Queries the list of data migration instances and the details of each instance.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeMigrationJobs

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeMigrationJobs.

Tag.N.Key String Yes testkey1

The tag key. You can call the ListTagResources operation to query the tag key.

  • N specifies the serial number of the tag. For example, Tag.1.Key specifies the key of the first tag and Tag.2.Key specifies the key of the second tag. You can specify 1 to 20 tag keys at a time.
  • This parameter cannot be an empty string.
RegionId String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the data migration instances reside. For more information, see List of supported regions.

PageSize Integer No 30

The number of entries to return on each page. Valid values: 30, 50, and 100. Default value: 30.

PageNum Integer No 1

The number of the page to return. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0 and does not exceed the maximum value of the Integer data type. Default value: 1.

MigrationJobName String No MySQL Migration

The name of the data migration task.

Note Fuzzy match is supported.
AccountId String No 12323344****

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. You do not need to specify this parameter because this parameter will be removed in the future.

Tag.N.Value String No testvalue1

The tag value. You can call the ListTagResources operation to query the tag value.

  • N specifies the serial number of the tag. For example, Tag.1.Value specifies the value of the first tag and Tag.2.Value specifies the value of the second tag. You can specify 1 to 20 tag values at a time.
  • This parameter can be an empty string.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
ErrCode String InternalError

The error code returned if the call failed.

ErrMessage String The request processing has failed due to some unknown error.

The error message returned if the call failed.

MigrationJobs Array of MigrationJob

The list of data migration instances and the details of each instance.

DataInitialization Struct

The details of full data migration.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if full data migration failed.

Percent String 100

The migration progress. Unit: %.

Progress String 200001

The number of records that have been migrated during full data migration.

status String Finished

The status of full data migration. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: Full data migration is not started.
  • Migrating: Full data migration is in progress.
  • Failed: Full data migration failed.
  • Finished: Full data migration is completed.
DataSynchronization Struct

The details of incremental data migration.

Delay String 0

The latency of incremental data migration. Unit: seconds.

ErrorMessage String The task has failed for a long time and cannot be recovered.

The error message returned if incremental data migration failed.

Percent String 95

The progress of incremental data migration. Unit: %.

status String Catched

The status of incremental data migration. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: Incremental data migration is not started.
  • Migrating: Incremental data migration is in progress.
  • Failed: Incremental data migration failed.
  • Finished: Incremental data migration is completed.
  • Catched: Incremental data migration is not delayed.
DestinationEndpoint Struct

The connection settings of the destination instance.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database to which the migration object in the destination instance belongs.

EngineName String MySQL

The database type of the destination instance.

IP String 172.16.88.***

The endpoint of the destination instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1zc3iyqe3qw****

The ID of the destination instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the destination instance.

OracleSID String testsid

This parameter is returned only if the database type of the destination instance is Oracle.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the destination instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the destination instance.

InstanceCreateTime String 2021-06-22T09:02:13Z

The time when the data migration instance was created. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC.

JobCreateTime String 2021-06-22T08:53:55Z

The time when the data migration task was created. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format in UTC.

MigrationJobClass String 2xlarge

The specification of the data migration instance. Valid values: small, medium, large, xlarge, and 2xlarge. For more information, see Specifications of data migration instances.

MigrationJobID String dtson2z28evm33****

The ID of the data migration instance.

MigrationJobName String MySQL Migration

The name of the data migration task.

MigrationJobStatus String Migrating

The status of the data migration task. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is being prechecked.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • Migrating: The task is migrating data.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • MigrationFailed: The task failed to migrate data.
  • Finished: The task is completed.
MigrationMode Struct

The migration types.

DataInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether full data migration is performed. Valid values:

  • true: yes
  • false: no
DataSynchronization Boolean true

Indicates whether incremental data migration is performed. Valid values:

  • true: yes
  • false: no
StructureInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether schema migration is performed. Valid values:

  • true: yes
  • false: no
MigrationObject Array of SynchronousObject

The objects that are migrated by the task.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database to which the migration object in the source instance belongs.

TableList List customer

The names of the migrated tables.

WholeDatabase String false

Indicates whether an entire database is migrated. Valid values:

  • true: yes
  • false: no
PayType String PostPaid

The billing method of the data migration instance. The value is PostPaid (pay-as-you-go).

Precheck Struct

The precheck details.

Percent String 100

The precheck progress. Unit: %.

Status String Success

The precheck result. Valid values:

  • Success: The task passed the precheck.
  • Failed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
SourceEndpoint Struct

The connection settings of the source instance.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database to which the migration object in the source instance belongs.

EngineName String MySQL

The database type of the source instance.

IP String 172.16.88.***

The endpoint of the source instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1i99e8l7913****

The ID of the source instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the source instance.

OracleSID String testsid

This parameter is returned only if the database type of the source instance is Oracle.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the source instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the source instance.

StructureInitialization Struct

The details of schema migration.

ErrorMessage String DTS-1020042 Execute sql error sql: ERROR: type "geometry" does not exist;

The error message returned if schema migration failed.

Percent String 100

The progress of schema migration. Unit: %.

Progress String 1

The number of tables whose schemas have been migrated.

status String Finished

The status of schema migration. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: Schema migration is not started.
  • Migrating: Schema migration is in progress.
  • Failed: Schema migration failed.
  • Finished: Schema migration is completed.
Tags Array of Tag

The collection of tags.

Key String testkey1

The tag key.

Value String testvalue1

The tag value that corresponds to the tag key.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number of the returned page.

PageRecordCount Integer 30

The maximum number of entries that can be displayed on the current page.

RequestId String 0ED4846D-ED60-435D-88C0-7EC0CE4D****

The ID of the request.

Success String true

Indicates whether the call was successful.

TotalRecordCount Long 300

The total number of data migration instances that belong to your Alibaba Cloud account.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

                  <MigrationJobName>MySQL Migration</MigrationJobName>

JSON format

	"TotalRecordCount": 300,
	"PageRecordCount": 30,
	"RequestId": "0ED4846D-ED60-435D-88C0-7EC0CE4D****",
	"PageNumber": 1,
	"MigrationJobs": {
		"MigrationJob": [
				"DataSynchronization": {
					"Percent": "95",
					"Delay": "0",
					"status": "Catched"
				"Precheck": {},
                "InstanceCreateTime": "2021-06-22T09:02:13Z",
				"JobCreateTime": "2021-06-22T08:53:55Z",
				"MigrationJobName": "MySQL Migration",
				"PayType": "PostPaid",
				"MigrationJobStatus": "Migrating",
				"MigrationMode": {
					"DataInitialization": true,
					"DataSynchronization": true,
					"StructureInitialization": true
				"MigrationJobID": "dtson2z28evm33****",
				"MigrationObject": {
					"SynchronousObject": [
							"DatabaseName": "dtstest",
							"WholeDatabase": false,
							"TableList": {
								"Table": [
				"DataInitialization": {
					"Progress": "200001",
					"Percent": "100",
					"status": "Finished"
				"DestinationEndpoint": {
					"UserName": "dtstest",
					"InstanceID": "rm-bp1zc3iyqe3qw****",
					"InstanceType": "RDS",
					"EngineName": "MySQL"
				"MigrationJobClass": "2xlarge",
				"SourceEndpoint": {
					"UserName": "dtstest",
					"InstanceID": "rm-bp1i99e8l7913****",
					"InstanceType": "RDS",
					"EngineName": "MySQL"
				"StructureInitialization": {
					"Progress": "1",
					"Percent": "100",
					"status": "Finished"
				"Tags": {
					"Tag": []
	"Success": true

Error codes

HTTP status code Error code Error message Description
500 InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. The error message returned because a system error has occurred.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.