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Elasticsearch:Getting started with Elasticsearch time series data management by using the aliyun-timestream plug-in

Last Updated:Aug 23, 2023

aliyun-timestream is a plug-in developed by the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch team based on the features of time series products that are provided by the Elastic community. This plug-in allows you to use APIs to create, delete, modify, and query time series indexes, and write data to and query data in the indexes. This topic describes how to use the aliyun-timestream plug-in to manage time series data in your Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.

Background information

The aliyun-timestream plug-in uses PromQL statements instead of domain-specific language (DSL) statements to query stored metric data. This helps simplify query operations and improve query efficiency. The plug-in also reduces storage costs. For more information, see Overview of aliyun-timestream.

This topic describes how to use the aliyun-timestream plug-in. For more information about the related APIs, see Overview of APIs supported by aliyun-timestream and Integrate aliyun-timestream with Prometheus APIs.


An Elasticsearch cluster of the Standard Edition that meets the following version requirements is created: The version of the cluster is V7.16 or later and the kernel version of the cluster is V1.7.0 or later, or the version of the cluster is V7.10 and the kernel version of the cluster is V1.8.0 or later. For information about how to create an Elasticsearch cluster, see Create an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.

Manage time series indexes

Create a time series index

Call the index creation API supported by the aliyun-timestream plug-in to create a time series index named test_stream:
PUT _time_stream/test_stream

An index that is created by calling the API is different from an index that is created by running the PUT test_stream command. The index that is created by calling the API is a data stream instead of a specific index. The index integrates the configurations of Elasticsearch best practices in time series scenarios.

You can run the following command to view the configurations of the test_stream index:
GET _time_stream/test_stream
If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
  "time_streams" : {
    "test_stream" : {
      "name" : "test_stream",
      "data_stream_name" : "test_stream",
      "time_stream_config" : {
        "labels_fields" : {
          "includes" : [
          "excludes" : [ ]
        "metrics_fields" : {
          "includes" : [
          "excludes" : [ ]
        "label_prefix" : "labels.",
        "metric_prefix" : "metrics.",
        "downsample" : [ ]
      "template_name" : ".timestream_test_stream",
      "template" : {
        "index_patterns" : [
        "template" : {
          "settings" : {
            "index" : {
              "mode" : "time_series",
              "codec" : "ali",
              "refresh_interval" : "10s",
              "ali_codec_service" : {
                "enabled" : "true",
                "source_reuse_doc_values" : {
                  "enabled" : "true"
              "translog" : {
                "durability" : "ASYNC"
              "doc_value" : {
                "compression" : {
                  "default" : "zstd"
              "postings" : {
                "compression" : "zstd"
              "source" : {
                "compression" : "zstd"
              "routing_path" : [
          "mappings" : {
            "numeric_detection" : true,
            "dynamic_templates" : [
                "labels_template_match_labels.*" : {
                  "path_match" : "labels.*",
                  "mapping" : {
                    "time_series_dimension" : "true",
                    "type" : "keyword"
                  "match_mapping_type" : "*"
                "metrics_double_match_metrics.*" : {
                  "path_match" : "metrics.*",
                  "mapping" : {
                    "index" : "false",
                    "type" : "double"
                  "match_mapping_type" : "double"
                "metrics_long_match_metrics.*" : {
                  "path_match" : "metrics.*",
                  "mapping" : {
                    "index" : "false",
                    "type" : "long"
                  "match_mapping_type" : "long"
            "properties" : {
              "@timestamp" : {
                "format" : "epoch_millis||strict_date_optional_time",
                "type" : "date"
        "composed_of" : [ ],
        "data_stream" : {
          "hidden" : false
      "version" : 1
The returned result shows that the index creation API created an index template named .timestream_test_stream. The following table describes the parameters that are configured in the settings of the template.
index.modeThe value time_series indicates that the index type is time_series. The system automatically integrates the configurations of Elasticsearch best practices in time series scenarios into the index.
index.codecThe value ali indicates that the aliyun-codec index compression plug-in is used. This parameter can be used together with the following parameters to reduce the amount of disk space that is occupied:
  • index.ali_codec_service.enabled=true: indicates that the index compression feature of the aliyun-codec plug-in is enabled.
  • index.doc_value.compression.default=zstd: indicates that the zstd compression algorithm is used to compress column-oriented documents.
  • index.postings.compression=zstd: indicates that the zstd compression algorithm is used to compress inverted documents.
  • index.ali_codec_service.source_reuse_doc_values.enabled=true: indicates that the source_reuse_doc_values feature is enabled.
  • index.source.compression=zstd: indicates that the zstd compression algorithm is used to compress row-oriented documents.
The mappings of the index template contain the dynamic_templates parameter for time series models.
  • Dimension fields: By default, the keyword type is used. The value of time_series_dimension is true for dimension fields. If the value of index.mode is time_series, all fields whose time_series_dimension is true are combined into an internal timeline field named _tsid.
  • Metric fields: The double type and long type are supported. Metric fields store only doc values and do not store index data.
If you want to customize an index template, you can use the syntax for an index template. The following code provides examples:
  • Customize the number of primary shards for an index
    PUT _time_stream/test_stream
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index": {
            "number_of_shards": "2"
  • Customize the data model of an index
    PUT _time_stream/test_stream
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index": {
            "number_of_shards": "2"
      "time_stream": {
        "labels_fields": ["labels_*"],
        "metrics_fields": ["metrics_*"]

Update a time series index

Run the following command to update the number of primary shards for the test_stream index:
POST _time_stream/test_stream/_update
  "template": {
    "settings": {
      "index": {
        "number_of_shards": "4"
  • You must retain the configurations that do not need to be updated when you run the update command. Otherwise, all configurations of the index are updated. We recommend that you run the GET _time_stream/test_stream command to obtain all configurations of the index and modify the required configurations to update the index.
  • After you update the configurations of a time series index, the new configurations do not immediately take effect on the index. You must roll over the index for the new configurations to take effect. After the rollover, a new index is generated. The new configurations take effect on the new index. You can run the POST test_stream/_rollover command to roll over the index.

Delete a time series index

Run the following command to delete the test_stream index:
Delete _time_stream/test_stream
Note The preceding command deletes all data in the index and the configurations of the index.

Use a time series index

Time series indexes are used in the same way as common indexes.

Write time series data

Call the bulk or index API to write data based on the time series model. The following code provides an example. You must set @timestamp to a value that indicates the current time.
POST test_stream/_doc
  "@timestamp": 1630465208722,
  "metrics": {
    "cpu.idle": 79.67298116109929,
    "disk_ioutil": 17.630910821570456,
    "": 75.79973639970004
  "labels": {
    "disk_type": "disk_type2",
    "namespace": "namespaces1",
    "clusterId": "clusterId3",
    "nodeId": "nodeId5"
The time range of a time series index is generated by the aliyun-timestream plug-in based on the data stream feature. Each index in a data stream is configured with the index.time_series.start_time and index.time_series.end_time parameters. If the time indicated by @timestamp for data to be written is in the [start_time,end_time) time range of an index, the data can be written to the index. The time range is generated by the data stream feature for the index, and you do not need to configure the time range. After an index is created, the value of index.time_series.start_time for the index is fixed, and the value of index.time_series.end_time for the index continues to increase until the index is rolled over and a new index is generated. In this case, the value of index.time_series.end_time for the original index is fixed, and the value of index.time_series.start_time for the new index is equal to the value of index.time_series.end_time for the original index. This way, a data stream contains indexes with continuous time ranges. Diagram

When you write data to an index in a data stream, the data stream determines the index for the data write based on the value of @timestamp. Therefore, in the preceding example, @timestamp must be set to a value that is in the time range of the test_stream index.

The time in a time range is in UTC, such as 2022-06-21T00:00:00.000Z. If your time zone is UTC+8, you must convert the time to time in UTC+8. In this example, the converted time is 2022-06-21T08:00:00.000, which is obtained based on 2022-06-21T00:00:00.000+08:00.

Query time series data

Call the _search API to query data.
GET test_stream/_search
Call the _cat/indices API to view the details of the index.
GET _cat/indices/test_stream?v&s=i

Query the metrics of a time series index

Call the _stats API to view the statistics on the index.
GET _time_stream/test_stream/_stats
If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 2,
    "successful" : 2,
    "failed" : 0
  "time_stream_count" : 1,
  "indices_count" : 1,
  "total_store_size_bytes" : 19132,
  "time_streams" : [
      "time_stream" : "test_stream",
      "indices_count" : 1,
      "store_size_bytes" : 19132,
      "tsid_count" : 2
Note The time_stream_count metric collects the number of time series of each primary shard from the doc values of the _tsid field. This process incurs excessively high query costs. Elasticsearch allows you to configure a caching policy to reduce the costs. After you configure a caching policy for a read-only index, the time_stream_count metric collects the number of time series of each primary shard for the index only once. By default, the system refreshes the cache at an interval of 5 minutes for other types of indexes. You can configure the index.time_series.stats.refresh_interval parameter for the indexes to change the interval. The minimum interval is 1 minute.

Use a Prometheus API to query data

Before you call a Prometheus API to query data, you must configure a Prometheus data source. You can use one of the following methods to configure a data source:
  • Configure a data source in the Grafana console
    Configure a Prometheus data source in the Grafana console and specify the /_time_stream/prom/test_stream URI in the URL to directly use the time series index as the Prometheus data source of Grafana, as shown in the following figure. Configure a data source in the Grafana console
  • Configure a data source by calling a Prometheus API

    Call a Prometheus API to remove the keyword prefixes and suffixes of metric fields and dimension fields. If you use a Prometheus API to query data that is written based on the default time series data model, the prefix metrics. of metric fields that are returned is not displayed, and the prefix labels. of dimension fields that are returned is not displayed.

    If you customize a data model when you create a time series index, you must specify prefixes and suffixes for metric fields and dimension fields. Otherwise, when you use a Prometheus API to query data in the time series index, the actual data is returned. The following code provides an example on how to specify the prefixes and suffixes:
    PUT _time_stream/{name}
      "time_stream": {
        "labels_fields": "@labels.*_l",
        "metrics_fields": "@metrics.*_m",
        "label_prefix": "@labels.",
        "label_suffix": "_l",
        "metric_prefix": "@metrics.",
        "metric_suffix": "_m"

Query metadata

  • View all metric fields in the test_stream index.
    GET /_time_stream/prom/test_stream/metadata
    If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
      "status" : "success",
      "data" : {
        "cpu.idle" : [
            "type" : "gauge",
            "help" : "",
            "unit" : ""
        "disk_ioutil" : [
            "type" : "gauge",
            "help" : "",
            "unit" : ""
        "" : [
            "type" : "gauge",
            "help" : "",
            "unit" : ""
  • View all dimension fields in the test_stream index.
    GET /_time_stream/prom/test_stream/labels
    If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
      "status" : "success",
      "data" : [
  • View all values of a specific dimension field in the test_stream index.
    GET /_time_stream/prom/test_stream/label/clusterId/values
    If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
      "status" : "success",
      "data" : [
  • View all timelines of the cpu.idle metric field in the test_stream index.
    GET /_time_stream/prom/test_stream/series?match[]=cpu.idle
    If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
      "status" : "success",
      "data" : [
          "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
          "disk_type" : "disk_type1",
          "namespace" : "namespaces2",
          "clusterId" : "clusterId1",
          "nodeId" : "nodeId2"
          "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
          "disk_type" : "disk_type1",
          "namespace" : "namespaces2",
          "clusterId" : "clusterId1",
          "nodeId" : "nodeId5"
          "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
          "disk_type" : "disk_type2",
          "namespace" : "namespaces1",
          "clusterId" : "clusterId3",
          "nodeId" : "nodeId5"

Query data

You can use the Prometheus instant query and range query APIs to perform a PromQL query on Elasticsearch data. For more information about the support for PromQL, see Support of aliyun-timestream for PromQL.
  • Call the Prometheus instant query API to query data
    GET /_time_stream/prom/test_stream/query?query=cpu.idle&time=1655769837
    Note The unit of time is seconds. If you do not configure this parameter, the data within the previous 5 minutes is queried by default.
    If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
      "status" : "success",
      "data" : {
        "resultType" : "vector",
        "result" : [
            "metric" : {
              "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
              "clusterId" : "clusterId1",
              "disk_type" : "disk_type1",
              "namespace" : "namespaces2",
              "nodeId" : "nodeId2"
            "value" : [
            "metric" : {
              "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
              "clusterId" : "clusterId1",
              "disk_type" : "disk_type1",
              "namespace" : "namespaces2",
              "nodeId" : "nodeId5"
            "value" : [
            "metric" : {
              "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
              "clusterId" : "clusterId3",
              "disk_type" : "disk_type2",
              "namespace" : "namespaces1",
              "nodeId" : "nodeId5"
            "value" : [
  • Call the Prometheus range query API to query data
    GET /_time_stream/prom/test_stream/query_range?query=cpu.idle&start=1655769800&end=16557699860&step=1m
    If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
      "status" : "success",
      "data" : {
        "resultType" : "matrix",
        "result" : [
            "metric" : {
              "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
              "clusterId" : "clusterId1",
              "disk_type" : "disk_type1",
              "namespace" : "namespaces2",
              "nodeId" : "nodeId2"
            "value" : [
            "metric" : {
              "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
              "clusterId" : "clusterId1",
              "disk_type" : "disk_type1",
              "namespace" : "namespaces2",
              "nodeId" : "nodeId5"
            "value" : [
            "metric" : {
              "__name__" : "cpu.idle",
              "clusterId" : "clusterId3",
              "disk_type" : "disk_type2",
              "namespace" : "namespaces1",
              "nodeId" : "nodeId5"
            "value" : [

Use the downsampling feature

Downsampling is a feature that is commonly used to accelerate large-scale data queries in time series scenarios. For more information about the feature, see Usage notes for downsampling. When you create a time series index by using the API supported by the aliyun-timestream plug-in, you can configure a downsampling rule for the index. The following code provides an example:
PUT _time_stream/test_stream
  "time_stream": {
    "downsample": [
        "interval": "1m"
        "interval": "10m"
        "interval": "60m"
The following descriptions provide the process of generating a downsampling index:
  1. Downsampling is performed on an original index to generate a downsampling index. After the original index is rolled over, a new index is generated, and no data is written to the original index within a specific period of time. Then, downsampling is performed on the original index. By default, downsampling starts if the current time is two hours later than the time indicated by end_time of the original index. To simulate this effect, you can manually configure start_time and end_time when you create an index.
    Important The system changes the value of end_time for the new index to the latest time, which affects the downsampling demonstration. By default, the value is changed at an interval of 5 minutes. In the downsampling demonstration, you must make sure that the value of end_time is not changed. You can view the value of end_time by running the GET {index}/_settings command.
    PUT _time_stream/test_stream
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index.time_series.start_time": "2022-06-20T00:00:00.000Z",
          "index.time_series.end_time": "2022-06-21T00:00:00.000Z"
      "time_stream": {
        "downsample": [
            "interval": "1m"
            "interval": "10m"
            "interval": "60m"
  2. Set end_time of the index to a point in time that is two or more hours earlier than the current time, and write data to the index. In addition, set @timestamp to a value that indicates a time between start_time and end_time.
    POST test_stream/_doc
      "@timestamp": 1655706106000,
      "metrics": {
        "cpu.idle": 79.67298116109929,
        "disk_ioutil": 17.630910821570456,
        "": 75.79973639970004
      "labels": {
        "disk_type": "disk_type2",
        "namespace": "namespaces1",
        "clusterId": "clusterId3",
        "nodeId": "nodeId5"
  3. After data is written to the index, remove start_time and end_time from the index.
    POST _time_stream/test_stream/_update
      "time_stream": {
        "downsample": [
            "interval": "1m"
            "interval": "10m"
            "interval": "60m"
  4. Roll over the index.
    POST test_stream/_rollover
  5. After the rollover is complete, run the GET _cat/indices/test_stream?v&s=i command to view the downsampling indexes generated by the test_stream index.
    If the command is successfully run, the following result is returned:
    health status index                                          uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
    green  open   .ds-test_stream-2022.06.21-000001              vhEwKIlwSGO3ax4RKn****   1   1          9            0     18.5kb         12.1kb
    green  open   .ds-test_stream-2022.06.21-000001_interval_10m r9Tsj0v-SyWJDc64oC****   1   1          1            0     15.8kb          7.9kb
    green  open   .ds-test_stream-2022.06.21-000001_interval_1h  cKsAlMK-T2-luefNAF****   1   1          1            0     15.8kb          7.9kb
    green  open   .ds-test_stream-2022.06.21-000001_interval_1m  L6ocasDFTz-c89KjND****   1   1          1            0     15.8kb          7.9kb
    green  open   .ds-test_stream-2022.06.21-000002              42vlHEFFQrmMAdNdCz****   1   1          0            0       452b           226b
When you query data in downsampling indexes, you can specify an appropriate interval based on the time range of the data that you want to query. As shown in the following figure, the name (such as test_stream) of the original index is passed, and the interval parameter is passed by using the date_histogram parameter. When the system performs downsampling, it can automatically select the index with the most appropriate time precision to query data.
Note In this example, data within the previous 1 hour, data within the previous 4 hours, data within the previous 1 day, and data within the previous 7 days are used. You can configure the interval parameter based on your business requirements. The system automatically matches the index with the maximum time precision based on the value of fixed_interval. For example, if you set fixed_interval to 120m and interval to 1m, 10m, and 60m, the system automatically selects the index with the 60m time precision for a data query.
Query data in downsampling indexes
For example, perform the following query:
GET test_stream/_search?size=0&request_cache=false
  "aggs": {
    "1": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "labels.disk_type",
        "size": 10
      "aggs": {
        "2": {
          "date_histogram": {
            "field": "@timestamp",
            "fixed_interval": "120m"
In this example, fixed_interval is set to 120m. This indicates that the downsampling index whose time precision is 60 minutes is used for the data query. The following result is returned:
  "took" : 15,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 2,
    "successful" : 2,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : {
      "value" : 1,
      "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : null,
    "hits" : [ ]
  "aggregations" : {
    "1" : {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
      "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
      "buckets" : [
          "key" : "disk_type2",
          "doc_count" : 9,
          "2" : {
            "buckets" : [
                "key_as_string" : "2022-06-20T06:00:00.000Z",
                "key" : 1655704800000,
                "doc_count" : 9

The value of is 1. This indicates that only one data record is hit. The value of doc_count in the aggregations part is 9. This indicates that the number of actual data records is 9. You can determine that the queried index is a downsampling index rather than the original index.

If you change the value of fixed_interval to 20s, the value of is 9, which is the same as the value of doc_count in the aggregations part. This indicates that the queried index is the original index.

The settings and mappings of downsampling indexes are the same as those of the original index, except that data is downsampled based on time ranges.