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Domain Names:WHOIS Information

Last Updated:Apr 16, 2024

To comply with the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data issued by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and the compliance requirements stated in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) issued by EU, Alibaba Cloud WHOIS no longer provides the name of the domain name registrar and the contact information about the registrar, manager, and technical support of the domain name.

WHOIS lookup

You can use WHOIS to obtain the following information about a domain name. For more information, see WHOIS lookup.

  • Registrant Email:

    To comply with the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data issued by ICANN, and the compliance requirements stated in GDPR, Alibaba Cloud WHOIS no longer provides personal information about registrants from May 25, 2018.

  • Sponsoring Registrar: the current registrar of the domain name, such as Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (

  • Registration Date: the date when the domain name was registered.

  • Expiration Date: the date when the domain name expires. Domain name registrants must renew their domain names in time. For more information, see Renew domain names.

  • Domain Status:

    the status of the domain name, which is related to specific security settings of the domain name. For example, if a domain name is configured to prohibiting transfer or deletion, the value of Domain Status is clientTransferProhibited or clientDeleteProhibited. The status of a domain name changes at different stages, such as registration and expiration. For more information, see Domain name statuses.

  • DNS Server: the current DNS server of the domain name. For more information about how to change the DNS server, see Change DNS servers for a domain name.

FAQ about the Temporary Specification of ICANN and adjustments of the WHOIS output