This topic describes how to use the toolkit-maven-plugin plug-in to implement a phased release of a Spring Cloud, Dubbo, or High-speed Service Framework (HSF) application that is deployed in Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).
Automated deployment
To use toolkit-maven-plugin for automated application deployment, add the plug-in dependency, configure the plug-in, and build deployment jobs.
- Add the plug-in dependency.
Add the following plug-in dependency to the pom.xml file:
<build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>toolkit-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.1.9</version> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
Note We recommend that you use the latest toolkit-maven-plugin version. - Configure the plug-in.
The configurations of the plug-in include account configuration, packaging configuration, and deployment configuration. For information about more custom configuration items, see Specify the packaging parameters and Specify the deployment parameters.
- Build deployment jobs.Go to the directory where
is located. If you want to deploy a Maven submodule, go to the directory where thepom.xml
file of the submodule is located. Then, run the following command:
The following list describes the command parameters:mvn clean package toolkit:deploy -Dtoolkit_profile=toolkit_profile.yaml -Dtoolkit_package=toolkit_package.yaml -Dtoolkit_deploy=toolkit_deploy.yaml
: instructs the system to deploy the application after the packaging operation is complete.-Dtoolkit_profile
: specifies the account configuration file. If the account configuration file is in the same directory aspom.xml
and the file name is.toolkit_profile.yaml
, this parameter is not required. In this case, the account configuration file is automatically obtained by the plug-in. Note that the file name contains a period (.) at the beginning.-Dtoolkit_package
: specifies the package file. If the package file is in the same directory aspom.xml
and the file name is.toolkit_package.yaml
, this parameter is not required. In this case, the package file is automatically obtained by the plug-in. Note that the file name contains a period (.) at the beginning.-Dtoolkit_deploy
: specifies the deployment file. If the deployment file is in the same directory aspom.xml
and the file name is.toolkit_deploy.yaml
, this parameter is not required. In this case, the deployment file is automatically obtained by the plug-in. Note that the file name contains a period (.) at the beginning.-Ddeploy_version
: specifies the version to be deployed. The specified version has a higher priority than the version that is configured in the deployment configuration file.Note toolkit-maven-plugin 1.0.6 and later support this parameter.
After you run the packaging command, the following information is displayed. If BUILD SUCCESS appears, the deployment is successful.
More configuration items
- Specify the packaging parameters.
The package file supports the following parameters:
apiVersion: V1 kind: AppPackage spec: packageType: # The type of the application deployment package. Valid values are War, FatJar, Image, and url. imageUrl: # The URL of the image. This parameter is required if you use an image to deploy your application. packageUrl: # The URL of the package. If you set the packageType parameter to url, you can set this parameter to the address of the package that is used to deploy the application. build: docker: dockerfile: # The file that is used to build your Docker image. This parameter is required if you want to build an image in your on-premises environment to deploy the application. imageRepoAddress: # The address of the Alibaba Cloud image repository that you want to use. This parameter is required if you want to build an image in your on-premises environment to deploy the application. imageTag: # The image tag. This parameter is required if you want to build an image in your on-premises environment to deploy the application. imageRepoUser: # The username that is used to access the Alibaba Cloud image repository. This parameter is required if you want to build an image in your on-premises environment to deploy the application. imageRepoPassword: # The password that is used to access the Alibaba Cloud image repository. This parameter is required if you want to build an image in your on-premises environment to deploy the application. oss: bucket: # The name of the destination Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. This parameter is required if you want to use a custom OSS bucket to store the deployment package. key: # The path of the OSS bucket. This parameter is required if you want to use a custom OSS bucket to store the deployment package. accessKeyId: # The AccessKey ID that is used to access OSS. This parameter is required if you want to use a custom OSS bucket to store the deployment package. accessKeySecret: # The AccessKey secret that is used to access OSS. This parameter is required if you want to use a custom OSS bucket to store the deployment package.
- Specify the deployment parameters.
Click here to show the parameters that are supported by the deployment file.
apiVersion: V1 kind: AppDeployment spec: type: kubernetes target: appName: # The name of the application. namespaceId: # The microservices namespace where the application is to be deployed. appId: # The ID of the application. The plug-in deploys the application that is identified by the specified ID. If you do not specify this parameter, the values of namespaceId and appName are used to identify the application to be deployed. version: # The version to be deployed. The default format comprises the values of the day, hour, minute, and second. jdk: # The Java Development Kit (JDK) version on which the deployed package depends. Open JDK 7 and Open JDK 8 are supported. This parameter is unavailable if you deploy applications by using images. webContainer: # The Tomcat container version on which the deployed package depends. apache-tomcat-7.0.91 is supported. This parameter is unavailable if you deploy applications by using images. batchWaitTime: # The interval between two consecutive batches. command: # The command that is used to start the image. The command must be an existing executable object in the container. For example, you can set the command to sleep. If you specify this parameter, the original startup command of the image becomes invalid. commandArgs: # The parameters of the image startup command. These parameters are required by the preceding startup command. - 1d envs: # The container environment variables. - name: envtmp0 value: '0' - name: envtmp1 value: '1' liveness: # Checks the container health status. A container that fails to pass the health check is stopped and then recovered. exec: # You need to specify one of the exec, tcpSocket, and httpGet parameters. command: - sleep - 1s tcpSocket: # You need to specify one of the exec, tcpSocket, and httpGet parameters. host: "" # (Optional) The host IP address. If this parameter is left empty, the default value, which is the IP address of the pod, is used. port: "18081" # The port number. The value must be a string. httpGet: # You need to specify one of the exec, tcpSocket, and httpGet parameters. host: "" # (Optional) The host IP address. If this parameter is left empty, the default value, which is the IP address of the pod, is used. port: "18081" # The port number. The value must be a string. path: "/health" scheme: "HTTP" # Valid values are HTTP and HTTPS. httpHeaders: - name: "color" value: "blue" initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 11 periodSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1 # The value is fixed to 1 and cannot be changed. failureThreshold: 3 readiness: # Checks the application startup status. A container that fails to pass this health check multiple times is stopped and then restarted. Containers that fail to pass health checks do not receive traffic from Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances. exec: # You need to specify one of the exec, tcpSocket, and httpGet parameters. command: - sleep - 1s tcpSocket: # You need to specify one of the exec, tcpSocket, and httpGet parameters. host: "" # (Optional) The host IP address. If this parameter is left empty, the default value, which is the IP address of the pod, is used. port: "18081" # The port number. The value must be a string. httpGet: # You need to specify one of the exec, tcpSocket, and httpGet parameters. host: "" # (Optional) The host IP address. If this parameter is left empty, the default value, which is the IP address of the pod, is used. port: "18081" # The port number. The value must be a string. path: "/health" scheme: "HTTP" # Valid values are HTTP and HTTPS. httpHeaders: - name: "color" value: "blue" initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 11 periodSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 2 failureThreshold: 3 preStop: # The lifecycle hook that is triggered when the container is to be deleted. exec: command: - /bin/bash - -c - ls /tmp httpGet: host: "" # (Optional) The host IP address. If this parameter is left empty, the default value, which is the IP address of the pod, is used. port: "18081" # The port number. The value must be a string. path: "/health" scheme: "HTTP" # Valid values are HTTP and HTTPS. httpHeaders: - name: "color" value: "blue" postStart: # The lifecycle hook that is triggered after the container is created. exec: command: - /bin/bash - -c - ls /tmp httpGet: host: "" # (Optional) The host IP address. If this parameter is left empty, the default value, which is the IP address of the pod, is used. port: "18081" # The port number. The value must be a string. path: "/health" scheme: "HTTP" # Valid values are HTTP and HTTPS. httpHeaders: - name: "color" value: "blue" configMountDescs: # The configuration resources setting. - type: "ConfigMap" # Valid values are ConfigMap and Secret. name: "configtest" mountPath: "/home/admin" # If you specify a directory for this parameter, the mountItems is required to set the mount target to a file. mountItems: # Sets the mount target to a file. - key: "test-name" path: "test" useSubPath: true # If the mount target is a file, the value true indicates to retain the original file, whereas the value false indicates to overwrite the original file. javaStartUpConfig: # The Java startup parameters. Set the parameters based on your business requirements. initialHeapSize: # The initial size of the heap memory. original: 1000 startup: "-Xms1000m" maxHeapSize: # The maximum size of the heap memory. original: 1000 startup: "-Xmx1000m" newSize: # The initial size of the young generation. original: 200 startup: "-XX:NewSize=200m" maxNewSize: # The maximum size of the young generation. original: 200 startup: "-XX:MaxNewSize=200m" survivorRatio: # The ratio of the Eden space to the Survivor space. original: 2 startup: "-XX:SurvivorRatio=2" newRatio: # The ratio of the old generation to the young generation. original: 8 startup: "-XX:NewRatio=8" permSize: # The size of the permanent generation. original: 512 startup: "-XX:PermSize=512m" maxPermSize: # The maximum size of the permanent generation. original: 512 startup: "-XX:MaxPermSize=200m" maxDirectMemorySize: # The maximum size of the direct memory. original: 100 startup: "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=100m" threadStackSize: # The size of the thread stack. original: 500 startup: "-XX:ThreadStackSize=500" hsfserverPort: # The HSF server port. original: 12200 startup: "-Dhsf.server.port=12200" hsfserverMinPoolSize: # The minimum size of the HSF thread pool. original: 50 startup: "-Dhsf.server.min.poolsize=50" hsfserverMaxPoolSize: # The maximum size of the HSF thread pool. original: 720 startup: "-Dhsf.server.max.poolsize=720" youngGarbageCollector: # The garbage collection (GC) policy for the young generation. original: "UseSerialGC" # Valid values are UseSerialGC, UseG1GC, UseParNewGC, and UseParallelGC. startup: "-XX:+UseSerialGC" # If the original parameter is set to UseG1GC, UseParNewGC, or UseParallelGC, the value of this parameter is an empty string. oldGarbageCollector: # The GC policy for the old generation. original: "UseConcMarkSweepGC" # Valid values are UseConcMarkSweepGC, UseSerialGC, UseG1GC, UseConcMarkSweepGC, UseParNewGC, UseParallelOldGC, and UseParallelGC. startup: "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC" # Specify a value in the format of -XX:+<GC policy>. concGCThreads: # The number of concurrent GC threads. original: 5 startup: "-XX:ConcGCThreads=5" parallelGCThreads: # The number of parallel GC threads. original: 5 startup: "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=5" g1HeapRegionSize: # The size of a Garbage-First (G1) region. original: 50 startup: "-XX:G1HeapRegionSize=50m" gclogFilePath: # The directory of GC logs. original: "/tmp/" startup: "-Xloggc:/tmp/" useGCLogFileRotation: # Specifies whether to enable GC log rotation. original: true startup: "-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation" numberOfGCLogFiles: # The number of GC logs. original: 5 startup: "-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5" gclogFileSize: # The size of a GC log. original: 100 startup: "-XX:GCLogFileSize=100m" heapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError: # Specifies whether to enable out-of-memory (OOM) dumps. original: true startup: "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" heapDumpPath: # The file path for OOM dumps. original: "/tmp/dumpfile" startup: "-XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp/dumpfile" customParams: # Custom parameters. original: "-Dtest=true" startup: "-Dtest=true" deployAcrossZones: "true" # Specifies whether to deploy the application across zones. We recommend that you enable this feature. The value must be a Boolean string. deployAcrossNodes: "true" # Specifies whether to deploy the application across nodes. We recommend that you enable this feature. The value must be a Boolean string. customTolerations: # The scheduling toleration settings. - key: aa operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule - key: bb operator: Equal value: "111" effect: "NoExecute" tolerationSeconds: 111 customAffinity: # The custom affinity rule. nodeAffinity: # The node affinity rule. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: "" operator: "Gt" values: - "11" preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 1 preference: matchExpressions: - key: "" operator: "Gt" values: - "11" podAffinity: # The application (pod) affinity rule. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - namespaces: - "default" topologyKey: "" labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: "" operator: "In" values: - "11" preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 1 podAffinityTerm: namespaces: - "default" topologyKey: "" labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: "" operator: "Exists" values: [] podAntiAffinity: # The application (pod) anti-affinity rule. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - namespaces: - "default" topologyKey: "" labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: "" operator: "In" values: - "11" preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 2 podAffinityTerm: namespaces: - "default" topologyKey: "" labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: "" operator: "In" values: - "11"
Typical scenarios
- Scenario 1: Build a WAR or FatJar package in your on-premises environment to deploy an applicationFor example, you have an application that is deployed by using a WAR or FatJar package to EDAS in the China (Beijing) region, and you want to build a WAR or FatJar package in your on-premises environment to redeploy the application. The following list describes the packaging and deployment configurations:
- Package file:
apiVersion: V1 kind: AppPackage spec: packageType: War
- Deployment file:
apiVersion: V1 kind: AppDeployment spec: type: kubernetes target: appId: # The ID of the application. The plug-in deploys the application that is identified by the specified ID. If you do not specify this parameter, the values of namespaceId and appName are used to identify the application to be deployed. namespaceId: # (Optional) The microservices namespace where the application is to be deployed. If the value of appId is unavailable, the values of namespaceId and appName can be used to identify the application to be deployed. appName: # (Optional) The name of the application. If the value of appId is unavailable, the values of namespaceId and appName can be used to identify the application to be deployed.
- Package file:
- Scenario 2: Use the URL of an existing image to deploy an applicationFor example, you have an application that is deployed by using an image in the China (Beijing) region, and you want to use an existing image ( to redeploy the application. The following list describes the packaging and deployment configurations:
- Package file:
apiVersion: V1 kind: AppPackage spec: packageType: Image imageUrl:
- Deployment file:
apiVersion: V1 kind: AppDeployment spec: type: kubernetes target: appId: # The ID of the application. The plug-in deploys the application that is identified by the specified ID. If you do not specify this parameter, the values of namespaceId and appName are used to identify the application to be deployed. namespaceId: # (Optional) The microservices namespace where the application is to be deployed. If the value of appId is unavailable, the values of namespaceId and appName can be used to identify the application to be deployed. appName: # (Optional) The name of the application. If the value of appId is unavailable, the values of namespaceId and appName can be used to identify the application to be deployed.
- Package file:
- Scenario 3: Build an image in your on-premises environment and upload the image to a repository to deploy an applicationFor example, you have an application that is deployed by using an image in the China (Beijing) region, and you want to compile and build an image in your on-premises environment and then upload the image to your Alibaba Cloud image repository to redeploy the application. The following list describes the packaging and deployment configurations:
- Package file:
apiVersion: V1 kind: AppPackage spec: packageType: Image build: docker: dockerfile: Dockerfile # The Docker file. imageRepoAddress: # The address of the image repository. imageTag: # The image tag. imageRepoUser: # The username that is used to access the image repository. imageRepoPassword: # The password that is used to access the image repository.
- Deployment file:
apiVersion: V1 kind: AppDeployment spec: type: kubernetes target: appId: # The ID of the application. The plug-in deploys the application that is identified by the specified ID. If you do not specify this parameter, the values of namespaceId and appName are used to identify the application to be deployed. namespaceId: # (Optional) The microservices namespace where the application is to be deployed. If the value of appId is unavailable, the values of namespaceId and appName can be used to identify the application to be deployed. appName: # (Optional) The name of the application. If the value of appId is unavailable, the values of namespaceId and appName can be used to identify the application to be deployed.
- Package file: