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Edge Security Acceleration:DescribeDcdnDeliverList

Last Updated:Oct 17, 2024

Queries all tracking tasks of operations reports.

Operation description

Note You can call this operation up to three times per second.


You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The ID of the tracking task that you want to query. If you do not specify an ID, all tracking tasks are queried.


Response parameters


The information about the tracking task.

"data": \[{"deliverId": 1,"status": "enable","createTime": "2021-06-14T11:19:26Z","crontab": "0 0 0 \* \* ?","frequency": "d","name": "Domain name report","dmList": \[""],"reports": \[{"reportId": 1,"conditions": \[{"op": "in","field": "prov","value": \["Heilongjiang","Beijing"]}]},{"reportId": 2}],"deliver": {"email": {"subject": "subject","to": \["",""],"copy":\["",""]}}}]}

The ID of the request.


Fields of the Content parameter |Field|Type|Description |--------|------------------| |deliverId|Long|The ID of the tracking task. | |status|String|The status of the tracking task. Valid value:
disable | |createTime|String|The time when the tracking task was created. | |crontab|String|Specifies when the tracking task is scheduled to run. | |frequency|String|The interval at which the reports are sent. Valid values:
h: hour
d: day
M: month| |name|String|The name of the tracking task. | |dmList|String[]|The domain names from which the tracking task collects data. | |reports|String[]|The information about the reports released by the tracking task, including: reportId: the ID of the report.

conditions: the filter conditions, including the filter action, fields, and values. If no filter conditions are specified, this parameter does not carry a value. op: the filter action. Only in is supported. field: the filter fields. value: the filter values. | |deliver|String|The delivery module, including the subject and recipient of the email.
email: indicates that reports are sent to specified email addresses.
subject: the subject of the email.
to: the recipient of the email.
copy: the contacts to whom the email is copied. |


Sample success responses


  "Content": "\"data\": \\[{\"deliverId\": 1,\"status\": \"enable\",\"createTime\": \"2021-06-14T11:19:26Z\",\"crontab\": \"0 0 0 \\* \\* ?\",\"frequency\": \"d\",\"name\": \"Domain name report\",\"dmList\": \\[\"\"],\"reports\": \\[{\"reportId\": 1,\"conditions\": \\[{\"op\": \"in\",\"field\": \"prov\",\"value\": \\[\"Heilongjiang\",\"Beijing\"]}]},{\"reportId\": 2}],\"deliver\": {\"email\": {\"subject\": \"subject\",\"to\": \\[\"\",\"\"],\"copy\":\\[\"\",\"\"]}}}]}\n",
  "RequestId": "04F0F334-1335-436C-A1D7-6C044FE73368"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400InvalidParameterThe specified parameter is invalid.A parameter is set to an invalid value.
400TimeParseFailedFailed to parse the time parameter.Failed to parse the time parameter.
400SubscriptionAlreadyExistsThe subscription already exists.The subscription already exists.
400SubscriptionNotFoundThe subscription is not found.The subscription is not found.
400NameAlreadyExistsThe name already exists.The name already exists.
400DeliverExceedLimitThe maximum number of subscribed tasks is exceeded.The number of tracking tasks has reached the upper limit.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.