This topic provides answers to some frequently asked questions about the faascmd tool.
What do I do if the "Name Error:global name'ID' is not defined." error message is returned?
Cause: faascmd cannot obtain your AccessKey ID or AccessKey secret.
Solution: Run the faascmd config
command to save the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret that you entered to the /home/user1/.faascredentials file.
What do I do if the "SDK.InvalidRegionId. cannot find endpoint to access."error message is returned?
Cause: faascmd cannot obtain the endpoint of FPGA as a Service (FaaS).
Solution: Perform the following steps to check whether faascmd configurations meet the specified requirements:
Run the
python -V
command to check whether the version of Python that is installed is 2.7.x.Run the
which python
command to check whether the default installation path of Python is/usr/bin/python
.Run the
cat /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aliyunsdkcore/
command to check whether the version of aliyunsdkcore that is installed is 2.11.0 or later.NoteIf the aliyunsdkcore version is earlier than 2.11.0, run the
pip install --upgrade aliyun-python-sdk-core
command to upgrade aliyunsdkcore to the latest version.
What do I do if the "HTTP Status:" 404 Error: EntityNotExist. Role Error. The specified Role not exists . error message is returned?
Cause: AliyunFAASDefaultRole does not exist in your Alibaba Cloud account.
Solution: Log on to the RAM console to check whether AliyunFAASDefaultRole exists.
If AliyunFAASDefaultRole does not exist, run the
faascmd config
andfaascmd auth
commands to create the role and grant permissions to the role.If AliyunFAASDefaultRole exists, submit a ticket.
When I attempt to download an FPGA image, the "HTTP Status:404 Error:SHELL NOT MATCH. The image Shell is not match with fpga Shell! Request ID:D7D1AB1E-8682-4091-8129-C17D54FD10D4" error message is returned. What do I do?
Cause: The shell versions of the target FPGA image and the specified FPGA do not match.
Solution: Perform the following steps:
Run the
faascmd list_instances --instance=xxx
command to check the shell version of the current FPGA.Run the
faascmd list_images
command to check the shell version of the specified FPGA image.NoteIf the two shell versions are different, you must create a new FPGA image of the same shell version as the FPGA. After the new FPGA image is created, download the image.
If the two shell versions are the same, submit a ticket.
When I attempt to download an FPGA image, the "HTTP Status:503 Error:ANOTHER TASK RUNNING . Another task has not finished yet, please retry later! Request ID: 5FCB6F75-8572-4840-9BDC-87C57174F26D" error message is returned. What do I do?
Cause: The FPGA is still in the operating state due to an unexpected failure or interruption of the download request that you submitted.
Solution: We recommend that you wait 10 minutes until the download task ends. Then, you can resubmit an image download request.
If this issue persists, submit a ticket.
When I run the faascmd list_images command, an error message is returned which indicates that the image is in the failed state. What do I do?
Run the following commands to obtain the compilation logs for troubleshooting:
faascmd list_objects|grep vivado
faascmd get_object --object=<YourObjectName> --file=<YourLocalPath>/vivado.log #If no path is specified, the compilation log is downloaded to the current folder.
Error codes
HttpCode | Error code | Error message | Description | Scope |
400 | PARAMETER INVALIDATE | Specify parameters are invalid. | The error message returned because input parameters are invalid. |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | The error message returned because an unknown error has occurred. Submit a ticket. | |
404 | InvalidProduct.NotFound | Cannot find product according to your specified domain. | The error message returned because the FaaS service does not exist. Check whether the endpoint configurations of the Python Core SDK are correct. | |
404 | InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound | Specified access key is not found. | The error message returned because the specified AccessKey ID does not exist. | |
400 | InvalidAccessKeyId.Inactive | Specified access key is disabled. | The error message returned because the specified AccessKey ID is unavailable. | |
400 | InvalidSecurityToken.Expired | Specified SecurityToken is expired. | The error message returned because the specified SecurityToken is expired. | |
400 | InvalidSecurityToken.Malformed | Specified SecurityToken is malformed. | The error message returned because the specified SecurityToken is malformed. | |
400 | InvalidSecurityToken.MismatchWithAccessKey | Specified SecurityToken mismatch with the AccessKey. | The error message returned because the specified security token and AccessKey pair do not match. | |
403 | NoPermisson | You are not authorized to do this action. | The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform this operation. |
401 | IMAGE NUMBER EXCEED | The user is allowed to have no more than 30 images. | The error message returned because the number of images has reached the upper limit of 30. Delete the images that you no longer need and try again. |
503 | FREQUENCY ERROR | CreateFpgaImage task is allowed to take every half an hour. | If you submit a request to create an image, you must wait at least 30 minutes before you can submit another request to create an image. | |
404 | SHELL NOT SUPPORT | The shellUUID is not supported, please check your input shellUUID. | The error message returned because the specified shell version is not supported. | |
404 | EntityNotExist.RoleError | The specified Role not exists. | The error message returned because your account does not have the AliyunFAASDefaultRole role. | |
403 | AccessDeniedError | The bucket you visit does not belong to you. | The error message returned because the FaaS service role does not have permissions to access the current bucket. | |
403 | CALLER TYPE NOT SUPPORT | The callerType is not supported, please use sub user's AK. | The error message returned because the specified user identity credentials are not supported. Only the identity credentials of RAM users are supported. | |
404 | NoSuchBucketError | The specified bucket does not exist. | The error message returned because the specified OSS bucket does not exist. Check whether the specified bucket name is correct. | |
404 | OSS OBJECT NOT FOUND | The specified oss object does not exist. | The error message returned because the specified OSS object does not exist or because you have not authorized the FaaS RAM role to access the object. | |
404 | IMAGE NOT FOUND | The specify image does not found. | The error message returned because the specified FPGA image does not exist. |
401 | NOT AUTHORIZED | You are not allowed to access this instance. | The error message returned because you are not authorized to access the specified instance. Check whether the permission policy attached to your account includes the permission to call the DescribeInstances operation. |
403 | CALLER TYPE NOT SUPPORT | The callerType is not supported. | The error message returned because the specified user identity credentials are not supported. Only the AccessKey pairs of RAM users and STS tokens are supported. | |
404 | INSTANCE INVALIDATE | The instance you specify is not FPGA type. | The error message returned because the specified instance is not an FPGA-accelerated instance. If the instance is an FPGA-accelerated instance, submit a ticket. | |
401 | NOT AUTHORIZED | You are not allowed to access this instance. | The error message returned because the specified instance ID does not exist. Check the input parameters. |
404 | FPGA NOT FOUND | The fpga you specify is not found. | The error message returned because the specified fpgauuid value does not exist. Check the input parameters. | |
503 | ANOTHER TASK RUNNING | Another task is running, user is allowed to take this task half an hour. | The error message returned because the image download task that you submitted is in the operating state. |
401 | IMAGE ACCESS ERROR | You are not allowed to access this fpga image. | The error message returned because the specified image does not belong to your account. | |
401 | YOU HAVE NO ACCESS TO THIS INSTANCE | You are not allowed to access this instance. | The error message returned because the specified instance does not belong to your account. | |
404 | IMAGE NOT FOUND | The fpga image you specify is not found. | The error message returned because the specified FPGA image does not exist. | |
404 | FPGA NOT FOUND | The fpga you specify is not found. | The error message returned because the specified FPGA-accelerated instance does not exist. | |
404 | SHELL NOT MATCH | The imageShell is not match with fpgaShell. | The error message returned because the shell version of the specified image does not match the shell version of the specified FPGA-accelerated instance. | |
403 | ASSUME ROLE USER NOT SUPPORT | AssumeRoleUser only support loading market fpga images. | The error message returned because an STS token is used to download an FPGA image that is not an Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image. STS tokens can be used to download only Alibaba Cloud Marketplace images. | |
404 | Image not in success state | The fpga image you specify is not in success state. | The error message returned because the specified FPGA image is not in the success state. You can download only the images that are in the success state. | |
404 | FPGA IMAGE STATE ERROR | The specify fpga image is not in success state. | The error message returned because the specified FPGA image is not in the success state. |
404 | FPGA IMAGE NOT FOUND | The specify fpga image does not found. | The error message returned because the specified image does not exist or does not belong to your account. |