When you edit a job, you can set a time variable wildcard.

Variable wildcard format

E-MapReduce (EMR) supports the following formats of variable wildcards: ${dateexpr-1d} and ${dateexpr-1h}. dateexpr specifies the standard format of time. The following table describes the date and time formats.
Notice The expression is case-sensitive.
Specifier Description
yyyy Indicates a 4-digit year.
MM Indicates a 2-digit month.
dd Indicates a 2-digit day.
HH Indicates a 2-digit hour (24-hour clock). hh indicates a 2-digit hour (12-hour clock).
mm Indicates a 2-digit minute.
ss Indicates a 2-digit second.
A time variable is a combination of yyyy and one or more other time formats. You can also use the plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) to add or subtract a specified period of time to or from the current time. For example, ${yyyy-MM-dd} indicates the current date.
  • One year after the current date can be represented as ${yyyy+1y} or ${yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss+1y}.
  • Three months after the current date can be represented as ${yyyyMM+3m} or ${yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss+3m}.
  • Five days before the current date can be represented as ${yyyyMMdd-5d} or ${yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss-5d}.
For example, the current time is 20160427 12:08:01.
  • If ${yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss-1d} is configured as the variable wildcard, the time will be replaced with 20160426 12:08:01 when a job is run. One day is subtracted from the current date and the new time is accurate to seconds.
  • If ${yyyyMMdd-1d} is configured as the variable wildcard, the time will be replaced with 20160426, which indicates the day before the current date.
  • If ${yyyyMMdd} is configured as the variable wildcard, the time will be replaced with 20160427, which indicates the current date.
  • Only days or hours can be added or subtracted. That is, dateexpr can be followed only by +Nd, -Nd, +Nh, or -Nh. N must be an integer.
  • A time variable must start with yyyy, for example, ${yyyy-MM}. If you want to obtain the values based on a specific period such as a month, you can use the following functions in a job:
    • parseDate(<Parameter name>, <Time format>): You can use this function to convert a specified parameter to a date object. A parameter name indicates the variable (key) name specified in the Configuration Parameters section. A time format is the time format used by the variable name. For example, if the parameter name of the current_time variable is ${yyyyMMddHHmmss-1d}, the time format is yyyyMMddHHmmss.
    • formatDate(<Date object>, <Time format>): You can use this function to convert a specified date object to a time format string.
    • ${formatDate(parseDate(current_time, 'yyyyMMddHHmmss'), 'HH')} retrieves the literal hour value from the current_time variable.
    • ${formatDate(parseDate(current_time, 'yyyyMMddHHmmss'), 'yyyy')} retrieves the literal year value from the current_time variable.


  1. Go to the Data Platform tab.
    1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud EMR console by using your Alibaba Cloud account.
    2. In the top navigation bar, select the region where your cluster resides and select a resource group based on your business requirements.
    3. Click the Data Platform tab.
  2. In the Projects section, find your project and click Edit Job in the Actions column.
  3. Configure the job.
    1. In the Edit Job pane on the left, click a specific job name and click Job Settings in the upper-right corner.
    2. In the Configuration Parameters section of the Basic Settings tab in the Job Settings panel, click the add icon to configure a variable wildcard in one of the preceding formats, as shown in the following figure.

      After you complete the configurations, you can reference the key of the configured parameter in the job.