Obtains the information about multiple HBase tables at a time.
Authorization information
There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
RegionId | string | Yes | The ID of the region. | cn-hangzhou |
ClusterId | string | Yes | The ID of the cluster. | c-b933c5aac8fe**** |
NextToken | string | No | Marks the current position to start reading. If this field is empty, the data is read from the beginning. | DD6B1B2A-5837-5237-ABE4-FF0C89568980 |
MaxResults | integer | No | The maximum number of entries that are returned. | 20 |
DateTime | string | Yes | The query date. | 2023-01-01 |
TableNames | array | No | The table names, which are used to filter the query results. | |
String | string | No | The table names. | namespace1:tb_item |
OrderType | string | No | The order in which you want to sort the query results. Valid value:
| ASC |
OrderBy | string | No | The field that you use to sort the query results. Valid values:
| tableSize |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"Data": [
"TableName": "tb_item",
"Metrics": {
"RegionServerCount": {
"Name": "regionServerCount",
"Value": 2,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "Number of region servers count"
"RegionCount": {
"Name": "regionCount",
"Value": 3,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "Number of regions count"
"TableSize": {
"Name": "tableSize",
"Value": 678,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the table"
"StoreFileCount": {
"Name": "storeFileCount",
"Value": 36,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "Number of store files"
"DailyReadRequest": {
"Name": "dailyReadRequest",
"Value": 1000,
"Unit": "“”",
"Description": "Number of read requests per day"
"DailyWriteRequest": {
"Name": "dailyWriteRequest",
"Value": 1000,
"Unit": "“”",
"Description": "Number of write requests per day"
"RegionBalance": {
"Name": "regionBalance",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "“”",
"Description": "The ability to evenly distribute Regions on different RegionServer nodes"
"RequestBalance": {
"Name": "requestBalance",
"Value": 0.9,
"Unit": "“”",
"Description": "The balance of distributing requests"
"HotDataSize": {
"Name": "hotDataSize",
"Value": 100,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the hot data size"
"WarmDataSize": {
"Name": "warmDataSize",
"Value": 100,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the warm data size"
"ColdDataSize": {
"Name": "coldDataSize",
"Value": 100,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the cold data size"
"FreezeDataSize": {
"Name": "freezeDataSize",
"Value": 100,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the freeze data size"
"WarmConfigDay": {
"Name": "warmConfigDay",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "day",
"Description": "Warm config day"
"ColdConfigDay": {
"Name": "coldConfigDay",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "dat",
"Description": "Cold config day"
"FreezeConfigDay": {
"Name": "freezeConfigDay",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "day",
"Description": "Freeze config day"
"Locality": {
"Name": "locality",
"Value": 0,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "The locality of data"
"ColdAccessDay": {
"Name": "coldAccessDay",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "day",
"Description": "Cold access day"
"RegionCountDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "regionCountDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of region count"
"TableSizeDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "tableSizeDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "'\"",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of table size"
"StoreFileCountDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "storeFileCountDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.7,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of store file count"
"DailyReadRequestDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "dailyReadRequestDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.8,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of read requests"
"DailyWriteRequestDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "dailyWriteRequestDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.8,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "The balance of distributing requests"
"ReadRequestBalance": {
"Name": "readRequestBalance",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "The balance of distributing read requests"
"WriteRequestBalance": {
"Name": "writeRequestBalance",
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "\"\"",
"Description": "The balance of distributing write requests"
"Analysis": {
"TableScore": 67,
"RequestUnbalanceSuggestion": "read request unbalance is <p class='report-detail-topic'>",
"RequestHotspotRegionList": [
"ReadRequestUnbalanceSuggestion": "read request unbalance is <p class='report-detail-topic'>",
"ReadRequestHotspotRegionList": [
"WriteRequestUnbalanceSuggestion": "write request unbalance is <p class='report-detail-topic'>",
"WriteRequestHotspotRegionList": [
"RequestId": "DD6B1B2A-5837-5237-ABE4-FF0C8944****",
"NextToken": "DD6B1B2A-5837-5237-ABE4-FF0C89568980",
"MaxResults": 20,
"TotalCount": 200
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message |
400 | ConflictParameters | Parameters that must not be used together. %s |
400 | IncompleteSignature | The request signature is invalid. |
400 | InvalidAction | The action %s requested is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter %s is not valid. |
400 | InvalidParameterValue | The input parameter %s is invalid or out of range. |
400 | MissingAction | The action %s requested is missing. |
400 | MissingParameter | The input parameter %s that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. |
400 | NotAuthorized | You do not have permission to perform this action. %s |
400 | ThrottlingException | The request was denied due to request throttling. %s |
404 | ResourceNotFound | The resource not found by %s. |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. |
503 | ServiceFailure | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of %s service. |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
No change history