Queries registrant profiles under your Alibaba Cloud account.


You can use optional request parameters to specify specific query criteria to query registrant profiles as required. For example, you can use the following optional request parameters:

  • RegistrantProfileId, which indicates the ID of a registrant profile.
  • Parameters that indicate the information about a registrant profile, such as RegistrantOrganization. You can use these parameters if you do not know the ID of the profile that you want to query.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Position Type Required Example Description
Action Query String Yes QueryRegistrantProfiles

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to QueryRegistrantProfiles.

RegistrantProfileId Query Long No 1234567

The ID of the registrant profile that you want to query. The system generates an ID after you create a registrant profile.

RegistrantType Query String No 1

The type of the domain name registrant. Valid values:

  • 1: individual
  • 2: enterprise

Default value: 1.

RegistrantOrganization Query String No li si

The name of the domain name registrant.

Email Query String No 82106****@qq.com

The email address of the domain name registrant.

RealNameStatus Query String No SUCCEED

The status of real-name verification for the domain name registrant. Valid values:

  • FAILED: failed
  • SUCCEED: successful
  • NONAUDIT: not verified
  • AUDITING: being reviewed
DefaultRegistrantProfile Query Boolean No false

Specifies whether to query the default profile. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

Default value: false.

PageSize Query Integer No 500

The number of entries to return on each page. Default value:0. Maximum value:5000.

PageNum Query Integer No 1

The number of the page to return. Default value: 0.

RegistrantProfileType Query String No common

The type of the registrant profile. Valid values:

  • common: common profile
  • cnnic: China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) profile
Note You can create and manage a CNNIC profile only on the Alibaba Cloud international site (alibabacloud.com). You must use a CNNIC profile to manage specific domain names, such as .cn, from the CNNIC registrar. For other domain names, you can use a common profile.
Lang Query String No en

The language of the error message to return. Valid values:

  • zh: Chinese
  • en: English

Default value: en.

UserClientIp Query String No

The IP address of the client that you use to query registrant profiles.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
CurrentPageNum Integer 1

The page number of the returned page.

NextPage Boolean true

Indicates whether the current page is followed by another page. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
TotalPageNum Integer 1

The total number of returned pages.

TotalItemNum Integer 9

The total number of returned entries.

Note This parameter indicates the total number of queried registrant profiles. If multiple registrant profiles are queried, the information about these profiles is returned in sequence by profile.
RegistrantProfiles Array of RegistrantProfile

The list of registrant profiles.

Address String zhe jiang sheng hang zhou shi shi li qu shi li zhen shi li da sha 1001 hao

The address of the domain name registrant.

City String hang zhou shi

The city where the domain name registrant is located.

Country String CN

The code of the country or region where the domain name registrant is located,such as CN or US.

CreateTime String 2019-02-18 10:46:47

The time when the registrant profile was created.

DefaultRegistrantProfile Boolean false

Indicates whether the registrant profile is the default profile. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

Default value: false.

Email String 82106****@qq.com

The email address of the domain name registrant.

EmailVerificationStatus Integer 1

Indicates whether the email address has been verified. Valid values:

  • 0: not verified
  • 1: verified
PostalCode String 310024

The zip code of the region where the domain name registrant is located.

Province String zhe jiang

The province where the domain name registrant is located.

RealNameStatus String SUCCEED

The status of real-name verification for the domain name registrant. Valid values:

  • FAILED: failed
  • SUCCEED: successful
  • NONAUDIT: not verified
  • AUDITING: being reviewed
RegistrantName String li si

The name of the contact for the domain name.

RegistrantOrganization String li si

The name of the domain name registrant.

RegistrantProfileId Long 1000001

The ID of the registrant profile.

RegistrantProfileType String common

The type of the registrant profile. Valid values:

  • common: common profile
  • cnnic: CNNIC profile
Note You can create and manage a CNNIC profile only on the Alibaba Cloud international site (alibabacloud.com). You must use a CNNIC profile to manage specific domain names, such as .cn, from the CNNIC registrar. For other domain names, you can use a common profile.
RegistrantType String 1

The type of the domain name registrant. Valid values:

  • 1: individual
  • 2: enterprise

Default value: 1.

TelArea String 86

The calling code of the country or region where the domain name registrant is located. For example, the calling code for China is 86.

TelExt String 1234

The extension number of the registrant's phone number.

Telephone String 1829756****

The phone number of the domain name registrant.

UpdateTime String 2019-03-15 15:32:45

The time when the registrant profile was updated.

PrePage Boolean false

Indicates whether the current page follows another page. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
PageSize Integer 2

The number of entries returned per page. Default value:0. Maximum value:5000.

RequestId String 94053D79-7455-4F71-BF06-20EB2DEDE6BD

The ID of the request.


Sample requests

http(s)://domain.aliyuncs.com/? Action=QueryRegistrantProfiles
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

            <UpdateTime>2019-03-15 15:32:45</UpdateTime>
            <Province>zhe jiang</Province>
            <City>hang zhou shi</City>
            <CreateTime>2019-02-18 10:46:47</CreateTime>
            <Address>zhe jiang sheng hang zhou shi shi li qu shi li zhen shi li da sha 1001 hao</Address>
            <RegistrantName>li si</RegistrantName>
            <RegistrantOrganization>li si</RegistrantOrganization>

JSON format

    "TotalItemNum": 9,
    "PageSize": 500,
    "CurrentPageNum": 1,
    "RequestId": "94053D79-7455-4F71-BF06-20EB2DEDE6BD",
    "PrePage": false,
    "RegistrantProfiles": {
        "RegistrantProfile": [
                "Telephone": "1829756****",
                "DefaultRegistrantProfile": false,
                "EmailVerificationStatus": 1,
                "UpdateTime": "2019-03-15 15:32:45",
                "RealNameStatus": "SUCCEED",
                "Country": "CN",
                "Province": "zhe jiang",
                "City": "hang zhou shi",
                "TelArea": "86",
                "PostalCode": "310024",
                "RegistrantType": "1",
                "Email": "82106****@qq.com",
                "CreateTime": "2019-02-18 10:46:47",
                "Address": "zhe jiang sheng hang zhou shi shi li qu shi li zhen shi li da sha 1001 hao",
                "RegistrantName": "li si",
                "RegistrantOrganization": "li si",
                "RegistrantProfileType": "common",
    "TotalPageNum": 1,
    "NextPage": false

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.