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Edge Security Acceleration:BatchAddDcdnDomain

Last Updated:Oct 17, 2024

Adds one or more domain names to DCDN at a time.

Operation description


  • If the content of the origin server is not stored on Alibaba Cloud, the content must be reviewed. After you submit the request, the review is complete by the end of the following business day.
  • You can specify up to 50 domain names in each request.
  • You can call this operation up to 30 times per second per account.
  • Debugging

    You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

    Authorization information

    There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

    Request parameters


    You can add up to 20 domain names to DCDN for each of your Alibaba Cloud account. If you specify multiple domain names, separate them with commas (,).,

    The ID of the resource group. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the system uses the ID of the default resource group.


    The information about the addresses of origin servers.


    The URL that is used for health checks.

    The acceleration region. Default value: domestic. Valid values:

    • domestic: Chinese mainland
    • overseas: global (excluding the Chinese mainland)
    • global: global

    The top-level domain.

    The following table describes the fields in the Sources parameter.

    typeStringYesThe type of the origin server. Valid values:
    ipaddr: an IP address
    domain: a domain name
    oss: the OSS domain of an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket
    fc_domain: Function Compute domain name
    contentStringYesThe address of the origin server. You can specify an IP address or a domain name.
    portIntegerNoThe port. Valid values:
    80: the default port
    443: the HTTPS portCustom port
    priorityStringNoThe priority of the origin server if multiple origin servers are specified. Default values: 20. Valid values:
    20: the primary origin server
    30: the secondary origin server
    weightStringNoThe weight of the origin server if multiple origin servers are specified. You must specify a value that is less than 100. Default value: 10.

    Response parameters


    The ID of the request.



    Sample success responses


      "RequestId": "15C66C7B-671A-4297-9187-2C4477247A74"

    Error codes

    HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
    400InvalidDomainName.MalformedThe specified DomainName is invalid.The specified domain name is invalid.
    400InvalidSources.MalformedThe specified Sources is invalid.The specified Sources parameter is invalid. It can be IP address or domain name. Up to 20 IP addresses are supported and they must be separated by commas (,). Only a single domain name is supported.
    400InvalidScope.MalformedThe specified Scope is invalid.The value specified for the Scope parameter is invalid.
    400InvalidSource.Priority.MalformedThe specified Source Priority is invalid.The value specified for the priority field in the Sources parameter is invalid.
    400SourceIp.ExceedThe maximum number of back-to-origin IP addresses is exceeded.The number of origin IP addresses exceeds the upper limit.
    400InvalidCertificateThe specified certificate format is invalid.The format of the specified certificate is invalid.
    400InvalidCertificate.TooLongThe maximum length of the certificate is exceeded.The maximum length of the specified certificate content has been reached.
    400CheckSourceHealthFailedError checking the security. Provide the valid origin site information.Security check failed due to invalid information about the origin server.
    400ExtensiveAndAllBothExistA wildcard domain name and a domain name with an all. prefix cannot be both specified.Wildcard domain names and domain names that start with "all." cannot both exist.
    400CdnTypeNotSupportExtensiveDomainWildcard domain names are not supported.Wildcard domain names are not supported.
    400ExtensiveAndSpecificDomainConflictThe wildcard domain name overlaps a domain name at the same level.Wildcard domain names and specific domain names of the same level as the wildcard domain names are mutually exclusive. Enter another domain name.
    400InvalidResourceGroupId.MalformedThe specified ResourceGroupId is invalid.The value specified for the ResourceGroupId parameter is invalid. Specify a valid value and try again.
    400DomainReservedThe root domain of your domain is reserved by another account. Submit a ticket to contact customer support.The root domain name of this domain name is used by another account. Submit a ticket to apply for new domain names.
    400InvalidDomainNameLevelThe domain supports a maximum of three levels of supports up to three domain levels for wildcard domain names.
    400TopLevelDomain.NotFoundThe specified TopLevelDomain does not exist.The specified top-level domain name does not exist.
    400EntityNotExists.ResourceGroupThe resource group does not exist.The specified resource group does not exist.
    400EntityNotExist.ResourceGroupThe resource group does not exist.The specified resource group does not exist.
    400InvalidStatus.ResourceGroupThe current status of the resource group does not support this operation.This operation is not supported while the resource group is in the current state.
    400NotInternationRealIdentityReal-name registration is required for services offered in Mainland China.You have not passed real-name verification. According to the regulations issued by MIIT, you must pass real-name verification if you want to purchase information services in the Chinese mainland.
    400RecordCheckNotAvailableThe ICP filing interface is unavailable. Please try again later.The operation for ICP filing is unavailable. Try again later.
    400IcpBlackThe domain is on the ICP blacklist.The domain name is on the blacklist of the MIIT.
    400IspBlackThe domain is on the ISP blacklist.The domain name is on the blacklist of Alibaba Cloud.
    400DomainOwnerVerifyFailOwner verification of the root domain failed.The first time a domain name is added to DCDN, you must prove the ownership of the domain name. You must add a DNS record or upload a verification file for the domain name before it can be added to DCDN.
    400TopLevelDomain.MismatchThe specified TopLevelDomain does not match webSiteType.The top-level domain name does not match the domain name type.
    400DomainOverLimitThe maximum number of domains is exceeded.The maximum number of domain names has been reached.

    For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

    Change history

    Change timeSummary of changesOperation
    2024-09-03The Error code has changedView Change Details