Queries the information about a Data Transmission Service (DTS) subtask that performs precheck, migration assessment, schema migration, initial schema synchronization, full data migration, initial full data synchronization, incremental data migration, or incremental data synchronization.
Request parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribePreCheckStatus | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribePreCheckStatus. |
DtsJobId | String | Yes | i03e3zty16i**** | The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. |
PageNo | String | No | 1 | The page number. Pages start from page 1. Default value: 1. |
PageSize | String | No | 30 | The number of entries per page. Default value: 20. |
JobCode | String | Yes | 01 | The task code that specifies the type of the DTS subtask. Valid values:
StructType | String | Yes | before | The type of schema definition. Valid values:
RegionId | String | No | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the DTS instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions. |
StructPhase | String | No | View | The filter item used to filter tables, views, and functions during schema migration. |
Name | String | No | dewuprop | The filter item used to filter tables in fuzzy match. |
Response parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Example |
Description |
State | String | Finished | The status of the subtask. Valid values:
Success | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the request was successful. |
PageRecordCount | Long | 20 | The number of entries per page. |
Total | Integer | 0 | The total number of subtasks. |
HttpStatusCode | Integer | 200 | The returned HTTP status code. |
RequestId | String | C096FA97-B6BA-4575-899D-61E12B59**** | The request ID. |
JobName | String | Precheck | The name of the subtask. |
JobId | String | b4my3zg929a**** | The ID of the data migration or synchronization task. |
ErrorItem | Integer | 0 | The total number of subtask failures. |
ErrorAnalysisItem | Integer | 0 | The total number of items that failed to pass the assessment. |
TotalRecordCount | Long | 100 | The total number of entries returned. |
Code | String | 01 | The task code that indicates the subtask type. Valid values:
PageNumber | Long | 1 | The page number. Pages start from page 1. Default value: 1. |
JobProgress | Array of ProgressInfo | The list of subtasks and the progress of each subtask. |
Skip | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the subtask is ignored if it fails. Valid values:
FinishTime | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:34.000+00:00 | The time when the subtask was complete. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZZ format in UTC. |
IgnoreFlag | String | N | Indicates whether DTS ignores the subtask and proceeds with the next subtask. Valid values:
DelaySeconds | Integer | 0 | The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
DdlSql | String | CREATE TABLE `dtstestdata`.`order` (\n`orderid` int(11) COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \n`username` char(32) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL , \n`ordertime` datetime COMMENT '' NULL , \n`commodity` varchar(32) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL , \n`phonenumber` int(11) COMMENT '' NULL , \n`address` text CHARSET `utf8mb4` COLLATE `utf8mb4_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL \n, PRIMARY KEY (`orderid`)) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=`gbk` DEFAULT COLLATE `gbk_chinese_ci` ROW_FORMAT= Dynamic comment = '' ;\n | The DDL statements. |
State | String | Success | The status of the subtask. Valid values:
BootTime | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:31.000+00:00 | The time when the subtask was started. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC. |
Item | String | CHECK_CONN_DEST | The shortened name of the subtask. |
Sub | String | [] | The sub-item progress of the subtask. Note
If [] is returned, the subtask has no sub-items. |
Total | Integer | 1 | The total number of sub-items of the subtask. |
TargetNames | String | order | The names of the objects that are migrated or synchronized. |
CanSkip | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the subtask can be ignored if it fails. |
Names | String | CHECK_CONN_DEST_DETAIL | The name of the subtask. |
ErrDetail | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ_DETAIL | The error details of the subtask failure. |
DiffRow | Long | 1 | This parameter is going to be removed in the future. |
JobId | String | fj1c33ro168**** | The ID of the subtask. |
SourceSchema | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database to which the object in the source instance belongs. |
DestSchema | String | dtstestdata_new | The name of the database to which the object in the destination instance belongs. |
ParentObj | String | demo | This parameter is going to be removed in the future. |
ErrMsg | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ | The error message of the subtask failure. |
OrderNum | Integer | 10 | The serial number of the subtask. |
RepairMethod | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ_REPAIR | The method to fix the subtask failure. |
Id | String | 5632 | The ID recorded in the metadatabase. |
Logs | Array of JobLog | The logs of subtask failures. |
ErrData | String | CREATE TABLE `dtstestdata`.`customer` (\n`runoob_id` int(10) unsigned auto_increment COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \n`runoob_title` varchar(100) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \n`runoob_author1216` varchar(40) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \n`submission_date1216` date COMMENT '' NULL \n, PRIMARY KEY (`runoob_id`)) engine=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=200001 DEFAULT CHARSET=`utf8` DEFAULT COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` ROW_FORMAT= Dynamic comment = '' ;\n | The error message. |
ErrMsg | String | DTS-1020042 Execute sql error sql: Table 'customer' already exists | The error message returned when an error occurs on the subtask. |
LogLevel | String | ERROR | The level of logs. |
ErrType | String | ForeignKey | The error type. |
Current | String | 0 | The number of the subtasks that are running. |
AnalysisJobProgress | Array of AnalysisProgressInfo | The details of the migration assessment. |
Skip | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the item is ignored if it fails to pass the migration assessment. Valid values:
FinishTime | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:31.000+00:00 | The time when the migration assessment was complete. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC. |
IgnoreFlag | String | N | Indicates whether DTS ignores the subtask and proceeds with the next subtask. Valid values:
DelaySeconds | Integer | 0 | The latency of the subtask. |
DdlSql | String | CREATE TABLE **** | The DDL statements. |
State | String | Success | The assessment result of the item. Valid values:
BootTime | String | 2022-03-16T08:01:31.000+00:00 | The time when the subtask was started. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC. |
Item | String | ANALYSIS_MYSQL_4_ITEM | The name of the assessment item. |
Sub | String | [] | The sub-item progress of the subtask. Note
If [] is returned, the subtask has no sub-items. |
Total | Integer | 1 | The total number of sub-items of the subtask. |
TargetNames | String | testTable | The names of the objects that are migrated or synchronized. |
CanSkip | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the subtask can be ignored. |
Names | String | ANALYSIS_MYSQL_4_DETAIL | The name of the assessment item. |
ErrDetail | String | ANALYSIS_MYSQL | The error details of the subtask failure. |
DiffRow | Long | 1 | This parameter is going to be removed in the future. |
JobId | String | 11234234xc | The ID of the migration assessment subtask. |
SourceSchema | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database to which the object in the source instance belongs. |
DestSchema | String | dest | The name of the database to which the object in the destination instance belongs. |
ParentObj | String | demo | This parameter is going to be removed in the future. |
ErrMsg | String | ANALYSIS_ | The error message. |
OrderNum | Integer | 10 | The serial number of the assessment item. |
RepairMethod | String | ANALYSIS_ | The method to fix the failed assessment item. |
Id | String | 123123 | The ID of the assessment item in the database. |
Logs | Array of JobLog | The logs of assessment items. |
ErrData | String | Modify the object | The error message. |
ErrMsg | String | DTS-1020042 Execute sql error sql: Table 'customer' already exists | The error message returned when an error occurs on the subtask. |
LogLevel | String | ERROR | The level of logs. |
ErrType | String | ForeignKey | The error type. |
Current | String | 0 | The number of the subtasks that are running. |
SubDistributedJobStatus | Array of SubDistributedJobStatus | The status of the distributed subtask. |
JobName | String | dts.step.struct.load | The name of the distributed subtask associated with the subtask. |
State | String | Finished | The status of the subtask. Valid values:
JobId | String | n0gm1682j6563np | The ID of the subtask. |
ErrorItem | Integer | 0 | The number of subtasks that failed. |
Code | String | 02 | The task code that indicates the subtask type. Valid values:
Total | Integer | 11 | The total number of returned entries. |
JobProgress | Array of ProgressInfo | The list of subtasks and the progress of each subtask. |
Skip | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the subtask was skipped. Valid values:
FinishTime | String | 2022-03-31T03:36:11.000+00:00 | The time when the subtask was complete. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC. |
IgnoreFlag | String | N | Indicates whether DTS ignores the subtask and proceeds with the next subtask. Valid values:
DelaySeconds | Integer | 0 | The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization. |
DdlSql | String | None | The DDL statements. |
State | String | Finished | The status of the subtask. Valid values:
BootTime | String | 2022-03-30T03:36:11.000+00:00 | The time when the subtask was started. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC. |
Item | String | login_common_time | The name of the subtask. |
Sub | String | [] | The sub-item progress of the subtask. Note
If [] is returned, the subtask has no sub-items. |
Total | Integer | 11 | The total number of subtasks. |
TargetNames | String | order | The names of the objects that are migrated or synchronized. |
CanSkip | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the subtask can be ignored if it fails. Valid values:
Names | String | metricRuleTargets-20180308houe | The name of the subtask. |
ErrDetail | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ_DETAIL | The error details of the subtask failure. |
DiffRow | Long | None | This parameter is going to be removed in the future. |
JobId | String | l3m1213ye7l**** | The ID of the subtask. |
SourceSchema | String | databasetest | The name of the database to which the object in the source instance belongs. |
DestSchema | String | databasetest | The name of the database to which the object in the destination instance belongs. |
ParentObj | String | None | This parameter is going to be removed in the future. |
ErrMsg | String | ODPS project does not exist odps.`huijin | The error message of the subtask failure. |
OrderNum | Integer | 1 | The serial number of the subtask. |
RepairMethod | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ_REPAIR | The method to fix the precheck failure. |
Id | String | 3890**** | The ID of the entry in the metadatabase. |
Logs | Array of JobLog | The operations logs of errors. |
ErrData | String | CREATE TABLE `dtstestdata`.`customer` (\n`runoob_id` int(10) unsigned auto_increment COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \n`runoob_title` varchar(100) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \n`runoob_author1216` varchar(40) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \n`submission_date1216` date COMMENT '' NULL \n, PRIMARY KEY (`runoob_id`)) engine=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=200001 DEFAULT CHARSET=`utf8` DEFAULT COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` ROW_FORMAT= Dynamic comment = '' ;\n | The record of errors. |
ErrMsg | String | get metric list fail | The error message. |
LogLevel | String | INFO | The level of logs. |
ErrType | String | ForeignKey | The error type. |
Current | String | 0 | The number of the subtasks that are running. |
FullNetCheckJobStatus | Array of FullNetCheckJobStatus | The information about the precheck of all CIDR blocks. |
JobName | String | dts.step.fullnetcheck | The name of the precheck. |
State | String | Success | The precheck result. Valid values:
JobId | String | l3m1213ye7l**** | The ID of the subtask. |
ErrorItem | Integer | 0 | The total number of items that failed to pass the precheck. |
Code | String | 01 | The task code. A value of 01 indicates the precheck. |
Total | Integer | 11 | The total number of subtasks. |
HostRegion | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region in which the node runs. |
SrcRegion | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region to which the source CIDR block belongs. |
DestRegion | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region to which the destination CIDR block belongs. |
SrcRegionCidr | String | 100.104.XX.XXX/XX | The source CIDR block. |
DestRegionCidr | String | 100.104.XX.XXX/XX | The destination CIDR block. |
SourceEndpointType | String | CEN | The access method of the source instance. Valid values:
DestinationEndpointType | String | CEN | The access method of the destination instance. Valid values:
JobProgress | Array of ProgressInfo | The list of subtasks and the details of each subtask. |
Skip | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the subtask is ignored if it fails. Valid values:
FinishTime | String | 2022-03-31T03:36:11.000+00:00 | The time when the subtask was complete. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC. |
IgnoreFlag | String | N | Indicates whether DTS ignores the subtask and proceeds with the next subtask. Valid values:
DelaySeconds | Integer | 0 | The latency of the subtask. |
DdlSql | String | CREATE TABLE **** | The DDL statements. |
State | String | Success | The precheck result. Valid values:
BootTime | String | 2022-03-30T03:36:11.000+00:00 | The time when the subtask was started. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC. |
Item | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC | The name of the subtask. |
Sub | String | [] | The sub-item progress of the subtask. Note
If [] is returned, the subtask has no sub-items. |
Total | Integer | 11 | The total number of subtasks. |
TargetNames | String | order | The names of the objects that are migrated or synchronized. |
CanSkip | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the subtask can be ignored if it fails. Valid values:
Names | String | CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL | The name of the subtask. |
ErrDetail | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ_DETAIL | The error details of the subtask failure. |
DiffRow | Long | 1 | This parameter is going to be removed in the future. |
JobId | String | l3m1213ye7l**** | The ID of the subtask. |
SourceSchema | String | dtstestdata | The name of the database to which the object in the source instance belongs. |
DestSchema | String | dest | The name of the database to which the object in the destination instance belongs. |
ParentObj | String | demo | This parameter is going to be removed in the future. |
ErrMsg | String | ODPS project does not exist odps.`huijin | The error message of the subtask failure. |
OrderNum | Integer | 1 | The serial number of the subtask. |
RepairMethod | String | CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ_REPAIR | The method to fix the precheck failure. |
Id | String | 922305811766881**** | The ID of the entry in the metadatabase. |
Logs | Array of JobLog | The operations logs of errors. |
ErrData | String | CREATE TABLE `dtstestdata`.`customer` **** | The record of errors. |
ErrMsg | String | get metric list fail | The error message. |
LogLevel | String | INFO | The level of logs. |
ErrType | String | ForeignKey | The error type. |
Current | String | 0 | The number of the subtasks that are running. |
NetworkDiagnosisResult | Object | The network diagnosis. |
ModelVersion | String | network-v0.2 | The version of the diagnostics model. |
Diagnosis | Array of NetworkDiagnosisReport | The network diagnostic report. |
EndpointType | String | source | The endpoint type. Valid values:
Code | String | dts.kunlun.diagnosis.network.express_doc | The diagnostic code. |
CnDocUrl | String | https://***.ali***.com/document_detail/470447.html | The document URL of the China site (aliyun.com). |
InternationalDocUrl | String | https://www.ali***.com/help/en/data-transmission-service/latest/how-to-solve-an-error-when-accessing-a-database-instance-to-dts-using-vpn | The document URL of the international site (alibabacloud.com). |
Result | String | none | The reserved field of the diagnosis. By default, this parameter is left empty. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<JobId> b4my3zg929a****</JobId>
<DdlSql>CREATE TABLE `dtstestdata`.`order` (\n`orderid` int(11) COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \n`username` char(32) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL , \n`ordertime` datetime COMMENT '' NULL , \n`commodity` varchar(32) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL , \n`phonenumber` int(11) COMMENT '' NULL , \n`address` text CHARSET `utf8mb4` COLLATE `utf8mb4_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL \n, PRIMARY KEY (`orderid`)) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=`gbk` DEFAULT COLLATE `gbk_chinese_ci` ROW_FORMAT= Dynamic comment = '' ;\n</DdlSql>
<DdlSql>CREATE TABLE ****</DdlSql>
<ErrMsg>ODPS project does not exist odps.`huijin</ErrMsg>
<DdlSql>CREATE TABLE ****</DdlSql>
JSON format
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"State" : "Finished",
"Success" : true,
"PageRecordCount" : 20,
"Total" : 0,
"HttpStatusCode" : 200,
"RequestId" : "C096FA97-B6BA-4575-899D-61E12B59****",
"JobName": "Precheck",
"JobId" : " b4my3zg929a****",
"ErrorItem" : 0,
"ErrorAnalysisItem" : 0,
"TotalRecordCount" : 100,
"Code" : "01",
"PageNumber" : 1,
"JobProgress" : [ {
"Skip" : false,
"FinishTime" : "2022-03-16T08:01:34.000+00:00",
"IgnoreFlag" : "N",
"DelaySeconds" : 0,
"DdlSql" : "CREATE TABLE `dtstestdata`.`order` (\\n`orderid` int(11) COMMENT '' NOT NULL , \\n`username` char(32) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL , \\n`ordertime` datetime COMMENT '' NULL , \\n`commodity` varchar(32) CHARSET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL , \\n`phonenumber` int(11) COMMENT '' NULL , \\n`address` text CHARSET `utf8mb4` COLLATE `utf8mb4_general_ci` COMMENT '' NULL \\n, PRIMARY KEY (`orderid`)) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=`gbk` DEFAULT COLLATE `gbk_chinese_ci` ROW_FORMAT= Dynamic comment = '' ;\\n",
"State" : "Success",
"BootTime" : "2022-03-16T08:01:31.000+00:00",
"Sub" : "[]",
"Total" : 1,
"TargetNames" : "order",
"CanSkip" : true,
"DiffRow" : 1,
"JobId" : "fj1c33ro168****",
"SourceSchema" : "dtstestdata",
"DestSchema" : "dtstestdata_new",
"ParentObj" : "demo",
"OrderNum" : 10,
"Id" : "5632",
"Current" : "0"
} ],
"AnalysisJobProgress" : [ {
"Skip" : false,
"FinishTime" : "2022-03-16T08:01:31.000+00:00",
"IgnoreFlag" : "N",
"DelaySeconds" : 0,
"DdlSql" : "CREATE TABLE ****",
"State" : "Success",
"BootTime" : "2022-03-16T08:01:31.000+00:00",
"Sub" : "[]",
"Total" : 1,
"TargetNames" : "testTable",
"CanSkip" : true,
"ErrDetail" : "ANALYSIS_MYSQL",
"DiffRow" : 1,
"JobId" : "11234234xc",
"SourceSchema" : "dtstestdata",
"DestSchema" : "dest",
"ParentObj" : "demo",
"ErrMsg" : "ANALYSIS_",
"OrderNum" : 10,
"RepairMethod" : "ANALYSIS_",
"Id" : "123123",
"Current" : "0"
} ],
"SubDistributedJobStatus" : [ {
"JobName" : "dts.step.struct.load",
"State" : "Finished",
"JobId" : "n0gm1682j6563np",
"ErrorItem" : 0,
"Code" : "02",
"Total" : 11,
"JobProgress" : [ {
"Skip" : true,
"FinishTime" : "2022-03-31T03:36:11.000+00:00",
"IgnoreFlag" : "N",
"DelaySeconds" : 0,
"DdlSql" : "None",
"State" : "Finished",
"BootTime" : "2022-03-30T03:36:11.000+00:00",
"Item" : "login_common_time",
"Sub" : "[]",
"Total" : 11,
"TargetNames" : "order",
"CanSkip" : false,
"Names" : "metricRuleTargets-20180308houe",
"JobId" : "l3m1213ye7l****",
"SourceSchema" : "databasetest",
"DestSchema" : "databasetest",
"ParentObj" : "None",
"ErrMsg" : "ODPS project does not exist odps.`huijin",
"OrderNum" : 1,
"RepairMethod" : "CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ_REPAIR\t\n",
"Id" : "3890****",
"Current" : "0"
} ]
} ],
"FullNetCheckJobStatus" : [ {
"JobName" : "dts.step.fullnetcheck",
"State" : "Success",
"JobId" : "l3m1213ye7l****",
"ErrorItem" : 0,
"Code" : "01",
"Total" : 11,
"HostRegion" : "cn-hangzhou",
"SrcRegion" : "cn-hangzhou",
"DestRegion" : "cn-hangzhou",
"SrcRegionCidr" : "100.104.XX.XXX/XX",
"DestRegionCidr" : "100.104.XX.XXX/XX",
"SourceEndpointType" : "CEN",
"DestinationEndpointType" : "CEN",
"JobProgress" : [ {
"Skip" : false,
"FinishTime" : "2022-03-31T03:36:11.000+00:00",
"IgnoreFlag" : "N",
"DelaySeconds" : 0,
"DdlSql" : "CREATE TABLE ****",
"State" : "Success",
"BootTime" : "2022-03-30T03:36:11.000+00:00",
"Item" : "CHECK_CONN_SRC",
"Sub" : "[]",
"Total" : 11,
"TargetNames" : "order",
"CanSkip" : false,
"DiffRow" : 1,
"JobId" : "l3m1213ye7l****",
"SourceSchema" : "dtstestdata",
"DestSchema" : "dest",
"ParentObj" : "demo",
"OrderNum" : 1,
"Id" : "922305811766881****",
"Current" : "0"
} ]
} ],
"NetworkDiagnosisResult" : {
"ModelVersion" : "network-v0.2",
"Diagnosis" : [ {
"EndpointType" : "source",
"Code" : "dts.kunlun.diagnosis.network.express_doc",
"CnDocUrl" : "https://***.ali***.com/document_detail/470447.html",
"InternationalDocUrl" : "https://www.ali***.com/help/en/data-transmission-service/latest/how-to-solve-an-error-when-accessing-a-database-instance-to-dts-using-vpn"
} ]
Error codes
HTTP status code |
Error code |
Error message |
Description |
400 | Throttling.User | Request was denied due to user flow control. | The number of requests exceeded the limit, and the request was rejected. Try again later. |
500 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | The response of the server timed out or the server was unavailable. Try again. If the error persists, contact technical support. |
403 | InvalidSecurityToken.Expired | Specified SecurityToken is expired. | The signature expired. Use a new signature. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.