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Cloud Phone:Legacy documentation

Last Updated:Nov 11, 2024

The previous version of Cloud Phone, also called Elastic Cloud Phone (ECP), has been discontinued. You can access the ECP legacy documentation if needed.


ECP documentation has been discontinued for maintenance. If you have any questions about the content, please provide feedback through the portal at the bottom of the document.

  • Cloud Phone
    Release notes
    What is Cloud Phone?
    Product benefits
    Use scenarios
    Cloud phone types
    Billing overview
    Renewal policies
    Expiration and overdue payments
    Refund policies
    Query bills
    Getting started
    Create cloud phones
    Connect to cloud phones
    Authorize RAM users to use cloud phones
    Create cloud phones
    Connect to cloud phones by using WebRTC over the Internet
    Connect to cloud phones by using ADB over the Internet
    Connect to cloud phones by using Scrcpy over the Internet
    Connect to cloud phones by using VNC over private networks
    Cloud phone lifecycle
    Modify the name and description of a cloud phone
    Start, stop, restart, or release a cloud phone
    Modify the resolution of a cloud phone
    Manage key pairs
    Manage images
    Upload files to cloud phones
    Download files to on-premises computers
    Install applications
    Uninstall applications
    Initialize or replace the OS of a cloud phone
    Bind or unbind an EIP
    Send remote commands
    Use tags to manage cloud phones
    Integrate the WebRTC visual interface with cloud phones
    Cloud Phone API
    List of operations by function
    Authorization information
    RunInstances - Creates and starts multiple cloud phones at the same time
    DeleteInstances - Deletes multiple cloud phones at the same time
    StartInstances - Starts multiple cloud phones at the same time
    StopInstances - Stops multiple cloud phones at the same time
    RenewInstances - Renews multiple cloud phones at the same time
    ResetInstances - Resets multiple cloud phones at the same time
    RebootInstances - Restarts multiple cloud phones at the same time
    UpdateInstanceAttribute - Modifies the properties of a cloud phone
    ListInstances - Obtains cloud phones
    ListInstanceTypes - Obtains cloud phone types
    ListInstanceVncUrl - Obtains the VNC link for logging on to a cloud phone
    ListRegions - Obtains the available regions
    ListZones - Obtains the zones in a specified region
    CreateImage - Creates a custom image
    ImportImage - Imports a custom image
    CopyImage - Copies a custom image
    DeleteImages - Deletes multiple custom images at the same time
    UpdateImageAttribute - Modifies a custom image
    ListImages - Queries images
    ListImageSharePermission - Queries the list of users with whom an image is shared
    ImportKeyPair - Imports a key pair
    ListKeyPairs - Queries key pairs
    DeleteKeyPairs - Deletes the key pairs of a specified cloud phone
    CancelTask - Cancels a task
    ListTasks - Obtains the list of tasks on a cloud phone
    RunCommand - Executes a command on a cloud phone
    SendFile - Sends files to a cloud phone
    InstallApplication - Installs an application on a cloud phone
    UninstallApplication - Uninstalls an application from a cloud phone
    FetchFile - Pulls files from cloud phones and save them to OSS
    TagResources - Creates and binds tags to cloud resources
    ListTagResources - Queries resource tags
    UntagResources - Unbinds tags from cloud resources
    ListTagKeys - Queries tag keys
    ListTagValues - Queries the tag values of a specified tag key
    Release notes
    SDK overview
    Create a cloud phone
    Query a cloud phone
    Release a cloud phone
    Identity management
    System policies of Cloud Phone
    Custom policies of Cloud Phone
    FAQ about Cloud Phone