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Function Compute:DeliveryOption

Last Updated:Sep 19, 2024

The event pushing configurations.

Note This parameter is deprecated.

The underlying application mode when message data is pushed to Function Compute:

  • event-streaming: the event streaming mode. In this mode, events are pushed in arrays. One or more message events are pushed to functions in batches based on push configurations. This mode is suitable for processing end-to-end streaming data.
  • event-driven: the event mode. Individual messages are passed as the event parameter to the function. The event follows the CloudEvents standard. Take note that batch configurations are not supported in this mode.

Specifies the format of each data element in event.

  • CloudEvents: a set of specifications that describes event data in a common format, including event descriptions and event payload data. CloudEvents is designed to simplify event declaration and transmission between different services and platforms.
  • RawData: delivers only the event payload data and does not include other metadata information in the CloudEvents format.
Note This parameter takes effect only when ApsaraMQ for Kafka is used as the event source.

The maximum concurrency for the upstream event source to deliver events to Function Compute.