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Last Updated:Sep 13, 2024

This topic describes the resource measurement method, billable items, billing method, and region-specific unit price of E-MapReduce (EMR) Serverless Spark.


A compute unit (CU) is the basic unit of computing capabilities in EMR Serverless Spark workspaces and is billed by minute. The unit price of a CU depends on the CPU architecture of an EMR Serverless Spark workspace and the high availability attribute of the zone. By default, the Intel x86 architecture and a single zone are used. The unit price of a CU also varies based on regions.

Measurement method

CUs reflect the CPU compute power of the underlying system of Serverless Spark. The number of CUs consumed by a computing task varies based on the actual amount of data processed by the task, the computing complexity, the distribution of data, and whether you enable the Fusion engine. If you enable the Fusion engine for acceleration, the CU consumption per unit time increases by 25%, but the time required to run a job is reduced by more than 60% in most cases, leading to higher cost-effectiveness. You can estimate the number of CUs that you need to purchase based on your business scale and the amount of data that you want to process. By default, one CU is equal to 1 CPU core and 4 GiB of memory.

The following table describes the processing capability of one CU.


Processing capability (Java Runtime)

Processing capability (Fusion engine)

Simple data processing, such as filtering and cleansing

One CU can process about 2,000,000 data records per second.

One CU can process about 5,000,000 data records per second.

Complex data processing, such as aggregation, join, and string-related operations

One CU can process about 700,000 data records per second.

One CU can process about 2,000,000 data records per second.

Billable item

Only the pay-as-you-go billing method is supported. Billing formula:

Workspace fee = Number of CUs consumed per hour × Hourly unit price
  • The pay-as-you-go billing method supports only the Intel x86 architecture. A pay-as-you-go workspace is billed by minute. The billing cycle is 1 hour.

  • The fee of one Serverless Spark workspace is calculated based on the preceding formula. If you purchase multiple workspaces for an Alibaba Cloud account, you must complete payment based on the total fees of these workspaces.

Billing method


The pay-as-you-go billing method allows you to use resources before you pay for the resources. You do not need to purchase a large number of resources in advance. The system calculates the fees based on the actual resource usage of your workspace. The following table describes the scenarios and billing rules of the pay-as-you-go billing method and the billing cycle.




The pay-as-you-go billing method is suitable for the following scenarios:

  • Resource usage fluctuates.

  • Temporary use of resources is required.

Billing rules

Billing is accurate to minutes and fees are calculated based on the number of consumed CUs per minute. The bill that is generated in a one-hour billing cycle is the sum of the computing resource fee. The computing resource fee in a billing cycle is calculated by using the following formula:

Computing resource fee = CUs consumed in an hour × Hourly unit price in the related region

For example, if 4 CUs are consumed per minute in the first half hour and 2 CUs are consumed per minute in the second half hour, the usage of computing resources in the hour is calculated by using the following formula: 4 CUs × 30 minutes + 2 CUs × 30 minutes = 180 CU-minutes. The price of the computing resources in the bill is calculated by using the following formula: Computing resource fee = 180/60 × Hourly unit price in the related region.

For information about the unit prices in different regions, see the Unit prices in different regions section of this topic.

  • You can view the actual fees on the buy page.

  • The fee of one Serverless Spark workspace is calculated based on the preceding formula. If you purchase multiple workspaces for an Alibaba Cloud account, you must complete payment based on the total fees of these workspaces.

Billing cycle

Bills are generated on an hourly basis at the top of every hour (UTC+8). The new billing cycle starts after the bills are settled. After each billing cycle ends, the system generates a bill and deducts the fees from your account.

Bill details may be generated with a delay.

Unit prices in different regions

The following table describes the unit prices of different types of workspaces in different regions.


You can obtain the actual price on the buy page.

Region name

Unit price (USD per CU per hour)

Indonesia (Jakarta)


Germany (Frankfurt)




US (Virginia)



EMR Serverless Spark resources are billed on the pay-as-you-go method. During peak hours, tasks in an EMR Serverless Spark workspace may compete for resources, and the timeliness of resource usage cannot be guaranteed.