Gzip compression

Updated at: 2024-10-18 06:55

If you enable the Gzip compression feature, Edge Security Acceleration (ESA) points of presence (POPs) return Gzip-compressed files to clients. This reduces the file size, speeds up file transmission, and improves bandwidth utilization.

Usage notes

  • Gzip or Brotli can compress only files whose size ranges from 1 KB to 10 KB. For files whose size falls outside the range, Gzip or Brotli cannot be used.

  • Gzip or Brotli can compress files in the following formats: text/xml, text/plain, text/css, application/javascript, application/x-javascript, application/rss+xml, text/javascript, image/tiff, image/svg+xml, application/json, and application/xml.

  • The Gzip compression feature takes effect on only responses whose client requests carry the Accept-Encoding: gzip header.

  • For origin responses that carry the Content-Encoding: gzip header, no secondary compression is performed.

  • If you enable the Gzip compression feature and the Brotli compression feature at the same time, the Brotli compression feature takes precedence over the Gzip compression feature.

Enable Gzip compression

  1. Log on to the ESA console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Websites.

  3. On the Websites page, find the website that you want to manage, and click the website name or View Details in the Actions column.

  4. In the left-side navigation tree, click Speed and Network, and choose the Speed Optimization tab.

  5. Turn on the Gzip switch.

  • On this page (T)
  • Usage notes
  • Enable Gzip compression