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Function Compute:Function runtime selection

Last Updated:Oct 19, 2023

To meet your business requirements in different scenarios, Function Compute provides built-in runtimes, custom runtimes, and Custom Container runtimes. This topic describes the applicable scenarios of and differences between the runtimes that are supported by Function Compute to help you select a runtime that best meet your business requirements.



Built-in runtimes

Custom runtimes

Custom Container runtimes


Write programs to handle events and HTTP requests based on the interfaces defined by Function Compute.

Write programs based on popular frameworks, such as Java SpringBoot, Node.js Express, Python Flask, and Golang Gin, or migrate existing framework applications.

  • Fully control the environments in which programs run, or migrate existing container applications.

  • Use GPU-accelerated instances.

Cold start duration

Shortest The durations of cold starts are shortest because runtimes are not included in code packages.

Short Custom runtimes use common images and no need to pull images. Therefore, the durations of cold starts are short.

Relatively long The durations of cold starts are long because images must be pulled.

Upper limit of code package size

500 MB uncompressed code package.

500 MB uncompressed code package.

10 GB uncompressed image.

Code package formats

ZIP, JAR (Java), and folder.

ZIP, JAR (Java), and folder.

What is Container Registry?

GPU-accelerated instances

Not Supported.

Not Supported.



Node.js, Python, PHP, Java, .NET Core, and Go.



Function runtimes

Built-in runtimes

If you want to use the interfaces defined by Function Compute to write programs for handling event requests and HTTP requests, use a built-in runtime. For more information, see the Create a function section in Manage functions.


Custom runtimes

If you want to write programs based on a popular framework, such as Java SpringBoot, Node.js Express, Python Flask, and Golang Gin, or migrate existing framework applications, you can use a custom runtime. For more information, see the Create a function section in Manage functions.


Custom Container runtimes

Alibaba Cloud Container Registry is a secure platform that allows you to manage and distribute cloud-native artifacts that meet the standards of Open Container Initiative (OCI) in an efficient manner. The artifacts include container images and Helm charts. If you use a container image to deploy a function, you can enjoy secure and efficient image hosting and distribution on the cloud without the need to create and maintain a self-managed image service. For more information, see Create a custom container function.
