You can use HTTP handlers to process HTTP requests in an efficient manner. When a function is invoked, Function Compute uses the handler that you specify to process the HTTP request. This topic describes the structure of HTTP handlers in a Node.js runtime environment and provides examples on how to use HTTP handlers in a Node.js runtime environment.
HTTP handler signature
The following sample code provides an example on the signature of an HTTP handler in a Node.js runtime environment. You need to only implement one function to respond to HTTP requests.
exports.handler = (req, resp, context) => {
console.log("receive body: ", req.body.toString());
resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
resp.send('<h1>Hello, world!</h1>');
: the name of the HTTP handler.
: the HTTP request struct.
: the HTTP response struct.
: the context information. For more information, see Context.
HTTP request struct
Field | Type | Description |
headers | Object | Stores the key-value pairs that are sent by HTTP clients. |
path | String | Specifies the HTTP path. |
queries | Object | Stores the key-value pairs of query parameters in the HTTP path. The parameter value can be a string or an array. |
method | String | Specifies the HTTP method. |
clientIP | String | Specifies the IP address of the client. |
url | String | Specifies the URL of the request. |
The key
in the header that contains one of the following fields or starts with x-fc-
is ignored. Therefore, you cannot customize the key.
HTTP response struct
Method | Type | Description |
response.setStatusCode(statusCode) | interger | Sets the status code. |
response.setHeader(headerKey, headerValue) | String, String | Sets a response header. |
response.deleteHeader(headerKey) | String | Deletes a response header. |
response.send(body) | Buffer, String, and Stream.Readable | Sends the response body. |
The headerKey
that contains one of the following fields or starts with x-fc-
is ignored. Therefore, you cannot customize the header key.
Request limits
If a request exceeds one of the following limits, the system returns status code 400 and error InvalidArgument.
Field | Description | HTTP status code | Error code |
Field | Description | HTTP status code | Error code |
headers | The total size of the keys and values in the request headers cannot exceed 8 KB. | 400 | InvalidArgument |
path | The total size of the request path and query parameters cannot exceed 4 KB. |
body | The total size of the body of a synchronous invocation request cannot exceed 32 MB. The total size of the body of an asynchronous invocation request cannot exceed 128 KB. |
Response limits
If a response exceeds one of the following limits, the system returns status code 502 and error BadResponse.
Field | Description | HTTP status code | Error code |
Field | Description | HTTP status code | Error code |
headers | The total size of the keys and values in the response headers cannot exceed 8 KB. | 502 | BadResponse |
Example: Obtain the details of the HTTP request and return the body
Sample code
module.exports.handler = function (request, response, context) {
var reqHeader = request.headers
var headerStr = ' '
for (var key in reqHeader) {
headerStr += key + ':' + reqHeader[key] + ' '
var url = request.url
var path = request.path
var queries = request.queries
var queryStr = ''
for (var param in queries) {
queryStr += param + "=" + queries[param] + ' '
var method = request.method
var clientIP = request.clientIP
var body = request.body
var respBody = new Buffer('requestHeader:' + headerStr + '\n' + 'url: ' + url + '\n' + 'path: ' + path + '\n' + 'queries: ' + queryStr + '\n' + 'method: ' + method + '\n' + 'clientIP: ' + clientIP + '\n' + 'body: ' + body + '\n')
response.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
Before you start
Create a service
Log on to the Function Compute console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Services & Functions.
In the top navigation bar, select a region. On the Services page, click the desired service.
On the Functions page, click Create Function.
Create an HTTP function whose runtime environment is Node.js 14.x. For more information, see Create a function.
On the function details page, click the Code tab, enter the preceding sample code in the code editor, and then click Deploy.
In the preceding sample code, the handler of the function is the handler
method in index.js
. If you specify a different handler, use the actual file and method. For more information, see Lifecycle hooks for function instances.
On the Code tab, click the
icon next to Test Function and select Configure Test Parameters from the drop-down list.
In the Configure Test Parameters panel, click Create New Test Event or Modify Existing Test Event, set the following parameters, and then click OK.
Request Name: Enter a custom request name.
Request Method: Select POST.
Request Path: Enter ?foo=bar.
Request Body: Enter hello,fc in the code editor.
Click Test Function.
After the function is executed, the information such as the client IP address is contained in the returned result.