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Function Compute:GetFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig

Last Updated:Jun 11, 2024

Queries the asynchronous invocation configurations of a function in a service.

StatefulAsyncInvocation indicates whether the asynchronous task feature is enabled. If StatefulAsyncInvocation is set to true, the asynchronous task feature is enabled. All asynchronous invocations change to asynchronous task mode.

Request headers

This operation does not have operation-specific request headers and uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common parameters.

Request syntax

GET /services/{serviceName[.qualifier]}/functions/{functionName}/async-invoke-config HTTP/1.1

Request parameters







serviceName String Path Yes service_name

The name of the service that contains the function whose asynchronous invocation configurations are queried.

functionName String Path Yes testHelloWorld

The name of the function whose asynchronous invocation configurations are queried.

qualifier String Path No alias

The alias or version of the service that contains the function for which you want to query the asynchronous invocation configurations.

Response parameters





createdTime String 2020-08-20T02:28:21Z

The time when the asynchronous invocation configurations were created.

destinationConfig DestinationConfig

The configuration struct of the destination for the asynchronous invocation.

functionName String testHelloWorld

The name of the function whose asynchronous invocation configurations were queried.

lastModifiedTime String 2020-09-10T02:45:02Z

The time when the asynchronous invocation configurations were last modified.

maxAsyncEventAgeInSeconds Long 1

The maximum validity period of a message. Valid values: [1,604800]. Default value: 86400. Unit: seconds.

maxAsyncRetryAttempts Long 1

The maximum number of retries that are allowed after an asynchronous invocation fails. Default value: 3. Valid values: 0 to 8.

qualifier String alias

The alias or version of the service that contains the function whose asynchronous invocation configurations were queried.

serviceName String service_name

The name of the service that contains the function whose asynchronous invocation configurations were queried.

statefulInvocation Boolean true

Indicates whether the asynchronous task feature is enabled. Valid values:

  • true
  • false


Sample requests

GET /2016-08-15/services/service_name.alias/functions/testHelloWorld/async-invoke-config HTTP/1.1
Common request parameters

Sample success responses

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "createdTime" : "2020-08-20T02:28:21Z",
  "destinationConfig" : {
    "onFailure" : {
      "destination" : "acs:mns:cn-shanghai:1986***743:/queues/failure/messages"
    "onSuccess" : {
      "destination" : "acs:mns:cn-shanghai:1986***743:/queues/success/messages"
  "functionName" : "testHelloWorld",
  "lastModifiedTime" : "2020-09-10T02:45:02Z",
  "maxAsyncEventAgeInSeconds" : 1,
  "maxAsyncRetryAttempts" : 1,
  "qualifier" : "alias",
  "serviceName" : "service_name",
  "statefulInvocation" : true