | The state of the listener is not active. | The listener is unstable. |
400 | NotExist.Accelerator | The accelerated instance does not exist. | The GA instance does not exist. |
400 | NotExist.BandwidthPackage | The bandwidth package does not exist. | The bandwidth package does not exist. |
400 | NotExist.BasicBandwidthPackage | You must specify the basic bandwidth package. | You must specify the basic bandwidth package. |
400 | NotExist.BusinessRegion | The business region does not exist. | The business region does not exist. |
400 | NotExist.EndPointGroup | The endpoint group does not exist. | The endpoint group does not exist. |
400 | NotExist.IpSet | The IpSet does not exist. | The acceleration region does not exist. |
400 | NotExist.IpSets | The IpSet does not exist. | The acceleration region does not exist. |
400 | NotExist.Listener | The listener does not exist. | The listener does not exist. |
400 | NotExist.ListenerPort | The listening port %s does not exist. | The listening port does not exist. |
400 | NotInBandwidthPackage.Accelerator | The accelerated instance is not in the bandwidth package. | The GA instance is not associated with a bandwidth plan. |
400 | PortConflict.Listener | The listener port configuration is in conflict. | The listener port configurations are in conflict. |
400 | PortRangeIllegal.Count | The hugePort listener only supports one port range. | The mass port listener (port number greater than 300) only supports one port range. |
400 | PortRangeIllegal.Listener | The specified listener port range is invalid. | The specified listener port range is invalid. |
400 | PortRanges.MustOne | The portRanges must be one for HTTPS and HTTP type listener. | Only one port is supported for HTTPS and HTTP type listeners. |
400 | ProtocalIllegal.Listener | The specified listener protocol is invalid. | The specified listener protocol is invalid. |
400 | QuotaExceeded.EndPoint | The maximum number of endpoints is exceeded. | The maximum number of endpoints is exceeded. |
400 | QuotaExceeded.ForwardingRule | The number of forwarding rule exceeds the limit. | The number of forwarding rule exceeds the limit. |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Listener | The maximum number of listeners is exceeded. | The maximum number of listeners is exceeded. |
400 | QuotaExceeded.ListenerPort | The maximum number of listener ports is exceeded. | The maximum number of listener ports is exceeded. |
400 | QuotaExceeded.PortOverride | The number of port override exceeds the limit. | The number of port override exceeds the limit. |
400 | QuotaExceeded.RuleConditionConfig | The number of path and host exceeds the limit. | - |
400 | RegionRepeat.IpSet | Only one IpSet can be created in an accelerated region. | An acceleration region supports only one accelerated IP address. |
400 | Repeat.IpSets | The configuration of IpSet is duplicated. | Duplicate accelerated IP addresses exist. |
400 | RepeatPathAndHost.ForwardingRule | The path and host %s are duplicated. | The path and host are duplicated. |
400 | StateError.Accelerator | The state of the accelerated instance is invalid. | The status of the GA instance is invalid. |
400 | StateError.BandwidthPackage | The state of bandwidth package is invalid. | The bandwidth plan is in an invalid state. |
400 | StateError.BandwidthPackageBind | The state of binding for the bandwidth package is invalid. | The association status of the bandwidth plan is invalid. |
400 | StateError.EndPointGroup | The specified state of endpoint group is invalid. | The endpoint group is in an invalid state. |
400 | StateError.ForwardingRule | The forwarding rule state %s is illegal. | The forwarding rule state is illegal. |
400 | StateError.IpSet | The state of IpSet is invalid. | The acceleration region is in an invalid state. |
400 | TooManySpareIp.Accelerator | Too many SpareIp accepted under the same Accelerator | Too many spare IP addresses are accepted under the same accelerator. |
400 | UpgradeError.BandwidthPackage | The bandwidth package configurations should be either all upgrades or all downgrades. | You cannot upgrade and downgrade a bandwidth plan at the same time. You can only upgrade or downgrade the bandwidth plan. |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |