The previous version of Cloud Phone, also called Elastic Cloud Phone (ECP), has been discontinued. You can access the ECP legacy documentation if needed.
ECP documentation has been discontinued for maintenance. If you have any questions about the content, please provide feedback through the portal at the bottom of the document.
Cloud PhoneRelease notesWhat is Cloud Phone?Product benefitsUse scenariosTermsCloud phone typesLimitsBilling overviewSubscriptionPay-as-you-goRenewal policiesExpiration and overdue paymentsRefund policiesQuery billsGetting startedCreate cloud phonesConnect to cloud phonesAuthorize RAM users to use cloud phonesCreate cloud phonesConnect to cloud phones by using WebRTC over the InternetConnect to cloud phones by using ADB over the InternetConnect to cloud phones by using Scrcpy over the InternetConnect to cloud phones by using VNC over private networksCloud phone lifecycleModify the name and description of a cloud phoneStart, stop, restart, or release a cloud phoneModify the resolution of a cloud phoneManage key pairsManage imagesUpload files to cloud phonesDownload files to on-premises computersInstall applicationsUninstall applicationsInitialize or replace the OS of a cloud phoneBind or unbind an EIPSend remote commandsUse tags to manage cloud phonesIntegrate the WebRTC visual interface with cloud phonesCloud Phone APIList of operations by functionEndpointsAuthorization informationRunInstances - Creates and starts multiple cloud phones at the same timeDeleteInstances - Deletes multiple cloud phones at the same timeStartInstances - Starts multiple cloud phones at the same timeStopInstances - Stops multiple cloud phones at the same timeRenewInstances - Renews multiple cloud phones at the same timeResetInstances - Resets multiple cloud phones at the same timeRebootInstances - Restarts multiple cloud phones at the same timeUpdateInstanceAttribute - Modifies the properties of a cloud phoneListInstances - Obtains cloud phonesListInstanceTypes - Obtains cloud phone typesListInstanceVncUrl - Obtains the VNC link for logging on to a cloud phoneListRegions - Obtains the available regionsListZones - Obtains the zones in a specified regionCreateImage - Creates a custom imageImportImage - Imports a custom imageCopyImage - Copies a custom imageDeleteImages - Deletes multiple custom images at the same timeUpdateImageAttribute - Modifies a custom imageListImages - Queries imagesListImageSharePermission - Queries the list of users with whom an image is sharedImportKeyPair - Imports a key pairListKeyPairs - Queries key pairsDeleteKeyPairs - Deletes the key pairs of a specified cloud phoneCancelTask - Cancels a taskListTasks - Obtains the list of tasks on a cloud phoneRunCommand - Executes a command on a cloud phoneSendFile - Sends files to a cloud phoneInstallApplication - Installs an application on a cloud phoneUninstallApplication - Uninstalls an application from a cloud phoneFetchFile - Pulls files from cloud phones and save them to OSSTagResources - Creates and binds tags to cloud resourcesListTagResources - Queries resource tagsUntagResources - Unbinds tags from cloud resourcesListTagKeys - Queries tag keysListTagValues - Queries the tag values of a specified tag keyRelease notesSDK overviewCreate a cloud phoneQuery a cloud phoneRelease a cloud phoneIdentity managementSystem policies of Cloud PhoneCustom policies of Cloud PhoneFAQ about Cloud Phone