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Last Updated:Aug 14, 2023

A SHELL node is used to execute a custom Shell script. This topic describes the parameters that are involved when you create a SHELL node.



Node Name

The name of the node. A node name is unique in a workflow.

Run flag

  • The run flag of the node. Default value: Normal. Valid values: Normal: The node is run when the workflow is run.

  • Prohibition execution: The node is not run when the workflow is run.


The feature description of the node.

Task priority

The priority of the node in the workflow. Default value: MEDIUM. Valid values:


  • HIGH


  • LOW


Number of failed retries

The maximum number of times that the system automatically retries to run the node if the workflow fails.

Failed retry interval

The interval between two consecutive retries. Unit: minutes.

Delay execution time

The amount of time that is delayed before the node is run. The default value is 0, which indicates that the node is immediately run after it is created. The node is delayed to be run only if you specify a value that is greater than 0 for this parameter. Unit: minutes.

Timeout alarm

Specifies whether to enable alerting on node execution timeout. By default, the Timeout alarm switch is turned off. You can turn on the Timeout alarm switch and select Timeout alarm and Timeout failure as Timeout strategy. If the execution of a node exceeds the timeout period, an alert message is sent to your mailbox, and the node fails.

Submit on Yarn


Specifies whether to submit the node to YARN of an EMR cluster for execution. If you turn on the Submit on Yarn switch, the node is submitted to YARN of an EMR cluster for execution. This directly affects the files and environment of the EMR cluster. Proceed with caution.

By default, the Submit on Yarn switch is turned off. If you turn on this switch, you can configure the following parameters:

  • Queue: the YARN queue to which the node is submitted.

  • Task Execution Container Memory (MB): the memory size of the node execution container. Default value: 1024.

  • Virtual Cores: the number of virtual cores (vCores) of the node execution container. Default value: 1.

  • Priority: the priority of the node execution container. Valid values: 0 to 100. Default value: 0. A larger value indicates a higher priority.

  • Execute User: the username of the user who executes the node. Default value: dolphinscheduler. If you want to specify an execution user in a standard non-high-security cluster, make sure that the following items are configured for YARN of the cluster:

    • yarn.nodemanager.container-executor.class=org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LinuxContainerExecutor

    • yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.nonsecure-mode.limit-users=false


The custom Shell program.


The resource files that are required for node execution. If a resource file is referenced by other parameters, make sure that you created or uploaded the file on the File Manage page of the Resources tab and select the file as Resources.

Custom Parameters

The custom parameters of the node. The custom parameters are used to replace ${Variable} in the script.

Pre tasks

The ancestor node of the node.