This topic provides an example to describe how to implement Object Storage Service (OSS) features in an on-premises Spring Cloud application and deploy the application to Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).
Why is OSS used?
OSS is developed by Alibaba Cloud to provide secure, cost-effective, and highly reliable storage services. It allows you to store large amounts of data in the cloud. OSS provides platform-independent RESTful API operations and allows you to store and access all the types of data in applications that are developed by using Spring Cloud.
Before you implement OSS features in an application, a bucket is created in OSS by using your Alibaba Cloud account.
Implement OSS features in an on-premises environment
Create a Maven project named
.Add the following dependencies to the
file:In the following sample code, Spring Boot 2.1.4.RELEASE and Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR1 are added as dependencies.
<parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>2.1.4.RELEASE</version> <relativePath/> </parent> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-oss</artifactId> <version>2.1.1.RELEASE</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> </dependencies> <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-dependencies</artifactId> <version>Finchley.SR1</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencyManagement>
NoteIf you must use Spring Boot 1.x, we recommend that you use Spring Boot 1.5.x and Spring Cloud Edgware. The corresponding version of Spring Cloud Alibaba is 1.5.1.RELEASE.
Spring Boot 1.x has reached end of life. Therefore, we recommend that you use a later version of Spring Boot to develop your applications.
Create a package, such as
, in thesrc/main/java
directory.Create a startup class named
package.package; import com.aliyun.oss.OSS; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationArguments; import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import; @SpringBootApplication public class OssApplication { public static final String BUCKET_NAME = "test-bucket"; public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {, args); } @Bean public AppRunner appRunner() { return new AppRunner(); } class AppRunner implements ApplicationRunner { @Autowired private OSS ossClient; @Override public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception { try { if (!ossClient.doesBucketExist(BUCKET_NAME)) { ossClient.createBucket(BUCKET_NAME); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("oss handle bucket error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } } } }
In the
directory, add a sample file to be uploaded. The sample file is namedoss-test.json
in the example.{ "name": "oss-test" }
Create a class named
package and add configurations to implement features, such as obtaining files by using the Resource interface of Spring, uploading data, and downloading data.package; import com.aliyun.oss.OSS; import com.aliyun.oss.common.utils.IOUtils; import com.aliyun.oss.model.OSSObject; import org.apache.commons.codec.CharEncoding; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import; import org.springframework.util.StreamUtils; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import java.nio.charset.Charset; @RestController public class OssController { @Autowired private OSS ossClient; @Value("oss://" + OssApplication.BUCKET_NAME + "/oss-test.json") private Resource file; @GetMapping("/upload") public String upload() { try { ossClient.putObject(OssApplication.BUCKET_NAME, "oss-test.json", this .getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("oss-test.json")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "upload fail: " + e.getMessage(); } return "upload success"; } @GetMapping("/file-resource") public String fileResource() { try { return "get file resource success. content: " + StreamUtils.copyToString( file.getInputStream(), Charset.forName(CharEncoding.UTF_8)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "get resource fail: " + e.getMessage(); } } @GetMapping("/download") public String download() { try { OSSObject ossObject = ossClient.getObject(OssApplication.BUCKET_NAME, "oss-test.json"); return "download success, content: " + IOUtils .readStreamAsString(ossObject.getObjectContent(), CharEncoding.UTF_8); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "download fail: " + e.getMessage(); } } }
Obtain the AccessKey ID, AccessKey secret, and endpoint, and then add the configurations in your on-premises environment.
Go to the Security Management page and obtain the AccessKey ID and the AccessKey secret.
Obtain the endpoint based on the region where the bucket is deployed. For more information, see Regions and endpoints.
Create a file named
in thesrc/main/resources
directory and add the configurations of the AccessKey ID, AccessKey secret, and server.port=18084 # Specify the AccessKey ID. # Specify the AccessKey secret. # Specify the endpoint. management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*
Run the main function of
to start the service.
Verify the result
Visit in your web browser.
upload success
appears, the sample fileoss-test.json
is uploaded. Otherwise, check the code in the on-premises environment for troubleshooting. Then, run the main function ofOssApplication
again to start the service.Log on to the OSS console and go to the bucket that stores the uploaded file. Then, in the left-side navigation pane, click Files and check whether the sample file is in the file list.
If oss-test.json is in the file list, the file is uploaded. Otherwise, check the code in the on-premises environment for troubleshooting. Then, run the main function of OssApplication again to start the service.
Visit in your web browser to download the oss-test.json file.
{ "name": "oss-test" }
Visit in your web browser to obtain the content of the sample file oss-test.json.
{ "name": "oss-test" }
Deploy the application to EDAS
Spring Cloud AliCloud OSS is developed to respond to the needs of migrating applications from their original development environments to EDAS. You can deploy applications to EDAS without the need to modify the code or configurations. For more information about deployment methods and steps, see Overview and Overview.