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Financial Intelligence Engine:Customize the selfie guidance page for Real ID

Last Updated:Apr 25, 2024


There's a selfie guidance page in RealId flow, the customer might have to customize this page. In this document, we'll demonstrate how to achieve this goal.

Note: This article is to customise the selfie guidance page for the native users. For the websdk self guidance page customisation, please refer to Development -> Mobile web(H5) -mode integration -> H5 integration -> customise the face guide url.


Here lists basic steps required to customize the web page inside RealId.

Customize the selfie guidance page for Real ID


1. Develop the Web Page

1.1 Get ZolozRealIdCore library

Download the js file from here. Then put the file to your project.

1.2 Import ZolozRealIdCore

import ZolozRealIdCore from './zoloz-realid-core';
const zolozRealIDCore = new ZolozRealIDCore(langPack);

1.3 Configure language pack

langPack is used to customize the copywriting in popover alert and it is optional. We have 9 keys totally, they are representative the system error alert, network error alert and retry max alert. The default copywriting is as followed:

//default value
const langPack = {      
    system_error_title:"System Error",
    system_error_msg: 'Please try again later',
    system_error_got_it: 'Got it',
    network_error_title: 'No Internet Connection',
    network_error_msg: 'Please check your internet connection and try again',
    network_error_got_it: 'Got it',
    fe_retry_max_title: '',
    fe_retry_max_msg:'Sorry, you have too many failed identification attempts. Please try again later.',
    fe_retry_max_got_it:'Got it'

1.4 End the page

When the page should be ended, for example: go to next page or go back, we should call this methods to end the page.

let response = await zolozRealIDCore.end(type,params);
//await zolozRealIDCore.end('next');

The type and params are defined by the server side.

Type: 'next' | 'back' | 'error' | 'fail' | 'skip' | 'cancel'; Usually we only need 'next' and 'back';

sample for 'next':

const buttonClick = () => {
  // if params needed, please add it
  const params = {};

sample for 'back':

document.addEventListener('back', e => {
  // please prevent the default back event and let the core to controll the flow.
}, false);

1.5 Configure logging

import {ekycLog} from './zoloz-realid-core';

This is used for remote log. It should be agreement with the BI.

1.6 Sample code:

Sample project:

The code in App.vue:

    <div id="app">
        <div @click='takeSelfie'>
            Next Page

    import ZolozRealIdCore, {ekycLog} from '@/utils/zolozRealIdCore';

    export default {
        name: 'app',
        data() {
            return {
                enableNext: true,
                zolozRealIdCore: new ZolozRealIdCore({}),
        mounted() {
            ekycLog('faceGuidePageAppear', {});
            document.addEventListener('back', e => {
              ekycLog('clickButton', {
                'onPage': 'face_guide',
                'clickItem': 'back'
            }, false);
        methods: {
            async takeSelfie() {
              // protect code
              if(this.enableNext) {
                this.enableNext = false;
                await this.zolozRealIdCore.end('next');
                this.enableNext = true;



  1. If met the problem exports is not defined or *is not a constructor, that is because ZolozRealIdCore is a commonjs module, please change the babel.config.js:

module.exports = {
  presets: [
  1. Since this customized page is hosted in iframe, it is very likely to encounter CORS issue or privilege issue if the customer tries to implement some complex function in this page. A pure STATIC page is much more recommended.

2. Deploy the Web Page

The customer could deploy the web page anywhere, just make sure that it is accessible from the public network.

3. Set the Web Page

When initialize RealId (at server-side), pass the url as a parameter, please note that the url MUST be https:

    "bizId": "...",
    "userId": "...",
    "docType": "...",
    "metaInfo": "..."

4. Use the Default Selfie Guidance Page (Optional)

When initialize RealId (at server-side), customer can also use the default web page which support three languages, English(en), simplified Chinese (zh-CN) and traditional Chinese (zh-HK) by passing the url into pageConfig.

    "bizId": "...",
    "userId": "...",
    "docType": "...",
    "metaInfo": "..."




Simplified Chinese

Traditional Chinese

Refer to RealId API for more information.