Advanced Database & Application Migration (ADAM) allows you to collect data from Java applications that use JDK 1.6 or later and helps you evaluate and analyze the features that need to be transformed. Non-Java applications do not support data collection.
Agent for dynamic data collection: collects basic information of the database that is requested by the application when the application is run. The basic information includes the SQL statements, schemas, and call stacks of requests. System information, performance information, and SQL hotspots are also collected.
Collector for centralized data collection: collects, desensitizes, and processes data from the Agent.
Collects SQL statements and call stack information of the application requests.
Collects application performance information.
Data cannot be collected from non-Oracle databases or non-Java applications.
Application requests that do not access databases cannot be monitored. For example, the SQL statements and call stacks of API operations called outside of the collection period cannot be collected.
Procedures such as SQL triggers that are not called by programs cannot be monitored.
Background information
Collected SQL statements are masked. The request parameters and returned values of SQL statements are not collected.
Data collection is read-only to prevent intrusions to applications.
Data collection is automatically suspended during peak hours to restrict the memory usage within a specific range.
Dynamic data collection of Java applications in Tomcat, JBoss, and Oracle WebLogic containers that use JDK 1.6 or later is supported.
Download Application Collector
Usage notes
Basic technical knowledge is required before you deploy Application Collector. Make sure that Application Collector is deployed by Java developers.
SUN JDK, Oracle JDK, and OpenJDK 1.6 or later are supported. IBM JDK is not supported.
The decompressed Application Collector package contains the Collector and javaagent directories.
The Collector is deployed independently on a server that does not have online applications to prevent online applications from being affected during data processing.
The javaagent directory is copied to the application server to be monitored and deployed with applications to collect data.
Make sure that the Collector and Agent have system operation permissions.
NoteIf you are using the Unix or Linux operating system, you must run the
chmod -R 775 collector/
command to add system operation permissions to the directories.The Collector acts as a server and can be deployed with 1 to 20 Agents. An Agent is deployed on a single application server.
NoteYou can deploy Agents on a few machines of a distributed application based on load balancing.
Deploy the Collector, and then deploy the Agent. The application and the Collector must be interconnected for centralized data desensitization. The machine where the Collector is deployed must use JDK 1.6 or later and have a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory size of more than 4 GB. The disk volume is determined by the number of monitored applications, monitoring duration, activities, and the number and sizes of SQL statements. If no explosive growth of data happens, you can estimate the data volume based on the data collected within half a day. In most cases, the data volume of a monitored application is less than 1 GB within seven days.
The application must be deployed on a server that uses JDK 1.6 or later. The JVM heap size of the application must be at least 300 MB. Supported containers include Tomcat, JBoss, and WebLogic. Docker images can be deployed to a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
The Agent monitors the SQL statements and call stacks that are used to access Oracle databases. Make sure that all the operations are monitored during the monitoring period of the Agent. The application must be monitored when recurring tasks are running. Otherwise, the collected data is incomplete.
What to do next
Deploy a data collection environment. For more information, see Deploy a data collection environment.