This topic describes the ports on frontends (FEs) and backends (BEs) and how to access the ports.



Port nameDefault port numberCommunication directionDescription
  • 8030
    Note This port applies to clusters of EMR V5.8.0 and EMR V3.42.0, and clusters of a minor version earlier than EMR V5.8.0 or EMR V3.42.0.
  • 18030
    Note This port applies to clusters of EMR V5.9.0 or a later minor version and clusters of EMR V3.43.0 or a later minor version.
FE <--> UserThe HTTP server port on the FE.
rpc_port9020BE --> FE

FE <--> FE

The Thrift server port on the FE.
query_port9030FE <--> UserThe MySQL server port on the FE.

Access the FE UI

Enter FE_IP:http_port in the address bar of a browser to access the FE UI.
Note In most cases, FE_IP is a public IP address.



Port nameDefault port numberCommunication directionDescription
be_port9060FE --> BEThe Thrift server port on the BE. This port is used to receive requests from an FE.
  • 8040
    Note This port applies to clusters of EMR V5.8.0 and EMR V3.42.0, and clusters of a minor version earlier than EMR V5.8.0 or EMR V3.42.0.
  • 18040
    Note This port applies to clusters of EMR V5.9.0 or a later minor version and clusters of EMR V3.43.0 or a later minor version.
BE <--> BEThe HTTP server port on the BE.
heartbeat_service_port9050FE --> BEThe heartbeat service port for the Thrift server on the BE. This port is used to receive heartbeat messages from an FE.
brpc_port8060FE <--> BE

BE <--> BE

The better Remote Procedure Call (bRPC) port on the BE. This port is used to communicate with another BE.

Access the ports

You can run the curl http://be_ip:webserver_port/metrics command to obtain information about metrics.
Note In most cases, be_ip is an internal IP address.


Why do I fail to access a StarRocks cluster by using port 8030 or port 8040?