If you no longer require an unexpired subscription Elasticsearch or Logstash cluster, you can unsubscribe from the cluster. If you no longer require a renewal order that has not taken effect for a subscription Elasticsearch or Logstash cluster, you can cancel the order. This topic provides unsubscription and refund policies.
Unsubscribe from an unexpired subscription cluster or cancel a renewal order that has not taken effect
An unexpired subscription Elasticsearch or Logstash cluster that you no longer require exists, or a renewal order that has not taken effect and is no longer required exists.
Pay-as-you-go is a billing method that allows you to use resources before you pay for them. Therefore, refunds are not supported for pay-as-you-go clusters.
You can request a partial refund for an unexpired subscription cluster.
You can cancel a renewal order that has not taken effect for a subscription cluster.
For more information about refund policies, see Rules for unsubscribing from resources.
Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. In the top navigation bar, choose Methods for unsubscribing resources.
. In the left-side navigation pane of the Expenses and Costs console, click Unsubscribe. On the Unsubscribe page, perform cluster unsubscription or order cancellation. For more information, seeOther refunds
A cluster scale-in involves a refund. The refund takes effect immediately after the cluster is scaled in. The following descriptions provide the refund policies:
Subscription cluster: You are refunded based on the number of removed nodes and the remaining subscription period of the cluster.
Pay-as-you-go cluster: After the cluster is scaled in, you are charged on an hourly basis based on the number of remaining nodes.
Billing method switching from pay-as-you-go to subscription or a configuration downgrade may also involve a refund. For information about refund policies, see Rules for unsubscribing from resources.
Refund flow
For information about the refund flow, see Refund flow.
Elasticsearch refunds the remaining amount of the subscription and stored-value cards to the original payment account. The amount of coupons or vouchers cannot be refunded.
FAQ about unsubscribing from cloud resources on the international site
How do I request a refund after I scale in an Elasticsearch cluster?
For information about how to release or scale in a pay-as-you-go cluster, see Release an Elasticsearch cluster, Scale in an Elasticsearch cluster, or Release a Logstash cluster.