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Last Updated:Dec 23, 2024

Queries the detailed information of a specified Elasticsearch cluster.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation does not have operation-specific request headers and uses only common request headers. For more information, see the "Common request headers" section of the "Common parameters" topic.


GET /openapi/instances/{InstanceId} HTTP/1.1

Request parameters







InstanceId String Path Yes es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****

The ID of instance N.

Response parameters





RequestId String 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1****

The request ID.

Result Object

The response parameters.

advancedDedicateMaster Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster contains dedicated master nodes. Valid values:

  • true: The cluster contains client nodes.
  • false: The cluster does not contain client nodes.
protocol String HTTP

The communication protocol. Valid values: HTTP and HTTPS.

enableKibanaPublicNetwork Boolean true

Indicates whether access to Kibana over the Internet is enabled. Valid values:

  • true: enabled
  • false
nodeAmount Integer 2

The number of data nodes.

createdAt String 2018-07-13T03:58:07.253Z

The time when the instance was created.

enableKibanaPrivateNetwork Boolean false

Indicates whether access to Kibana over an internal network is enabled. Valid values:

  • true: enabled
  • false
vpcInstanceId String vpc-bp1uag5jj38c****


port Integer 9200

The port number that is used to access the cluster.

enablePublic Boolean true

Indicates whether access to the cluster over the Internet is enabled. Valid values:

  • true: enabled
  • false
dedicateMaster Boolean false

Indicates whether the cluster contains dedicated master nodes. This parameter is deprecated.

kibanaPort Integer 5601

The port number that is used to access Kibana.

esConfig Map

The YML file configuration of the cluster.

resourceGroupId String rg-aekzvowej3i****

The ID of the resource group to which the ALB instance belongs.

paymentType String postpaid

The billing method of the cluster. Valid values:

  • prepaid: subscription
  • postpaid: pay-as-you-go
postpaidServiceStatus String active

The status of the pay-as-you-go service for the subscription cluster. Valid values:

  • active: normal
  • closed: closed
  • indebt: being frozen due to an overdue payment
esVersion String 6.3.2_with_X-Pack

The version of the instance.

haveKibana Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster contains Kibana nodes. Valid values:

  • true: The cluster contains client nodes.
  • false: The cluster does not contain client nodes.
isNewDeployment Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster is deployed in the new architecture.

warmNode Boolean true

Indicates whether warm nodes are enabled for the cluster. Valid values:

  • true: enabled
  • false
updatedAt String 2018-07-13T03:58:07.253Z

The time when the instance was last updated.

instanceId String es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****

The instance ID.

zoneCount Integer 2

The number of zones.

publicDomain String es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****

The public endpoint of the cluster.

status String active

The status of the instance. Valid values:

  • active: The cluster is in a normal state.
  • activating: The cluster is being initialized.
  • inactive: The cluster is frozen.
  • invalid: The cluster does not exist or cannot be accessed. In this case, some fields in the response may be missing, such as domain and kibanaDomain.
  • unknown: The cluster does not exist or cannot be accessed. In this case, some fields in the response may be missing, such as domain and kibanaDomain.
serviceVpc Boolean true

Indicates whether the VPC is within the Elasticsearch service account.

publicPort Integer 9200

The port number that is used to access the cluster over the Internet.

haveClientNode Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster contains client nodes. Valid values:

  • true: The cluster contains client nodes.
  • false: The cluster does not contain client nodes.
domain String es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****

The internal endpoint of the cluster.

description String es-cn-abc

The instance name.

kibanaDomain String es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****

The endpoint of Kibana.

dictList Array of DictList

The configurations of IK dictionaries.

fileSize Long 2782602

The size of the dictionary file. Unit: bytes.

sourceType String ORIGIN

The source type of the dictionary file. Valid values:

  • OSS: OSS. You must make sure that the ACL of the related OSS bucket is public read.
  • ORIGIN: open source Elasticsearch.
  • UPLOAD: uploaded file.
name String SYSTEM_MAIN.dic

The name of the dictionary file.

type String MAIN

The type of the dictionary. Valid values:

  • STOP: stopword list
  • MAIN: main dictionary
  • SYNONYMS: synonym dictionary
  • ALI_WS: Alibaba Cloud dictionary
synonymsDicts Array of SynonymsDicts

The configurations of synonym dictionaries.

fileSize Long 2782602

The size of the dictionary file. Unit: byte.

sourceType String ORIGIN

The source type.

name String SYSTEM_MAIN.dic

The name of the dictionary file.

type String STOP

The type of the dictionary. Valid values:

  • STOP: stopword list
  • MAIN: main dictionary
  • SYNONYMS: synonym dictionary
  • ALI_WS: Alibaba Cloud dictionary
zoneInfos Array of ZoneInfo

The information about the zone.

status String NORMAL

The zone status. Valid values:

  • ISOLATION: disabled
  • NORMAL: normal
zoneId String cn-hangzhou-b

The ID of the zone.

aliwsDicts Array of Dict

The configurations of Alibaba Cloud IK dictionaries.

fileSize Long 2782602

The size of the dictionary file. Unit: byte.

sourceType String OSS

The source type of the dictionary file. Valid values:

  • OSS: OSS. You must make sure that the ACL of the related OSS bucket is public read.
  • ORIGIN: open source Elasticsearch.
  • UPLOAD: uploaded file.
name String aliws_ext_dict.txt

The name of the dictionary file.

type String ALI_WS

The type of the dictionary. Valid values:

  • STOP: stopword list
  • MAIN: main dictionary
  • SYNONYMS: synonym dictionary
  • ALI_WS: Alibaba Cloud dictionary
tags Array of Tag

The tags of the instance. Each tag is a key-value pair.

tagKey String env

The tag key.

tagValue String dev

The tag value.

esIPWhitelist Array of String [ "" ]

The private IP address whitelist. This parameter is deprecated.

extendConfigs Array of Object [{ "configType": "aliVersion","aliVersion": "ali1.3.0" }]

The extended configurations of the instance.

privateNetworkIpWhiteList Array of String

The IP address whitelist of the instance.

publicIpWhitelist Array of String [ "" ]

The public endpoint access whitelist of the instance.

kibanaPrivateIPWhitelist Array of String ["192.168.XX.XX"]

The list of private IP addresses in the whitelist of Kibana.

esIPBlacklist Array of String [ "" ]

The private network access blacklist (abandoned).

kibanaIPWhitelist Array of String [ "" ]

Kibana public endpoint access whitelist list.

nodeSpec Object

The configurations of data nodes.

spec String elasticsearch.n4.small

The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications.

disk Integer 0

The storage capacity. Unit: GB.

diskEncryption Boolean true

Indicates whether disk encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
diskType String cloud_ssd

The disk category of the node. Valid values:

  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
performanceLevel String PL1

The performance level (PL) of the ESSD. This parameter is returned if the value of diskType is cloud_essd. Valid values: PL1, PL2, and PL3.

specInfo String 1C 2G

node specifications Description

networkConfig Object

The network type.

vpcId String vpc-abc

The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC).

vsArea String cn-hangzhou-b

The zone where the cluster resides.

type String vpc

The network type. Only the VPC is supported.

vswitchId String vsw-abc

The vSwitch ID.

whiteIpGroupList Array of whiteIpGroupList

The list of whitelists.

whiteIpType String PRIVATE_ES

The type of the whitelist. Valid values:

  • PRIVATE_ES: private IP address whitelist for Elasticsearch
  • PUBLIC_ES: public IP address whitelist for Elasticsearch
  • PRIVATE_KIBANA: private IP address whitelist for Kibana
  • PUBLIC_KIBANA: public IP address whitelist for Kibana
groupName String default

The name of the whitelist group. By default, the default whitelist is included.

ips Array of String ["", "127.0.XX.XX"]

The IP addresses in the IP address whitelist.

kibanaConfiguration Object

The configurations of Kibana nodes.

amount Integer 1

The number of nodes.

spec String elasticsearch.n4.small

The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications.

disk Integer 20

The storage capacity of each node. Unit: GB.

specInfo String 1C 2G

node specifications Description

masterConfiguration Object

The configurations of dedicated master nodes.

spec String elasticsearch.n4.small

The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications.

amount Integer 3

The number of nodes.

disk Integer 40

The storage capacity. Unit: GB.

diskType String cloud_ssd

The storage type. Only cloud_ssd is supported.

specInfo String 1C 2G

node specifications Description

clientNodeConfiguration Object

The configurations of client nodes.

spec String elasticsearch.n4.small

The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications.

amount Integer 3

The number of nodes.

disk Integer 40

The storage capacity. Unit: GB.

diskType String cloud_efficiency

The storage type. Only cloud_efficiency is supported.

specInfo String 1C 2G

node specifications Description

warmNodeConfiguration Object

The configurations of warm nodes.

amount Integer 6

The number of nodes.

spec String elasticsearch.n4.small

The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications.

disk Integer 500

The storage capacity. Unit: GB.

diskEncryption Boolean true

Specifies whether to enable disk encryption. Valid values:

  • true: enabled
  • false
diskType String cloud_efficiency

The storage type. Only cloud_efficiency is supported.

specInfo String 1C 2G

node specifications Description

advancedSetting Object

The advanced configurations.

gcName String CMS

The name of the garbage collector (GC). Valid values: CMS and G1.

elasticDataNodeConfiguration Object

The configurations of elastic nodes.

amount Integer 3

The number of nodes.

spec String elasticsearch.sn2ne.large

The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications.

disk Integer 20

The storage capacity. Unit: GB.

diskEncryption Boolean true

Indicates whether disk encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
diskType String cloud_ssd

The storage type. Valid values:

  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • cloud_essd: Enhanced SSD (ESSD)
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk.
specInfo String 1C 2G

The description of the node specifications.

ikHotDicts Array of ikHotDicts

The configurations of rolling updates for IK dictionaries.

type String MAIN

The type of the dictionary that you want to update. Valid values:

  • MAIN: IK main dicrionary
  • STOP: IK stopword list
sourceType String OSS

The source type of the dictionary file. Valid values:

  • OSS
fileSize Integer 6

The size of the dictionary file. Unit: bytes.

name String deploy_0.dic

The name of the dictionary file.

instanceCategory String advanced

The edition of the Elasticsearch cluster. The returned values are as follows:

  • x-pack: Standard Edition
  • advanced/IS: Enhanced Edition
  • community: Basic Edition
endtime Long 1715826092044

The time when the cache reserve instance expires.

archType String public

Deployment mode, architecture type:

exclusive: basic management

public: cloud-native new control

kibanaPrivateDomain String es-cn-x0r3*********

Private endpoint of Kibana

kibanaPrivatePort String 5601

Private port of Kibana

Note In the following return example, this article only ensures that the parameters in the returned data list are included, and the parameters that are not mentioned are for reference only. The program cannot be forced to rely on to obtain these parameters.


Sample requests

GET /openapi/instances/es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9**** HTTP/1.1

Sample success responses

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Result" : {
    "instanceId" : "es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****",
    "domain" : "es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****",
    "description" : "es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****",
    "nodeAmount" : 2,
    "paymentType" : "postpaid",
    "status" : "active",
    "port" : 9200,
    "esVersion" : "6.3.2_with_X-Pack",
    "archType" : "exclusive",
    "instanceCategory" : "x-pack",
    "esConfig" : {
      "action.destructive_requires_name" : "true",
      "" : "index",
      "xpack.watcher.enabled" : "false",
      "" : "false",
      "action.auto_create_index" : "+.*,-*"
    "esIPWhitelist" : [ "" ],
    "esIPBlacklist" : [ ],
    "privateNetworkIpWhiteList" : [ "" ],
    "kibanaIPWhitelist" : [ "", "::/0" ],
    "publicIpWhitelist" : [ ],
    "kibanaDomain" : "es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****",
    "kibanaPort" : 5601,
    "enablePublic" : false,
    "haveKibana" : true,
    "nodeSpec" : {
      "spec" : "elasticsearch.sn1ne.large",
      "disk" : 21,
      "diskType" : "cloud_ssd"
    "serviceVpc" : true,
    "networkConfig" : {
      "vpcId" : "vpc-bp13n1j3fcv1cqfkg****",
      "vswitchId" : "vsw-bp12q2vrqvko0ilg8****",
      "vsArea" : "cn-hangzhou-h",
      "type" : "vpc",
      "whiteIpGroupList" : [ {
        "groupName" : "default",
        "whiteIpType" : "PRIVATE_ES",
        "ips" : [ "", "127.0.XX.XX" ]
      } ]
    "createdAt" : "2019-08-28T07:48:59.736Z",
    "updatedAt" : "2019-08-28T08:11:33.229Z",
    "inited" : true,
    "dedicateMaster" : false,
    "advancedDedicateMaster" : false,
    "masterConfiguration" : { },
    "haveClientNode" : true,
    "warmNode" : true,
    "warmNodeConfiguration" : {
      "spec" : "elasticsearch.ic5.large",
      "amount" : 2,
      "diskType" : "cloud_efficiency",
      "disk" : 500,
      "diskEncryption" : true
    "clientNodeConfiguration" : {
      "spec" : "elasticsearch.ic5.large",
      "amount" : 2,
      "diskType" : "cloud_efficiency",
      "disk" : 20
    "kibanaConfiguration" : {
      "spec" : "elasticsearch.n4.small",
      "amount" : 1,
      "disk" : 0
    "commodityCode" : "elasticsearch",
    "endTime" : 4722681600000,
    "dictList" : [ {
      "name" : "SYSTEM_MAIN.dic",
      "fileSize" : 2782602,
      "type" : "MAIN",
      "sourceType" : "ORIGIN"
    }, {
      "name" : "SYSTEM_STOPWORD.dic",
      "fileSize" : 132,
      "type" : "STOP",
      "sourceType" : "ORIGIN"
    } ],
    "synonymsDicts" : [ ],
    "ikHotDicts" : [ ],
    "aliwsDicts" : [ ],
    "clusterTasks" : [ ],
    "vpcInstanceId" : "es-cn-3h4k3axh33th9****-worker",
    "resourceGroupId" : "rg-acfm3ghp32r****",
    "zoneCount" : 1,
    "protocol" : "HTTP",
    "haveGrafana" : false,
    "haveCerebro" : false,
    "zoneInfos" : [ {
      "zoneId" : "cn-hangzhou-h",
      "status" : "NORMAL"
    } ],
    "enableKibanaPublicNetwork" : true,
    "advancedSetting" : {
      "gcName" : "CMS"
  "RequestId" : "68104CC2-DA27-446D-8049-A024F0D4EFEC"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.