Edge Security Acceleration (ESA) offers standard logs that are packaged on an hourly basis. You can download access logs of your website within the last 31 days to your local PC. Standard logs can help you optimize acceleration policies, monitor your website, detect potential risks, and learn user behavior.
Usage notes
Standard logs are collected from global ESA points of presence (POPs). You may need to wait for 6 to 8 hours before you can view such logs in the ESA console. Each line on the Standard Logs page represents a complete log package generated within the specified period of time. You can download your desired log package to your local PC.
The following types of standard logs are supported: Access Log and TCP/UDP Proxy Log. By default, standard logs are packaged on an hourly basis. If your website has no visitors within an hour, no log packages are generated during that time frame.
Standard logs are packaged in the
format by using gzip. They are named in the following format:websiteName_Year_Month_Day_startTime_endTime.xx.gz
. Example:aliyundoc.com_2024_01_01_000000_010000.xx.gz
Download a standard log
Log in to the ESA console and click Websites. Then, click the website name or View Details.
In the left-side navigation tree, choose
.On the Standard Logs page, specify the start time, end time, and log category, and then click Search.
Find the desired log package and click Download in the Actions column. After you download and decompress the package, you can view the log information.
NoteThe console supports log downloads for the past 31 days. To download logs older than 31 days, you can submit a ticket to access logs up to 180 days old.
Log fields
Access log fields
Field | Type | Description |
ClientRequestID | string | The unique identifier of the request. |
EdgeServerID | string | The unique identifier of the ESA POP that the client accesses. |
EdgeServerIP | string | The IP address of the ESA POP. |
EdgeStartTimestamp | Timestamp ISO8601 | The timestamp when the ESA POP receives the request. Example: 2024-01-01T00:00:00+08:00. |
ClientASN | string | The autonomous system number (ASN) parsed from the client IP address. |
SiteName | string | The website name. |
ClientIP | string | The IP address of the client that is used to establish a connection with the ESA POP. |
ClientISP | string | The Internet service provider (ISP) information parsed from the client IP address. |
ClientRegionCode | string | The ISO-3166-2 code parsed from the client IP address. |
ClientSrcPort | int | The port used to establish a connection between the client and the ESA POP. |
ClientCountryCode | string | The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code parsed from the client IP address. |
ClientRequestBytes | int | The request size. Unit: bytes. |
ClientRequestHeaderRange | string | The Range request header. Example: bytes=0-100. |
ClientRequestHost | string | The Host requested by the client. |
ClientRequestMethod | string | The HTTP method used by the request. |
ClientRequestProtocol | string | The protocol used by the request. |
ClientRequestReferer | string | The Referer in the request. |
ClientRequestURI | string | The request URI. |
ClientRequestUserAgent | string | The User-Agent in the request. |
EdgeCacheStatus | string | The cache status of the request. |
EdgeResponseBodyBytes | int | The size of the response body that the ESA POP returns to the client. Unit: bytes. |
EdgeResponseBytes | int | The size of the response that the ESA POP returns to the client. Unit: bytes. |
EdgeResponseStatusCode | int | The status code that the ESA POP returns to the client. |
EdgeTimeToFirstByteMs | int | The period of time that elapses from when the ESA POP receives the client request to when the ESA POP returns the first byte of the response to the client. Unit: ms. |
ClientRequestScheme | string | The Scheme in the request. |
TCP/UDP proxy logs
Field | Type | Description |
BlockRuleID | string | The ID of the rule that is triggered to block requests. If this field is left empty, no requests are blocked. |
ClientASN | string | The ASN parsed from the client IP address. |
ClientBytes | int | The volume of data received from the client. Unit: bytes. |
ClientCountryCode | string | The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code parsed from the client IP address. |
ClientIP | string | The IP address of the client that is used to establish a connection with the ESA POP. |
ClientISP | string | The ISP information parsed from the client IP address. |
ClientMatchedIpFirewall | string | The type of the matched IP access rule. |
ClientPort | int | The port of the client. |
ClientProto | string | The transmission protocol used by the client. |
ConnectTimeStamp | Timestamp ISO8601 | The timestamp when the client connected to the ESA POP. Example: 2024-01-01T00:00:00+08:00. |
DisconnetTimeStamp | Timestamp ISO8601 | The timestamp when the client disconnected from the ESA POP. Example: 2024-01-01T00:00:00+08:00. |
DomainName | string | The domain name for which you add an application for TCP/UDP acceleration. |
EdgeServerIP | string | The IP address of the ESA POP. |
IpFirewall | bool | Indicates whether the IP access rule is enabled. |
LogTimeStamp | Timestamp ISO8601 | The timestamp when the log was generated. Example: 2024-01-01T00:00:00+08:00. |
OriginBytes | int | The volume of data received from the origin server. Unit: bytes. |
OriginIP | string | The IP address of the origin server. |
OriginPort | int | The port of the origin server. |
OriginProto | string | The transmission protocol used by the origin server. |
ProxyProtocol | string | The version of the proxy protocol. Valid values: off, v1, and v2. |
SessionID | string | The globally unique session ID. |
Status | int | The status code that is returned when a session ends. |
SiteName | string | The website name. |