Obtains the basic running information about multiple jobs at a time on E-MapReduce (EMR) Doctor.
Authorization information
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
RegionId | string | Yes | The region ID. | cn-hangzhou |
ClusterId | string | Yes | The cluster ID. | c-b933c5aac8fe**** |
NextToken | string | No | The pagination token that is used in the request to retrieve a new page of results. | DD6B1B2A-5837-5237-ABE4-FF0C89568980 |
MaxResults | integer | No | The maximum number of entries to return on each page. | 20 |
StartRange | object | No | The range of start time. You can filter jobs whose start time falls within the specified time range. | |
StartTime | long | No | The beginning of the time range during which jobs were submitted. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Unit: milliseconds. | 1683340662016 |
EndTime | long | No | The end of the time range during which jobs were submitted. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Unit: milliseconds. | 1683340662020 |
EndRange | object | No | The range of end time. You can filter jobs whose end time falls within the specified time range. | |
StartTime | long | No | The beginning of the time range during which jobs ended. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Unit: milliseconds. | 1679135111960 |
EndTime | long | No | The end of the time range during which jobs ended. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Unit: milliseconds. | 1666865137099 |
AppIds | array | No | The IDs of the jobs that are submitted to YARN. | |
String | string | No | The ID of the job that is submitted to YARN. | application_1643475036865_****** |
Users | array | No | The users who submit the jobs. | |
String | string | No | The username that is used to submit the job to YARN. | DW |
Queues | array | No | The YARN queues to which the jobs are submitted. | |
String | string | No | The name of the YARN queue to which the job is submitted. | DW |
Types | array | No | The YARN engines to which the jobs are submitted. | |
String | string | No | The type of the YARN engine to which the job is submitted. | SPARK |
OrderType | string | No | The order in which you want to sort the query results. Valid values:
| ASC |
OrderBy | string | No | The field that you use to sort the query results. Valid values:
| vcoreSeconds |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"Data": [
"AppId": "application_1607584549220_*****",
"AppName": "tpcds",
"User": "DW",
"Queue": "DW",
"State": "FINISHED",
"FinalStatus": "KILLED",
"Type": "SPARK",
"StartTime": 1675180800000,
"LaunchTime": 1672148400000,
"ElapsedTime": 242,
"FinishTime": 1683690929000,
"Metrics": {
"VcoreSeconds": {
"Name": "vcoreSeconds\n",
"Value": 11123,
"Unit": "VCores * Sec\n",
"Description": "Total vcore usage over time in seconds\n"
"MemSeconds": {
"Name": "memSeconds",
"Value": 12312312,
"Unit": "MB * Sec\n",
"Description": "Total memory usage over time in seconds\n"
"RequestId": "DD6B1B2A-5837-5237-ABE4-FF0C8944****",
"NextToken": "DD6B1B2A-5837-5237-ABE4-FF0C89568980",
"MaxResults": 20,
"TotalCount": 200
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message |
400 | ConflictParameters | Parameters that must not be used together. %s |
400 | IncompleteSignature | The request signature is invalid. |
400 | InvalidAction | The action %s requested is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter %s is not valid. |
400 | InvalidParameterValue | The input parameter %s is invalid or out of range. |
400 | MissingAction | The action %s requested is missing. |
400 | MissingParameter | The input parameter %s that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. |
400 | NotAuthorized | You do not have permission to perform this action. %s |
400 | ThrottlingException | The request was denied due to request throttling. %s |
404 | ResourceNotFound | The resource not found by %s. |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. |
503 | ServiceFailure | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of %s service. |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |